Sunday, May 17, 2020
Should Drones Shape Future Of Warfare - 898 Words
Should Drones Shape Future of Warfare? Over seventy countries in today s society have access to drone technology and there are many others still trying to acquire it. These drones have become present in many settings such as farming, service and warfare. In terms of warfare, there are two main types of drones that have been established: UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and RPASs (remotely piloted aerial systems). This technology is arising in warfare situations and there is much controversy over whether drones should be used in warfare, who becomes responsible if something malfunctions, what the procedure will be during attacks and what their ethical implications are. Research by Kelsey D. Atherton in her article for Popular Science has shown by 2030, the rise of this technology will have eliminated almost a quarter of human soldiers (par. 1). There is much to consider both for and against the use of drone warfare in our future. In this essay, I will highlight the advantages and disad vantages of drone warfare and I will present my view that drone warfare is more damaging than beneficial. Drone technology was created for a reason, and in society, we are choosing to move forth with its benefits. Firstly, many see drone warfare as positive because it takes soldiers off the battlefield and keeps them safe at home. Drones are being programmed autonomously to act in dangerous situations, thus saving the lives of our soldiers. However, their military jobs are eliminated in theShow MoreRelatedDrones Is Becoming An Increasingly Popular Technology Item Essay1946 Words  | 8 PagesThe use of drones is becoming an increasingly popular technology item. Initially developed and restricted to only military use, the advances in technology have suddenly made the public use of drones more accessible. 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