Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Are You Ready to Apply to Chicago Booth
It’s time to get serious about your MBA application plans. Will you be at your top-choice school next fall? Or will you be wishing you’d worked harder on your applicationsand preparing for another attempt? Applying to an elite program like Chicago Booth  which is one of the few programs that saw an increase in application volume last year  requires thoughtful preparation. You need to show that you’re a great fit, and that you stand out in a crowded applicant pool. To help you do all that, we’ve created a webinar, Get Accepted to Chicago Booth, in which Accepted’s founder and president, Linda Abraham, will walk you through each piece of the Chicago Booth MBA application and give you the keys to application success. You’ll learn a proven four-part strategy for approaching your application, and by the end of the webinar, you’ll fully understand what the adcom is really looking for. All in one hour  and it’s free! We’re offering it twice on Thursday, October 24, first at 10am PT/1pm ET and again at 5pm PT/8pm ET. Don’t miss Get Accepted to Chicago Booth – reserve your spot today. Register Now: hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "58291", formId: "3292a5fa-4167-4080-a95a-da9182204995" }); For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more. Want an MBA admissions expert to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch! Are You Ready to Apply to Chicago Booth It’s time to get serious about your MBA application plans. Will you be at your top-choice school next fall? Or will you be wishing you’d worked harder on your applicationsand preparing for another attempt? Applying to an elite program like Chicago Booth  which is one of the few programs that saw an increase in application volume last year  requires thoughtful preparation. You need to show that you’re a great fit, and that you stand out in a crowded applicant pool. To help you do all that, we’ve created a webinar, Get Accepted to Chicago Booth, in which Accepted’s founder and president, Linda Abraham, will walk you through each piece of the Chicago Booth MBA application and give you the keys to application success. You’ll learn a proven four-part strategy for approaching your application, and by the end of the webinar, you’ll fully understand what the adcom is really looking for. All in one hour  and it’s free! We’re offering it twice on Thursday, October 24, first at 10am PT/1pm ET and again at 5pm PT/8pm ET. Don’t miss Get Accepted to Chicago Booth – reserve your spot today. Register Now: hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "58291", formId: "3292a5fa-4167-4080-a95a-da9182204995" }); For 25 years, Accepted has helped business school applicants gain acceptance to top programs. Our outstanding team of MBA admissions consultants features former business school admissions directors and professional writers who have guided our clients to admission at top MBA, EMBA, and other graduate business programs worldwide including Harvard, Stanford, Wharton, Booth, INSEAD, London Business School, and many more. Want an MBA admissions expert to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Should Drones Shape Future Of Warfare - 898 Words
Should Drones Shape Future of Warfare? Over seventy countries in today s society have access to drone technology and there are many others still trying to acquire it. These drones have become present in many settings such as farming, service and warfare. In terms of warfare, there are two main types of drones that have been established: UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) and RPASs (remotely piloted aerial systems). This technology is arising in warfare situations and there is much controversy over whether drones should be used in warfare, who becomes responsible if something malfunctions, what the procedure will be during attacks and what their ethical implications are. Research by Kelsey D. Atherton in her article for Popular Science has shown by 2030, the rise of this technology will have eliminated almost a quarter of human soldiers (par. 1). There is much to consider both for and against the use of drone warfare in our future. In this essay, I will highlight the advantages and disad vantages of drone warfare and I will present my view that drone warfare is more damaging than beneficial. Drone technology was created for a reason, and in society, we are choosing to move forth with its benefits. Firstly, many see drone warfare as positive because it takes soldiers off the battlefield and keeps them safe at home. Drones are being programmed autonomously to act in dangerous situations, thus saving the lives of our soldiers. However, their military jobs are eliminated in theShow MoreRelatedDrones Is Becoming An Increasingly Popular Technology Item Essay1946 Words  | 8 PagesThe use of drones is becoming an increasingly popular technology item. Initially developed and restricted to only military use, the advances in technology have suddenly made the public use of drones more accessible. Although, consumer version drones are not as sophisticated and complex as military drones, the principal remains relatively the same. In 2015, worldwide spending on drones was at $4 billion. This was set to more than triple in the next decade with military drone research spending estimatedRead MoreAn Interview With An Associate Professor Of Homeland Security At Embry Riddle Aeronautical University ( Erau )2498 Words  | 10 PagesDrones already carry a negative, political connotation. The breaches in sovereignty are a major political issue for involved countries. Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan are examples of the United States’ willingness to conduct military strikes without the consent of the governing body within the country. Furthermore, targeted killings are essentially a means for assassinations, which were prohibited under the Reagan administration. However, this fact is abated, as the killing of Anwar Al-AwlakiRead MoreModern War2230 Words  | 9 Pagesliberal governments in the Balkans and the Middle East.†This war is also considered the first modern war due to the use of mass media. Due to the telegraph citizens in London w ere able to follow the war being fought in the Crimean and this helped shape the British â€Å"national consciousness†. The American Civil War is considered, and is, the first modern war because the Civil War occurred as three different revolutions were converging. These three revolutions were the Industrial Revolution, the FrenchRead MoreCyber Security and Cyber Weapons3827 Words  | 16 Pagesâ€Å"Securing a computer system has traditionally been a battle of wits: the penetrator tries to find the holes, and the designer tries to close them.†  ~Gosser Warfare has always been a game of cat and mouse. As technology increases war has to adapt with it. Wars have evolved from a contest of strength to a show of potential. Previously wars were fought with large armies and whomever could most effectively utilize the most troops with better training won; now however, a single person with a nuclear bomb can destroy a city within secondsRead MoreThe Civil War Of The Middle East2319 Words  | 10 Pagesmust remove the Ba’ath party from office with whatever means are necessary, and put a member from both the Free Syrian army as well as the Federation of Northern Syria into government positions. I want both in power to prevent another civil war or a future coup d’à ©tat. After a new basic structure of government is formed, the coalition of allied forces would need to fund the reconstruction of the basic infrastructure and utilities needed for basic communities. From there, we can set up basic refugeeRead MoreArtificial Intelligence Essay2133 Words  | 9 Pagesin a game environment. In pattern recognition, scientists must solve the task of enabling computers to identify and isolate smaller units of data from larger groups. The computer will need this processing capability in order to recognize and select shapes, forms and configurations. The process can be compared to a doctor’s ability to diagnose a medical condition from a list of symptoms. The last subcategory we will look at is cybernetics or robotics. This field is responsible for the analysis and interactionRead MoreThesis - Information Operations in Strategic, Operational, and Tactical Levels of War23393 Words  | 94 Pagesused in the analysis of each level of warfare. Strategic , operational, and tactical level IO were analyzed by matching relevant IO capabilities with the IO effects desired at the respective levels. Sample systems were provided for each capability when appropriate. IO efforts in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Allied Force were analyzed. This thesis concluded that a balanced systematic approach to IO through its integration at all three levels of warfare will produce much better results thanRead MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words  | 99 Pagesin science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology e. Genetic modification f. Right tech for wrong reasons 3. Arts/Culture a. Arts have a future in Singapore? b. Why pursue Arts? c. Arts and technology d. Uniquely Singapore: Culture 4. Environment a. Developed vs. Developing b. Should environment be saved at all costs c. Are we doing enough to save the environment? d. Main reasons for environmental problems nowadays 5. Religion a. Religion dividesRead MoreScientific Management30702 Words  | 123 Pageseither in the form of generous piecework prices or of a premium or bonus of some kind for good and rapid work; shorter hours of labor; better surroundings and working conditions than are ordinarily given, etc., and, above all, this special incentive should be accompanied by that personal consideration for, and friendly contact with, his workmen which comes only from a genuine and kindly interest in the welfare of those under him. It is only by giving a special inducement or incentive of this kindRead MoreScientific Management30696 Words  | 123 Pageseither in the form of generous piecework prices or of a premium or bonus of some kind for good and rapid work; shorter hours of labor; better surroundings and working conditions than are ordinarily given, etc., and, above all, this special incentive should be accompanied by that personal consideration for, and friendly contact with, his workmen which co mes only from a genuine and kindly interest in the welfare of those under him. It is only by giving a special inducement or incentive of this kind
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Adjectival - Definition and Examples
A cover term for a single adjective or a word group with an adjective as a head. A word or phrase that functions as an adjective to modify a noun. Examples R.L. Trask: In the following examples, the bold italic item is adjectival: my new book (an adjective phrase consisting only of an adjective); a very long opera (an adjective phrase containing a degree modifier and an adjective); the roses in your garden (a prepositional phrase); a copper-producing region (a participial phrase); his damn-your-eyes attitude (an entire sentence reduced to a modifier); the woman you were talking to (a relative clause). A few linguists would also apply the label adjectival to a noun modifying another noun, as in a security van and a plastic cup, but this use is not normal. Carl Bache: Adjectivals typically have one of the following functions: DEP [dependents] The clever girls told their anxious mother nothing.Cs [subject complement] Jane is exceptionally intelligent.Co [object complement] They drove him mad. Naturally, adjectivals also function as conjoints in compound units, e.g.: CJT [conjoint] She sent him a long and rather boring letter. Adjectivals are often used as complements in verbless adverbial clauses: Cs If necessary, I can help her.However disagreeable their presence, you have to let them in. Adjectives serving as dependents in (pro)noun groups are called attributive adjectives while adjectives with subject or object complement function are called predicative adjectives.In addition to attributive and predicative uses, adjectivals may assume adverbial function: A [adverbial] Unhappy with the result, he decided to resign.Dicky hurried in breathless, wearing his new trenchcoat.Expressionless he drew his head back in again. Adjectivals in this last category are sometimes referred to as independent or free complements rather than adverbials. The Nouny-Verby Split Harrie Wetzer: [T]he grammatical behaviour of property concept words, irrespective of their alleged word class status, can be characterized by two opposing tendencies. Adjectivals tend to associate with the nouns or with the verbs; at the same time, they typically display grammatical properties not shared by core nouns or verbs... As opposed to the standardly accepted tripartite division into Adjectives, (adjectival) Nouns, and (adjectival) Verbs, this alternative perspective implies a dichotomy between two groups of adjectivals, which, following Ross (1972, 1973), may be called nouny and verby adjectivals. In this view, the cross-linguistic category Adjective is split up so as to be distributed among the categories of (adjectival) Nouns and (adjectival) Verbs, respectively. Noun-like adjectives, together with (adjectival) nouns, will then constitute the category of nouny adjectivals; the category of verby adjectivals is made up verb-like adjectives and (adjectival) verbs. Pronunciation: adj-ik-TIE-vel
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Good Man By Flannery O Connor - 1239 Words
Jhony Echeverria ENGL-1302-51121 Ms.Edwards Tuesday July 26, 2016 Good Man What’s a good man? Can it be descriptive?. And can that person be identified as a good man who is hard to find?. The story of â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†talks about a grandmother whose name is not mentioned directly in the story. Mystery has it, that she has been explaining her story as if she was the good man or who knows what she could be talking about referring someone or telling someone that good men are hard to find. The author Flannery O’connor wrote this story in 1953, where there must different events occurring causing the relations of racism and different inventions throughout the history that had been shaping America. Therefore, a lot of important events that must it been happening when she was writing this story could be similar to women behaving or acting like men who take responsibilities to different levels of structure to indeed understand the terms of a â€Å" Good Man†. This is just the beginning of where the writer direc ts the story towards a horror story or even an uplifting depiction of someone’s own will. Flannery O’Connor is one of the names that is closely related to the southern style of fiction.The American south one of the books that she has written in her early times has one of the main characters in her stories that play out almost the same rule of a vicious woman. Throughout â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†images of the south are frequent and interesting, while we hearShow MoreRelatedA Good Man By Flannery O Connor1235 Words  | 5 PagesA good man is hard to find is a short story written by, Flannery O’Connor, in which the she describes the story of a family going out for a trip to Florida. The grandmother in the family seems to be apparently the main character in the story and the main one who tries to convince the family that is dangerous to go out when there’s a man named the Misfit who is ready to attack and kill anyone in his way. No one in the family seemed to believe her, and yet; they all decided to travel. In their wayRead MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor Essay1049 Words  | 5 Pages1302.03 31 March 2015 A Good Man is Hard to Find In â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find, the author, Flannery O’Connor states many points in this short story. It is to be said that O’Connor is a very religious, catholic, in fact (Vol. 2 pg. 97). O’Connor has stated her religious views in most of her fiction stories. O’Connor was also known for her stories on violence. Readers sometimes find O’Connor’s fictions to be weird with such turning points in her stories. â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†has manyRead MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor1795 Words  | 8 PagesJada Brandon 11-26-2015 English 261 Final exam A Good Man is Hard to find in this Story Considered as one of the best short story authors in her era, Flannery O Connor wrote many short stories before her death in 1964. A faithful Catholic, religion was a primary theme in her works; she wrote mostly about southern life with religious themes recurring in her work. One of her most famous stories was the 1955 short story A Good Man Is Hard to Find. The story depicts the heartless execution ofRead MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor946 Words  | 4 PagesIn 1955, Flannery O’ Connor published the short story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find†which became her best-known short story. Although many appreciated her work it received much criticism for its peculiar character, The Misfit. His callous violent behavior made people uncomfortable with her work describing it as consistently distorted and manipulative. The Misfit’s unsentimental and cruel behavior characterizes true psychological disturbance similar to that of Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahm er. Read MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor2114 Words  | 9 Pages A Good Man is Hard to Find Analysis In the short story, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, Flannery O Connor uses characterization, flashbacks, the five-part plot structure, and point of view to set up the plot efficiently. The story is told through the Grandmother’s point of view most of the time in order to understand her, and her thoughts in her final moments with the misfit. In seeing how the grandmother views the world around her the reader is able to understand the type of person she is. O’ConnorRead MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor1059 Words  | 5 PagesPicture this: three children, two parents, a grandmother, and a cat walk into a barbecue joint. This sounds like the beginning of a hilarious joke; however, it is the start of a devastating family vacation. Written by Flannery O Connor in 1953, â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find†portrays wrongful humor and violence through the use of symbolism and imagery. Looking closely at the story one can see the grandmother’s dress, the six grave stones, and the woods, just to name a few, all symbolize and foreshadowRead MoreFlannery O Connor s A Good Man1275 Words  | 6 PagesFlannery O’Connor has written multiple books about the two topics she knows best, southern living and the Catholic religion. Most of her writings focus on humanity s biggest question. â€Å"What is required to attain salvation?†Growing up as a devout Roman-Catholic, O’Connor is able to shed some light into a question that even scholars in the Christian faith are unable to answer. Although O Connor has multiple books, the one that answers the many questions surrounding salvation best, is A Good ManRead MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor1369 Words  | 6 PagesFlannery O’Connor is one of the most controversial and well known modern day Southern Gothic authors in America. When she came into prominence in 1955 with her first collection of short stories titled A Good Man is Hard to Find, it was met with criticism for b eing overtly violent and grotesque. One reviewer from Time magazine said the short stories were â€Å"witheringly sarcastic†and â€Å"written in a style as balefully direct as a death sentence†(Simpson 44). The reviewer went even further on to callRead MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor1927 Words  | 8 PagesWe have recently read a story written by Flannery O’Connor titled â€Å"A good man is hard to find.†The story was about a family who were on their way to Florida for vacation. On their way, they had an accident that caused their vehicle to tumble ten feet down a ditch. While they were waiting for help, a group of escaped convicts from a Federal Penitentiary witnessed the accident and approached the family. It is unknown to the readers whether or not the intention of these convicts for approaching theRead MoreA Good Man By Flannery O Connor874 Words  | 4 PagesLife Gothic genres are often characterized by themes including hypocrisy, death, racism, among others. The plainspoken, comic- cartoon-ish, blunt, and obvious short story writer, Flannery O’Connor, in her short story â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard to Find,†bring about the perfect example of Gothic fiction. The story is about an escaped mentally-ill criminal dubbed The Misfit- who crossed path with a fatal family. The main characters, The Grandmother, June Star, The Misfit and even Bailey among others
Economic Indicators A Economic Indicator - 1337 Words
Introduction Economic Indicators are pieces of data that is usually of the macroeconomic scale that is used by investors to calculate current and future investment opportunities. They also help them decide the health of an economy. An economic indicator can be anything the investor chooses, but certain kinds of data that is released by the government and non-profit organizations are widely followed (Investopedia, 2015). Economic Indicators An economic indicator can have one of the three types of relationships to the economy. These would be procyclic, acyclic, and coutnercyclic. Procyclic economic indicators move in sync with the direction as the economy. A countercyclic economic indicator is the opposite of procyclic where as†¦show more content†¦When output rises the GDP increases and when the output decreases, the GDP will as well. This is known as the business. Real GDP tends to take pricing increases into account as well as providing a more accurate result of a production increase. This type of GDP is usually used to forecast sales, stock prices and earnings which are based on a quarterly review on most current information or data. Information that is provided in the GDP would be current supply and demand of durable and nondurable goods, services and structures. Starbucks is a company that provides both goods and services to the consumer. Every business relies on the GDP for m any reasons. Investors use these reports to prepare the company for future planning. Representing close to 70% of the GDP, consumer spending for services and goods like those produced by Starbucks has been the fuel that propels US economic growth. Starbucks would was at 6% in 2014 in the overall GDP for the United States and 7% in China. Starbucks relies on the GDP to help investors better analyze trends and with making recommendations for the overall health of the company. The US GDP is a large contributing factor for investors, companies that helps them with their decision making. When Starbucks decides to invest in a company or product, the GDP is one of the main sources that are viewed for retaining information to help them make the big economic decisions. Unemployment Every company is affected byShow MoreRelatedLeading Economic Indicators1428 Words  | 6 PagesLeading Economic indicators offer statistics and data about the economy. There are a total of ten economic indicators that the conference board uses to gather statistics and data to determine the status of the economy and what is expected. This helps them determine what businesses and people should and should not do for the future of the economy Three leading economic indicators that have been on the media lately are the average weekly hours and manufacturing, manufacturers new orders, consumerRead More Economic Indicators Essay535 Words  | 3 Pages Economic Indicators nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;For the individual who watches CNN a great deal, the term Economic Indicators well recognized. However, for the individual who chooses not to make CNN a primary station, the term Economic Indicators can be extremely confusing. Economist often use very unlike terms when referring to the fluctuating economy. Economic Indicators happens to be one of the many terms that they use. So, what exactly are Economic Indicators, and what purpose do they serveRead MoreEconomic Indicators Paper1521 Words  | 7 PagesEconomic Indicators Paper What does it mean when someone refers to the health of an economy? Furthermore, how can one classify an economy? Americans love to quantify data. Because of this inherent need to compare data, economists have developed a way to collect nearly every type of statistics that may reveal the general health of the economy. These statistics actually tell if the economy is productive and efficient or if it is slow and inefficient. Included in these statistics are Gross DomesticRead MoreEconomic Indicators Essay1794 Words  | 8 PagesEconomic Indicators Economic indicators are various layers of statistics that provide insight and information into how an economy is functioning. An economist might use economic indicators to paint a picture of current economic performance, or make future economic predictions. As a team, we will profile six economic indicators: Consumer Price Index, Capacity Utilization, Unemployment Rate, Producer Price Index, Interest Rate, and Inflation Rate. Historic charts for each indicatorRead MoreThe Economics Of Happiness Is An Indicator Of Economic Success1790 Words  | 8 Pagespotential benefits and drawbacks of using happiness as an indicator of economic success, analyze how it can be measured and examine the current theories on whether happiness can cause economic growth, or vice versa. Whilst economic growth first and foremost implies an increase in GDP per capita, increasing happiness can be attributed to many different determinants such as health, education, stability and inequality. Therefore, t he economics of happiness is a multi-layered and rather subjective areaRead MoreEconomic Indicators Of The Disney Company1401 Words  | 6 PagesEconomic indicators Economic indicators refer to economic series statistical figures used to make future prediction economic activity in the organization or country. The economic indicators are useful in each organization since they measure specific economic parameters in the market and can be used to forecast the future market trends (Baumohl, 2016). For instance, the company like Disney uses these economic indicators to curb and minimizes the difficult economic situation that may arise. There areRead MoreHome Depot Economic Indicators Essay804 Words  | 4 PagesHome Depot Economic Indicators Two of the economic indicators, housing starts and interest rates have a trickle down effect on Home Depots business. The current outlook for both of these indicators is still , unfortunately, bleak. We are firm believers in Edward Learners thesis that Housing is the Business Cycle. It is still considered the source through which we view the economic cycle. According to a survey by PAA Research, the housing market colors every investment idea evaluated andRead MoreThe Economic Indicators That Affect Apple Inc.1755 Words  | 8 PagesApple Inc. This paper introduces six economic indicators that affect Apple Inc. and how they form part of the firm strategic plans and goals for the future of the firm. A definition this paper provides a definition of each economic indicator along with an explanation of how they affect the company’s domestic operations. In addition, the paper offers suggestions as of what the strategic response for each indicator should be. Economic Indicators An economic indicator is defined by (nRead MoreFerguson Enterprise: Macroeconomics Term Paper1379 Words  | 5 Pagesregions. Lyty 5 They collect data from Northeast, Midwest, South and West. Housing starts and building permits are considered leading indicators. Building permit figures are used to compute the Conference Boards U.S. Leading Index. This chart compares the double-dip recession of the early 1980s with the current economic climate using the housing start indicators. You can clearly see that from the start in December to present day the housing start is near identical with the 1980s. AccordingRead MoreGdp Growth And Other Economic Indicators1408 Words  | 6 Pagesgrowth and other economic indicators Average per capita income in the United States has the increasing trend that covers a period of 1990 to 2014. The GDP per Capita reveals relationship in economic performance and population growth of a country. An increase in Gross Domestic Production per Capital shows development in economic leading to improvement in living standards. On the other hand, Australia GDP has shown a positive increase over last decade (Babihuga, 2007). The economic level has improved
Ethical Leadership and Corporate Government
Question: Discuss the importance of ethical leadership and corporate government,what impact do they have on ensuing ethical conduct within organisation. Answer: Introduction: According to Shapiro and Stefkovich (2016), the importance of ethical leadership and practice in business is gaining itself a common platform to compete well in the market, provide better customer service and addressing to the various problems concerning the society. The report aims to show the conceptualization and importance of ethical practice and corporate governance through a case study based on Best Buy. The study shows how a company like Best Buy dealing in electronics has been able to establish itself as a strong market contender by taking several initiatives which are aimed for the welfare of employees, customer, vendors, stakeholders and society at large. The company, founded by Richard Schulze entered into partnerships and acquisition programs to work upon new business ideas which gave the edge to improve its falling share prices and remain in the competition. The vision of the company is itself based on people first and then technology, it also believes jolly employees tr anslate into happy customers. The following study shows the various CSR activities, energy-efficient solutions and ethical corporate governance based on the case study of the organization. (Chun et al. 2013). General discussion The corporate vision of Best Buy gives an augmented effort to its employees as well as customers. The company is devoted to provide a wide variety of training services which can enhance their The Companys chief ethics officer Kathleen Edmond showed how the company can build better employee confidence by listening to their queries on various kinds of electronic items posted in the online forums. The CEO also used cases of unethical practices show that ethical conduct which should be adhered within a company. The company also focused on various programs for the employees who gives service more than 32 hours shall be entitled to receive family health insurance, tuition facility and enhanced adoption assistance. This initiative will enabled the employees to work more efficiently as they were provided with greater flexibility and benefits for putting extra effort during working hours. Best Buy has taken several proposals for the teens by giving them access to explore new technology, devel oping online tutorial classes in the workshops of the company. This step ensured that society is able to reduce the barrier associated with economical and social aspects which prevent many from getting access to newer technology. This program was developed by the acquired partner named geek squad. (Kiddee et al. 2013). The company also took several initiatives for disaster relief operations in the affected areas of the world such as Haiti. In the year 2012, Best Buy donated more than 1000 disaster kits in the distressed areas through its partners. Several energy efficient operations of the company include its partnership with Energy Star. This ensured the customers use only energy efficient products and meet the guidelines by environmental protection agency. The no idling policy ensured that its vehicles were prohibited from keeping their engines on outside the premises of Best Buy. The company also ensured reduction of e-waste by providing the facility of customers recycle the electronic items by providing it drop facility free of charge (Hoffman et al. 2014). Conclusion The report states the several ethical steps taken by the top management of Best Buy in order to gain a competitive advantage. In order to understand the importance of corporate governance we can see how the different hierarchies of people are treated in the same way as they need to show appropriate corporate conduct within the organization. The CEO of the company Richard Schulze has rightfully demonstrated that engaging interpersonal relationships within an organization contributes to a negative working environment. He also shows how inappropriate behavior within an organization can set a wrong example for others (Harford and Maxwell 2012). Reference List Chun, J.S., Shin, Y., Choi, J.N. and Kim, M.S., 2013. How does corporate ethics contribute to firm financial performance? The mediating role of collective organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Management, 39(4), pp.853-877. Harford, J., Mansi, S.A. and Maxwell, W.F., 2012. Corporate governance and firm cash holdings in the US. In Corporate Governance (pp. 107-138). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Hoffman, W.M., Frederick, R.E. and Schwartz, M.S. eds., 2014. Business ethics: Readings and cases in corporate morality. John Wiley Sons. Kiddee, P., Naidu, R. and Wong, M.H., 2013. Electronic waste management approaches: An overview. Waste Management, 33(5), pp.1237-1250. Shapiro, J.P. and Stefkovich, J.A., 2016. Ethical leadership and decision making in education: Applying theoretical perspectives to complex dilemmas. Routledge.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Training And Its Impact On Performance @ People2people - Samples
Question: Discuss about the Training And Its Impact On Performance @ People2people. Answer: Introduction Training is a planned program that allows an employee to acquire new skills, knowledge and upgrade themselves. Development, in many cases, implies to training program that are provided to employees with future growth in mind. If an employee has been identified for a particular future role at people2people, he would be continuously trained on that and this is development (Becerra 2013). This would mean that the employee is continuously trained on various topics related to the new role that the employee would be offered soon. Organizations have understood a fact that hiring professionals who are well trained are expensive. At the same time, the organization also needs to understand that person can be readily trained to meet the requirement of an organization, because every organization is slightly different than that of the other and hence, every employee needs to be trained at least for few days when they join a new organization (Barber 2014). People2people should ensure that an employee is trained from the day one of his joining so that he can understand the learning opportunities that an organization provides and also they would be mentally prepared for a long tenure (Bhattacharya 2013). First and foremost, people2people need to understand the areas wherein they would require improving and accordingly, employee training programs need to be improved. One of the best ways to understand the training needs of the organization is by way of understanding the areas of concern which might be leading to dissatisfaction among the customers. Accordingly, a competency map needs to be prepared (Chou 2014). This would help the HR professionals to understand each important area that can create an impact on various factors like the revenue generation, customer satisfaction and employee performance. Accordingly, the skill sets needs to be mapped to achieve each of the targets set (Craig 2013). The HR professional needs to understand that each employee in the organization needs to possess all the skill sets so that the organization can be competitive. Accordingly, each employee needs to be assessed against the skill sets that they possess. It is merely impossible for any employee to p ossess all the skills sets that is required at the organization level to perform. Based on results derived, all the employees in the organization should be trained so that each one of them can work towards the common goal (Durna 2015). Training allows an employee to grow, learn and it also creates an environment where in an employee feels that the organization is concerned about the employees growth. This motivates the employee to learn more and achieve more from the training provided to them and hence, pushing the revenue of the organization (Dade 2013). Literature review: Competency mapping Training and development in the organization starts with competency mapping. If the organization has appropriate ways to map the competencies of the employees and also the competencies required for the organization, the training program will be appropriate (DiMaria 2014). Few of the steps that will help an organization to implement success competency mapping are discussed below. Competency mapping will be the responsibility of the HR department and hence, they need to put in efforts to understand the technicalities and other concerns related to each department in the organization (Dickson 2015). First and foremost, the HR needs to spend time and understand the department for which the competency mapping needs to be done. Competencies required for an IT professional would be completely different than that of the competencies required for a technician at the plant level. It is important for the HR to understand the department and also the duties that they perform on daily basis (Elfman 2013). Secondly, the grades and levels in the organization also need to be understood by the HR who is responsible for the competency mapping. Two employees in the same department, at two different levels will not be responsible for the same tasks (Fonseka 2014). Each one would be responsible for different tasks and the organization would expect each one to possess different set of responsibilities. Based on the grade and level of the employee, competency mapping needs to be done (Fisher 2015). A formal document explicitly discussing the roles and responsibilities of each employee will allow the HR member to be aware of the competencies required against each role (Finkelstein 2014). A job analysis can be undertaken by themanagement to have a readily available document in place. This will clearly give an idea about the capabilities that an individual need to possess with regards to his daily roles and responsibilities (Grossberg 2015). The HR department will have to spend time with different people in the department to ensure that they are able to get a better clarity on the roles and responsibilities that each one in the organization is handling (Hong 2014). To get a better understanding of the competencies required, different competency mapping tools can be used. Questionnaire, interviews, assessment centres and psychometric tests are few of the strategies that can be used. The HR professional needs to have a questionnaire in place, so that they can pull out all the required information, along with the extra information (Hanley 2015). There are professional assessment centres and psychometric tests available this would help the HR to get ready information about the organization. The competencies which have been identified through the various modes cannot be used directly. The HR needs to distribute the skill sets based on the attributes and then accordingly, it needs to be distributed at different levels (Hoffman 2015). People at different level in the organization should hold different skill sets to outperform their roles and responsibilities. The HR may not be the right person to verify if the skill sets received through competency mapping is right or not (Jayawardena 2013). They need to get in touch with the managers and supervisors to ensure that the skill sets are mapped rightly to the right roles and responsibilities. The department heads will be able to share their input on the competencies that they are looking for so this helps the HR department to recruit and train people accordingly (Juttner 2013). A competency calendar needs to be put in place to ensure that each employee in the organization can be aware of the competencies that he needs to possess, to be upgraded to the next level in the organization. This competency calendar can be used by the HR department to plan the training program to upgrade the skill sets of the employees (Hsu 2014). Competencies required for call centre staff (Call agents) The competencies required for the call centre staff is different than that of the employees in the other industry. The HR department should analyze and understand the same so that they can look for the suitable training programs (Katherine 2015). Few of the competencies that a call centre staff would require to grow in the organization, are discussed below. It is very important for a call centre employee to be very expressive by way of verbal and non-verbal communication. It is very important for the call agent to convey their thoughts very clearly to the customers and at the same time, they should be able to understand the communication of the customer, which may not be as fluent as theirs (Kessler 2015). Apart from that, they need to stop at right places so that the customers dont feel that the call agent is interested in conveying their thoughts alone. Apart from that, the tempo and the pitch of the volume should also be adjusted to ensure that the customer doesnt feel threatened or ignored (Kim 2015). Listening is one important competency that a call agent would require. When the customer shares their concern, the call agent to listen to their concern and at the same time, they should also make a note of all the important points so that the same can be used while answering the queries. If the call agent doesnt listen to customers complete query then the customer would feel offended and at the same time, some customers may get angry as well (Kravitz 2015). Attentiveness to small details is very important for a call agent. If they miss out on important and minute details shared by the customer then the customer may get irritated and at the same time, the customer may also feel that the call agent is not giving much of attention to what the caller said (Kulak 2014). If the caller is not very attentive, they may not be able capture important details and at the same time, they will not be able to ask more relevant information which would be required to solve the concern (Kevoe 2015). The call agent needs to understand the product, common problems and also the specific needs of the customer. Paying individual attention to queries and concern of the customer is one of the best ways by which the customer can be satisfied with his experience and also with the product or service that he is using. The call agent should be considerate towards the needs of the customer (Kursunluoglu 2014). If a call agent makes a call to sell a particular product then he needs to check if its the right time to have a word with them. In case, the customer is not comfortable then the call agent should call later at the convenient time. If the customer is not willing to buy a product then the call agent should respect the customers opinion and decision rather than that of being pushy (Kumar 2014). It is very important for the call centre agent to have a positive attitude towards the conversation that is happening with the customer. Similarly, the call agents should be positive and energetic throughout the day so that the same energy can be shared with the customer. If the call centre agent is not very motivated and positive then the callers will also behave the same way and they may end up fighting with the call agent, which will lead to other problems as well (Lo 2013). The call agent also needs to be confident while they are answering the queries of the customers. If the call agent is sceptical about a certain thing then it is better that they allow their colleague, who is confident, to answer the question. If the call agent is not confident then he will not be able to answer all the questions and this can lead to customer dissatisfaction (Lee 2013). The queries of the customers should be answered in a timely manner so that the call agent can take up more calls in a day. To increase the speed, the call agent shouldnt just ignore the queries of the customer as this will lead to unwanted concerns and escalations. Every customers query should be answered appropriately and at the same time, they should be quick to take up other call so that the new customers waiting time can be reduced (Liat 2014). The call agent cannot expect all the customers to be same as different customer may have different problem and they may react differently. It is very important for the call agent to handle different calls differently so that the expectations of all the customers are met and at the same time, the call agent will also be positively motivated to talk to more number of customers (Lennox 2015). Training and development its importance in a call centre Training and development allows the organization to improve the knowledge base of the employees. Call centres may think that investing in training program will lead to wastage of time and money (Lee 2014). For example, if an individual is attending a one day training program then throughout the day, he wont be productive and at the same time, the organization will also have to pay for the complete day. Call centres need to understand that the employees would be motivated to stay in the organization if they are given an opportunity to upgrade themselves (Morris 2014). It is always better for an organization to lose one man-day/month rather than that of recruiting a new person for the position. Few of the advantages of providing training for the employees on regular basis are discussed below. If the trainings are identified rightly then it can create an impact on the performance of the employee. Call centre is a very competitive company because of the number of companies that opens up daily and also the number of companies that shuts down. Appropriate trainings will ensure that the competency of the employee is improved and at the same time, they will help the organization to grow (Muhi 2013). In a call centre environment, the employees would be overloaded with work and hence, they would require a break from their regular schedule. The training program will motivate them, allow them to take their much needed break and the same time, it will also expose to work possibilities which wouldnt have been possible otherwise (Marin 2013). This increases the level of satisfaction and the employees would feel satisfaction in accepting and meeting the new challenges at work. This will make the employees feel connected with the organization (Mugridge 2015). If training program is provided to employees based on the skill sets that they possess and also the areas of weakness, then the organization can derive better results. The organization should identify the skill set for a training program and accordingly, employees who lack those skill sets needs to be identified and trained (Nomsa 2015). This will ensure that the employees who are dependent on their colleague for completion of regular task would reduce and ultimately, the time of each employee would be saved. In a call centre environment, quality is of utmost importance so they should continuously train the employees on the qualities that they expect from the employees. Continuous training would ensure that the employees are frequently reminded of the quality standards that they need to adhere (Neuman 2015). At the same time, employees who have difficulty in achieving the set quality target will be able to achieve more. Continuous training will also improve the organizations reputation in the market. Not all the companies would provide training to employees on the continuous basis and if an organization is doing so then the employees would talk about it to their friends, family members and ex-colleagues and this will improve the reputation of the organization (Naoui 2014). This organization would also be prepared by employees who are fresh out of college and are looking for an opportunity or someone who is willing to change their career as they are not satisfied with the current one (Ozan 2015). Training and its impact on retention, in call centre environment The HR professionals should identify the right set of training program so that the employees are positively motivated to improve and grow in the same organization (Promsivapallop 2015). If employees are given training program for the sake of it then the employees may be disappointed and hence, this may not motivate them to stay back in the organization (Poddar 2015). Few of benefits that an organization can gain by way of implementation of right training calendar are discussed below. Training will allow the employee to open up to a completely new world, which he might have never been aware of. This will ensure that they feel empowered about the exposure that they have received. The employee may feel that he is responsible for the growth of the organization and hence, they may feel a sense of pride (Paschek 2015). If an employee is nominated for training program on regular basis then the employee would feel that the organization needs them and that is one of the major reasons due to which they are nominated for various trainings on continuous basis. This thought will push the employee to stay back in the organization. These employees will discuss their problem with their manager, HR ormanagement to reach out to a solution, rather than that of looking for an opportunity to leave the situation. For example, if the employee is not happy with the hike that he has received from the organization then he would talk about this to themanagement and the HR, rather than that of hunting for a job with the competitor. With the help of training development, the HR should ensure that the employees are upgraded. For example, if an employee undergoes communication training program then the HR should collect feedback about the experience, pros and cons of the training program. If the employee is not satisfied with certain topics covered in the training program, the trainer needs to be educated about the same. If a poor feedback continuous for the trainer, then the trainer needs to be replaced. Training particular to the job and also to meet the needs of the employee would increase the satisfaction level of the employee. At the same time, employees knowledge about the topic would also increase and hence, they would be more proficient with their job and this would ultimately lead to satisfaction and then retention. Relationship between training and employee performance Looking at the current scenario, it can be said that right training programs allows an employee to learn and explore areas which wouldnt have been possible otherwise. With the help of learning and exploration, the employee grasps new ideas and thoughts which ultimately create an impact on the performance of the employee. This creates an impact on the performance of the employee at work. Increase in employee performance creates a positive change on the organizational performance as well. It is the responsibility of every organization to ensure appropriate and right training is provided to their manpower to ensure that the organization grows in the right direction. They also need to continuously identify the skill sets which an employee would require in the near future for performing better and accordingly, training programs would be planned. The organization also needs to accept to the fact that training is only way by which the existing employees can be prepared for the upcoming chal lenging future. If themanagement is not willing to train the employees then with future demand, the organization will have to look for people through recruitment and this is going to be more expensive than that of training the employees on regular basis and retaining them (Rashid 2013). Training is a way by which the employees can be upgraded with the required skill sets and at the same time, the employees can also be given a reminder about the tasks and the quality standard that they need to achieve while they are working on daily basis. If a management thinks that providing random training frequently or at regular intervals will help them to retain the employees and ensure good performance, then the managements thought process is wrong. A training program would be successful and it would deliver the expected results only when efforts are put in (Sala 2013). The HR department in the organization will list of skill sets that an employee needs to possess to perform well in their daily tasks or to take up a role that is one level above them. Accordingly, by using various techniques and strategies, the HR should understand the areas where they lack so that they can be provided training accordingly. The required skill sets and the skill sets that would push the employee to perform better should in sync with each other so that the organization can perform better (Schaltegger 2014). Selection of appropriate training intervention also plays a key role in improving the performance of the employee via various training programs. Training should be given to employees when the organization is not growing or not growing as intended or if the employees are not performing or not performing as intended. There are various reasons due to which an employee may not be performing. There are possibilities that the employee is facing some conflict in his personal life due to which he is not able to contribute to his work or the employee may not be motivated to use his skill sets to improve the value of the job or the employee may not be confident of the capabilities that he possesses and hence, he is not very keen about taking up new responsibilities. Without an appropriate training intervention, it is merely impossible for an employee to perform with the help of training. If an employee is facing a personal problem in his life then they need to be given some time to sort their problem or they should be given a helping hand to come out of the problem. In this situation, a training program may really not be of much use. Similarly, if an employee is de-motivated with some factors in the workplace then they must be provided some motivational training and not skill development training (Sund 2013). Competencies of an employee would improve with appropriate training and it would help the help the organization to grow. Not only the skills of an employee are upgraded, but with the help of appropriate training program the attitude of an employee can be improved and thus, an employee will contribute to the betterment of the organization. Only training may not help the organization to grow as there are few other factors which may create an impact on the employees performance. The performance can be affected by way of power and politics prevailing in the organization, organizational culture, attitude of managers towards the team member and others. The management should ensure that these factors are also taken care by the management while they are providing appropriate training to the employees. The managers in the organization should continuously understand the various factors those are hindering the performance of the employee so that training can be provided accordingly. Ignorance of these factors will reduce the effectiveness of the training program and hence, positive outcome cannot be expected (Singh 2014). Certain organizations are sceptical about providing training to the employees as they feel that an upgraded employee may look for an opportunity in the open market or they may develop interest in a particular subject, which they learnt through training program, and then the employee may take up higher education to pursue the same. Training alone will not improve the performance of the employee at workplace. After a training program, an employee needs to be assessed on the effectiveness and accordingly, he should be offered a change in the role. If an employee possesses the skills that a manager requires then they may not be willing to perform the executives roles and responsibilities. Similarly, if the employee possesses upgraded skills which are adding value to the organization then they should be provided a pay hike so that they are motivated to stay back. The management needs to accept to the fact that all the employees are associated with the organization for the financial benefi t that they receive and hence, that shouldnt be reduced or stopped at any cost (Ulrich 2013). Strategies to train call agents to improve performance It is very important for any call centre to ensure that the right strategies are used to ensure that the performance of the call agents can be improved. The management of the call centre also needs to accept to the fact that the revenue of the organization is completely dependent on the performance of the call agents and hence, they need to be trained in the right way so that better results can be derived. Product training is an important training program that would allow an employee to feel confident will they are speaking with a customer. If a call agent is responsible for sale of credit card then they need to ensure that the call agent is aware of the features, pros, cons and also where do they stand in service offering as compared to that of the other competitors. This will ensure that the call agent does some homework while they are facing queries from the customer. If the call agent has not undergone appropriate product training then it would be difficult for them to satisfy the customer with right answers and solutions. Similarly, if the product receives any upgrade in the near future then that information also needs to be shared appropriately with all the call agents so that they are updated with the product information in the right way (Wortmann 2014). Identify gaps and then train a call agent rather than that of bombarding with training solutions that are readily available now. The HR professional should conduct a quality check on the calls of the call agent and make a note of the positive points and also the areas that needs to be improved (Willie 2013). Accordingly, training program needs to be organized. For example, if a call agent stammers when a customer questions about something that they dont know then they need to be trained to be confident and at the same time, the HR can share few recorded good calls so that they can learn of art of answering questions which are unknown. Induction training program is a mandate for the employees who join the organization newly. An employee should be inducted on the very first day rather than that of waiting for a bunch of new joiners to be on boarded. While an employee takes up induction training, he should be given a clear indication about the HR policies, product training, best techniques to handle call, things to avoid while on call, how to handle the instrument and also the incentives that one would receive on achieving target set. This will allow the call agent to concentrate on his roles and responsibilities rather than being worried other things which will not add any value (Wong 2015). Monthly meetings with all the teams are one of the ways by which the management can get to know the problems that they are facing. If the team has got some complaints, which they have been listening from the customers for long, then that needs to be addressed. The employees are happy to know that the management is willing to help them. If the management is ignorant about the problems then this will demotivate the employees. During this monthly meeting, the employees will talk about the training programs that they require and will also justify the same. Accordingly, the employees can be trained rather than that of giving a training which may not add value to the employees. Academic paper review Article Title The Effect of Training on Employee Performance Journal Name European journal of business and management Author Name Amir Elnaga Vol issue Vol. 5, Iss. 4 Year of publication 2015 Page no. 137-144 This article is about trying to understand the impact of training on the employee performance. This article states that the performance of an employee can be improved with the help of appropriate training programs but the training programs should be well planned to achieve the desired goal. Before an organization plans for the training program, they should look for the skill sets required and also the skill sets that an employee would acquire with the help of appropriate training program. Many organizations organize trainings without understanding the things that an individual would achieve with the help of appropriate training program and hence, such organizations may feel that the trainings programs are just waste of money and time and it will not yield much results. Training can be used as a tool by all the organizations to train the existing as well as the new employees in the organization. If the organization wants their employees to grow internally then the employee should be provided with required training continuously so that he can be capable enough to handle senior roles in the organization. If an organization realizes that their success or failure is dependent on the performance of the employee then they would put in efforts to organize appropriate training program. The gap between the actual performance and expected performance can be achieved by way of training (Amir 2015). Article Title Relationship Between Training And Performance: A Case Study Of Kenya Women Finance Trust Eastern Nyanza Region, Kenya Journal Name European journal of business and social sciences Author Name Alice Kasau Sila Vol issue Vol. 3, Iss. 1 Year of publication 2014 Page no. 95-117 This article tries to understand the relationship between the performance and training. The author believes that an employees attitude, job satisfaction, and service delivery are the few things that allow the employee to perform better while they are associated with the organization. This article explores the link between training and attitude, training and job satisfaction and training and service delivery. The article states that if an employee is having a positive attitude towards the workplace then he would behave positively and he will also give his 100% to achieve the desired results. Attitudes towards workplace can be changed by way of appropriate training. Additions and deletions in the workplace can create an impact on the attitude that an employee holds about the workplace and hence, this can be bought in with the help if appropriate training program. If an employee is satisfied in the organization then they will be happy to put in efforts to achieve the goals that have been assigned to them. If an employee is appropriately rewarded for his efforts and if he is promoted then the employee would be satisfied. Employee satisfaction can be achieved by appropriate training program so that they can grow into the next ladder of the organization. Service delivery is very important for an organization that is completely dependent on the satisfaction of the customer. If the employees are equipped with right skills to meet the needs of the customer, their performance would improve (Kasau Sila 2014). Article Title Training and its Impact on the Performance of Employees at Jordanian Universities from the Perspective of Employees: The Case of Yarmouk University Journal Name Journal of education and practice Author Name Alice Vol issue Vol. 6, Iss. 32 Year of publication 2015 Page no. 128-139 This article explores the attitude of administrators and managers towards the training components and the impact of the training program on the performance of the employees at the university. The study reveals if the employees are administrators are putting in efforts to design the training program, choose right employees for the right training program and pay attention to the design and content of the training program then an impactful training program can be created. An impactful training program will ensure that the employees learn something new with regards to the workplace and also the areas that can create a direct impact on the performance of employee at the workplace. The article recommends the university to provide more training programs to more employees. It also states that even the minute need for training needs to be identified and then accordingly, it should be implemented. Apart from that, the university should ensure that all the employees should be given an opportun ity to be a part of various training programs. If the same group of employees is selected for different training programs then it can lead to dissatisfaction and hence, it would create a negative impact on the performance of the employees, who are not a part of the training program (Alice 2015). Article Title Relationship between on the Job Training and Employees Performance in Courier Companies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Journal Name International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Author Name Nelson Jagero Vol issue Vol. 2, Iss. 22 Year of publication 2014 Page no. 114-120 This article explores the benefit of on the job training for the employees and its impact on performance. The courier companies believed in providing on the job training rather than that of providing classroom training to the employees. These organizations believe that classroom training is more theoretical in nature and hence, it cannot create an impact on the performance of the employee. On the job training allowed the organization to improve the productivity of employees at work. It also states that on the job training is not the sole reason due to which there is an increase in productivity. After the research, the management of the companies were able to find that there are various other factors which creates a direct impact on the employees, along with the impact created by the on the job training. The mental situation of the employee on a particular day would create an impact on the employees. If an employee is happy then his performance would be good as compared to that of a day when his mood is upset. Similarly, the organizational culture and the relationship with the co-workers also creates an impact on the employee performance (Jagero 2014). Article Title Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance Journal Name Global journal of management and business research Authors Raja Abdul Ghafoor Khan Vol issue Vol. 11, Iss. 7 Year of publication 2015 Page no. 114-120 This article talks about the various factors, along with training development, which creates an impact on the performance of the employees. If an organization is planning to improve performance by way of regular training and development then it may not be possible. It is the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to spend some time with the trainer to understand the training design and also the content of the training program. Supervisor or the immediate manager is the right person to understand the skill sets and competencies that an individual requires to complete the job. The management should motivate the senior professionals in the organization to provide on the job training to the juniors in the organization. This will ensure that the time is saved and at the same time, the juniors in the organization would remember the important points from the training program. Delivery style of the trainer would also create an impact on the performance of the employee. If one-day classroom training is provided to an employee then it is merely impossible for an employee to be active for 8 hours. During the classroom training program, the trainer should include various activities that will ensure that the employee is attentive throughout the training program. Similarly, while providing on the job training, the trainer should ensure that the employee tends to remember it in the near future. Finally, any training program that is directly related to the regular work of the employees would ensure that the results are derived (Khan 2015). Article Title The Relationship between Training and Employee Performance: The Case of Mutare City Council, Zimbabwe Journal Name International journal of Human Resource studies Authors Wehnam Peter Dabale Vol issue Vol. 4, Iss. 4 Year of publication 2014 Page no. 62-71 This article states that the human resource department is responsible for the performance of the employee. They continuously need to understand the new industry trends to motivate the employees and at the same time, they also need to explore the various reasons due to which the performance of the employee, in the organization, is affected. It is responsibility of the HR department to understand the business strategy and business plan. Accordingly, they need to work with the employees to ensure that the same is implemented. If regular training programs are scheduled for the employees then it is a sign that there is difference in what is happened and what is expected. This will motivate the employees to achieve the expectation of the management rather than continuing with the routine tasks. The employees should be equally motivated to perform better for the betterment of the organization and this is when the real impact of the training would be seen. The HR department should ensure that the interest levels of the employees with regards to the training program should be maintained so that the employees are open to discuss about the areas wherein they need to improve and also the areas where they have improved with the help of training program and also the benefit that the organization has derived. Article Title Impact of Training and Development Programs on Employee Performance Journal Name International journal of Scientific and Research publications Authors Bassam Mohsin Mozael Vol issue Vol. 5, Iss. 11 Year of publication 2015 Page no. 38-41 This article states that the effectiveness of the training program can be measured only when the training design, delivery style and type of training is seen. The employees in the organization should also be motivated rather than just the trainer and the HR department. The organization should understand the training design so that they can be rest assured that the employees are trained with regards to the skill sets that they require to achieve success in the organization. Similarly, the seniors in the organization should share their option with regards to the content of the training program and only then the effectiveness of the training program would increase. The delivery style of the trainer will also decide on the effectiveness of the training program. If appropriate delivery style is not selected then it is difficult for the employee to grasp all the knowledge that he is provided with. Appropriate delivery style will ensure that the training content is reaching the employee. Finally, depending on the training program, the management needs to check if on-the-job training or off-the-job training should be provided. Each of the training programs is effective in its own way so the management should decide on which training program is suitable for which topic so that the effectiveness of the training program can reflect in the work. This article concludes that if any one of the training design, delivery style or type of training goes wrong then the management will not get the results that they expected. It is very important for the HR and the management to ensure that all the training requirements are well met in advance so that the expected result can be delivered (Mozael 2015). Article Title An Analysis of Training and Employee Performance: A Case Study in a Telecommunication Company in Erbil Journal Name International Journal of Social Sciences Educational Studies Authors Karwan Hushyar Sherwani Vol issue Vol. 2, Iss. 2 Year of publication 2015 Page no. 74-81 This article explores the impact of training program on the skill sets of the employees and also the impact that it creates on the performance of the employee. The research states that the perception of the employee on the training program creates a great impact on the effectiveness of the training program. If the employees have negative thoughts regarding the training program offered then the effectiveness of the training program would be lost. Few of the employees in the training program may think that training is provided to utilize the HRs training budget or it is provided to ensure that a particular number of man days are achieved or in the name of training program, today can be a fun day. Employees with these thoughts will not be motivated to learn from the training program. On the other end, there would be few employees who may be super excited to grasp to the extent possible from the training program. These employees will benefit from the training program and at the same time , they will ensure that the learning is implemented at workplace. For such employees, the training is directly relative to their performance at workplace, while that may not be the case for others (Sherwani 2015). Article Title Relationship of Training and Education with Employee Performance in Financial Institutions Journal Name International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Authors Nabila Khan Vol issue Vol. 41 Year of publication 2014 Page no. 150-156 This article talks about financial institutions alone. This talks about the actual performance and the expected performance of the management. It is the responsibility of the management to explicitly communicate to the employees about the expected performance and also the impact of training program on the performance of the employees. Without proper clarity, the employees may not be able to understand the results that are expected from the employees. The article also states that the management should spend time with the employees to understand the good part and bad part of the training program so that the training program can revamped if required. The interference of management will assure that the training requirements are well decided in advance and the trainer will also be aware of clear results that the management is expecting from the money and time that is invested in the training program. Without this clarity, it is merely impossible for the management to link training and employee performance (Khan 2014). Findings and implications Training and development needs to be planned at people2people so that the employees performance can be improved. All the research states that training can create a direct impact on the performance of the employee. Training is one of the major things, but at the same time, the management needs to take care of few other things as well. Few of the things that the HR needs to take care so that the employees can perform better are as follows: - The HR needs to identify the skills that would add on to the performance of the employees. If random training programs are given then it wont create an impact on the employees performance at people2people Employees positive attitude towards training matters the most. The employee who believes that the training is just waste of time will not be able to grasp any learning from the training program. Conclusion Competency mapping will be the responsibility of the HR department at people2people and hence, they need to put in efforts to understand the technicalities and other concerns related to each department in the organization. A formal document explicitly discussing the roles and responsibilities of each employee will allow the HR member to be aware of the competencies required against each role. To get a better understanding of the competencies required, different competency mapping tools can be used. Questionnaire, interviews, assessment centres and psychometric tests are few of the strategies that can be used. The HR may not be the right person to verify if the skill sets received through competency mapping is right or not. They need to get in touch with the managers and supervisors to ensure that the skill sets are mapped rightly to the right roles and responsibilities. The HR department should analyze and understand the same so that they can look for the suitable training programs. Listening is one important competency that a call agent would require. The call agent should be considerate towards the needs of the customer. If a call agent makes a call to sell a particular product then he needs to check if its the right time to have a word with them. It is very important for the call centre agent to have a positive attitude towards the conversation that is happening with the customer. The queries of the customers should be answered in a timely manner so that the call agent can take up more calls in a day. People2people may think that investing in training program will lead to wastage of time and money. If the trainings are identified rightly then it can create an impact on the performance of the employee. The training program will motivate them, allow them to take their much needed break and the same time, it will also expose to work possibilities which wouldnt have been possible otherwise. The organization should identify the skill set for a training program and accordingly, employees who lack those skill sets needs to be identified and trained. Training will allow the employee to open up to a completely new world, which he might have never been aware of. This will ensure that they feel empowered about the exposure that they have received. With the help of training development, the HR should ensure that the employees are upgraded. If the management is not willing to train the employees then with future demand, the organization will have to look for people through recruitment and this is going to be more expensive than that of training the employees on regular basis and retaining them. Not only the skills of an employee are upgraded, but with the help of appropriate training program the attitude of an employee can be improved and thus, an employee will contribute to the betterment of the organization. After a training program, an employee needs to be assessed on the effectiveness and accordingly, he should be offered a change in the role (Yu 2014). 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