Thursday, January 30, 2020
Fangirl Essay Example for Free
Fangirl Essay There are some kinds of love in this universe. Without love, a human being will not be able to live normally and there will be something empty inside their hearts. This can be love for our God, parents, families, lovers, or maybe just for our bestfriends. But now just think about this case: how about love for someone that we have never even met before? Maybe just fangirls who know how it feels, because they are the one who have a non-sense head over heels in love all over the time. What thing that comes in your mind when you hear the word â€Å"fangirls†? Maybe just a bunch of weird girls who are too much obsessed with the artist whom they admire to death. Why are they so weird? Because commonly, fangirls always have their own world, their own strange hobbies, and their own reason for being so crazy. The things such as plastering their idol’s face as their phone wallpaper, sticking so many huge posters at their rooms, overreacting when their favorite songs from their precious boys are played at the public place, sighing desperately when their hardisk is running out of memory due to a bunch of photos and videos that are too precious to be deleted, and other nonsense actions; they just do it naturally and with no other purpose than their own satisfaction over the idols. They just want to feel close with their boys. Moreover, fangirls even often call them as their ‘‘husband’’. See? It seems like fangirls’ imagination is their last hope. The other thing about fangirl is for most of them, every single thing about their boys always matters. That is why they joined some fanbases that keep updating about their boys’ current condition all the time. And believe me it means trully literally, starting from what their idols are doing, if there is any newest clip or tv show, attending some events, or even just being spotted at a supermarket without wearing any make up. They keep sharing the information with the other fangirls all over the world. That’s why for these girls, living in social networking such as twitter and facebook is much more interesting than their own and always-boring-real life. Being a fangirl sometimes can also be very annoying to the people surrounding them. I mean, when their â€Å"love†, or should we call it as an â€Å"obsession†instead? Yeah, stuff like that goes into an extreme level, obviously people may look at them in an oh-i’m-so-irritated-by-this-creature way. For example, when two angirls meet each other for the first time, have a little chit chat, and then find out that they are admiring the same person in a same group, those two will dive into their own world. Those fangirls will easily connected and nonstop talking about the newest news from their idols and ignoring the others who keep staring at them all the times, wondering what they are excitedly talking about. That is the reason wh y people always ignore the fangirls when they started talking about the topic-that-god-and-them-who-only-know. Now, let’s move on some obstacles that might bother most of fangirls in this earth. One of them is that being a fangirl is extremely expensive, since they always have the urge to wipe out their credit cards or spend lots of money to buy every single album, postcard, DVD, photobook, and other merchandise that has their idol’s face on it. This collecting habit will make their wallet pathetically empty. The most ironic thing about this is, when their idols’ groups come to their country and hold a big concert with such a high price ticket, the fangirls would separate into two paths. The first, in the case of fangirls who fortunately come from the have family, or maybe already have salary from their job, they will easily buy the ticket with no hesitation, watch the concert excitedly, and form a smile that will never leave their face for at least one month later. Such a sweet memories~ In the other way, for those who do not have enough money to own the ticket, they will just cry to death all day long, knowing that they will just let their boys come to their country and perform perfectly as always on the stage without witnessing it by themselves. Their sorrowful faces won’t dissapear easily for sure. Do you think fangirl is nothing than just a weirdo because theye’re crying for something that isn’t worth it? They do know it by themselves but they just couldn’t deny the feeling. Even though their obsession towards the boys sometimes makes no sense, there is still some positive things that can be taken from those fangirls. One of them that is, the faith. They always keep the faith, no matter what mistake that their boy’s done, they will find the excuse behind it, apologize them, and continue supporting them as always. That’s why the artist wouldn’t be exist without their loyal, caring, and supporting fans behind them.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
History of Euthanasia in America :: Free Euthanasia Essay
History of Euthanasia in America 1973- The American Medical Association issues the Patient Bill of Rights. The groundbreaking document allows patients to refuse medical treatment. 1976- The New Jersey Supreme Court rules that the parents of Karen Ann Quinlan, who has been in a tranquilizer-and-alcohol-induced coma for a year, can remove her respirator. She dies nine years later. 1979- Jo Roman, a New York artist dying of cancer, makes a videotape, telling her friends and family she intends to end her life. She later commits suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills. 1985- Betty Rollin publishes "Last Wish," the story of her mother's battle with ovarian cancer. The book reveals that Ida Rollin killed herself with a sedative overdose. 1990- Dr. Jack Kevorkian performs his first assisted suicide, using a homemade machine, to end the life of Alzheimer's patient Janet Adkins. Meanwhile, after protracted legal wrangling, the parents of Nancy Cruzan, who has been in a coma for seven years, are allowed to remove her feeding tube. Friends and co-workers testify in court that she would not have wanted to live. 1991- Hemlock Society founder Derek Humphry first publishes "Final Exit." The controversial suicide "how-to" book later becomes a national best seller. 1994- Voters in Oregon pass a referendum making it the only state in the country that allows doctors to prescribe life-ending drugs for terminally ill patients. The hotly contested law was not put into effect until last year. 1995- George Delury publishes "But What If She Wants to Die?" a diary chronicling his wife's long battle with multiple sclerosis. The book describes the couple's agonizing decision to end her life with a drug overdose. Delury served four months in prison for attempted manslaughter for his role in her death. 1997- In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court rules that the Constitution does not guarantee the right to commit suicide with the help of a physician. The decision upholds laws in New York and Washington state making it illegal for doctors to give lethal drugs to dying patients. 1998- In November, Michigan voters defeat a measure that would have made physician-assisted suicide legal. Michigan Poll On Dr. Kevorkian and Euthanasia22 1. After watching that segment which showed Jack Kevorkian administering a lethal injection of drugs, do you think it was appropriate or not appropriate for "60 Minutes" to show that scene on television? 56%Appropriate 35% Not appropriate 10% Undecided/Don't know/Refused 2. Did the experience of watching Dr. History of Euthanasia in America :: Free Euthanasia Essay History of Euthanasia in America 1973- The American Medical Association issues the Patient Bill of Rights. The groundbreaking document allows patients to refuse medical treatment. 1976- The New Jersey Supreme Court rules that the parents of Karen Ann Quinlan, who has been in a tranquilizer-and-alcohol-induced coma for a year, can remove her respirator. She dies nine years later. 1979- Jo Roman, a New York artist dying of cancer, makes a videotape, telling her friends and family she intends to end her life. She later commits suicide with an overdose of sleeping pills. 1985- Betty Rollin publishes "Last Wish," the story of her mother's battle with ovarian cancer. The book reveals that Ida Rollin killed herself with a sedative overdose. 1990- Dr. Jack Kevorkian performs his first assisted suicide, using a homemade machine, to end the life of Alzheimer's patient Janet Adkins. Meanwhile, after protracted legal wrangling, the parents of Nancy Cruzan, who has been in a coma for seven years, are allowed to remove her feeding tube. Friends and co-workers testify in court that she would not have wanted to live. 1991- Hemlock Society founder Derek Humphry first publishes "Final Exit." The controversial suicide "how-to" book later becomes a national best seller. 1994- Voters in Oregon pass a referendum making it the only state in the country that allows doctors to prescribe life-ending drugs for terminally ill patients. The hotly contested law was not put into effect until last year. 1995- George Delury publishes "But What If She Wants to Die?" a diary chronicling his wife's long battle with multiple sclerosis. The book describes the couple's agonizing decision to end her life with a drug overdose. Delury served four months in prison for attempted manslaughter for his role in her death. 1997- In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court rules that the Constitution does not guarantee the right to commit suicide with the help of a physician. The decision upholds laws in New York and Washington state making it illegal for doctors to give lethal drugs to dying patients. 1998- In November, Michigan voters defeat a measure that would have made physician-assisted suicide legal. Michigan Poll On Dr. Kevorkian and Euthanasia22 1. After watching that segment which showed Jack Kevorkian administering a lethal injection of drugs, do you think it was appropriate or not appropriate for "60 Minutes" to show that scene on television? 56%Appropriate 35% Not appropriate 10% Undecided/Don't know/Refused 2. Did the experience of watching Dr.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Hispanic American Diversity Essay
In identifying the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious, and familial conventions and statuses of Hispanic groups living in the United States (US); the following remain as the center of attention: Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and Columbians. While there is distinctiveness in each groups’ culture, their language categorizes them in one of two large groups known as Latino or Hispanic Americans. The Spanish language is communal between these groups, though all have exclusive dialects that set them apart. The commonalities and differences are not limited to just language, but span across every aspect of Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Cuban and Columbian way of life. Today in the US millions of people classify themselves as Mexican Americans (2005). The intricate and affluent Mexican American multicultural heritage is a direct reflection of influences from such places as Spain and Mexico (2005). The unique language of Mexican Americans is no exception to influences as it is derived from a combination of Mexico’s national language, Spanish, and the national language of the US, English. Although sometimes described as an under-represented group in US politics, Mexican Americans were very active in the Mexican American Civil Rights movement. This movement included a wide-rang of issues, from rights for farm workers to the right to vote (2000). As with their political status, socially Mexican Americans continually battle to fit in. Their want of having the American dream burns bright within the hearts and minds of all Mexican Americans and makes their social battle seem that much more important. Throughout the immigration history of Mexican Americans, little advancement has been made for progress from immigrant standing to mainstream social status. This is largely due to the lack of education provided and the vast amount of discrimination they received (2006). In education, another battle for Mexican Americans arises. Richard Alba (2006) stated, â€Å"Huntington presents data that appear to show very low levels of Mexican-American educational advancement beyond high school, regardless of generation. †A full comparison of high school education completion broken down by Hispanic origin. Note. From Bernstein, R. & Bergman, M. (2005). Young, diverse, urban. United States Department of Commerce News. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from http://www. census. gov/Press-Release/www/2003/cb03-100. html Similar to the struggle noted with education, economically, Mexican Americans struggle for fair pay. During the Mexican American Civil Rights movement Mexican American economics came from the shadows to become one of the many issues faced. Today this harsh reality still burdens most all Mexican Americans. The one bright light may be their religious beliefs. Although, not always true, most churches today deliver separate mass for Spanish speaking parishioners. Religion remains a very strong factor in Mexican American family and culture. As with their religion, family remains quite strong in the lives of Mexican Americans. They have strong ties to not only immediate family in the US but family living in Mexico as well. This bond is so deep that some families continue to send money to their loved one’s in Mexico. Similar to Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans speak a derivative of Spanish as their main language. Politically, Puerto Ricans like Mexican Americans are under-represented in US politics. In fact their start in politics held them back from individualizing themselves. The progression of politics into Puerto Rican life in the US has gone from focusing on social and cultural issues in the 1950’s to electoral participation and lobbying becoming the mainstay of their political ground (2003, p. 6). With all the strides Puerto Ricans have made politically, socially they have grown as well. They have integrated themselves into society, by fighting the same battles all Latinos fought: racism and discrimination. Although, they have a higher percentage of people graduating high school than Mexican Americans, they still maintain less than three quarters of Hispanic origin people. As with education and politics struggles with economics also faced most Puerto Ricans. They struggled for fair wages and equal opportunities just as all Latinos did. Today that struggle has become less but still lingers in areas where there is still racism and discrimination. Very similar to Mexican Americans, religion remains a very strong factor in the family and culture of Puerto Ricans. Again most churches conduct separate mass for Spanish speaking parishioners, making it easier for Puerto Ricans to practice their faith. As with their religion, family remains quite strong in the lives of Puerto Ricans. They have strong ties to not only immediate family in the US but family living in Puerto Rico as well. The fact that all Puerto Ricans are US citizens makes family all that more important. As with Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans main language is Spanish. Similar to Mexican Americans politically Cubans are under-represented in US politics. Most are just so happy to get out of the Dictatorship they lived in Cuba they would rather not get caught up in politics at all. The strides they have made politically have helped to advance them socially, economically and in their education. Out of the Hispanic origins Cubans are the second highest only being beat by other Hispanics for High school completion. According to Jason Cato (2003), â€Å"In rising to dominate the centers of power in Miami, Cuban-Americans have reversed the traditional cycles of assimilation and acculturation. †Seeking freedom from the oppression of Cuba has not removed the strong ties they have to their homeland. These ties have caused Cuban Americans to adapt parts of the US culture to their own. Striving for conventional culture is not a focus. Religiously, Cuban Americans like both Puerto Ricans and Mexican Americans are devout to their religion as it is a very strong factor in their family and culture. Again most churches conduct separate mass for Spanish speaking parishioners, making it easier for Cubans to practice their faith. As with their religion, family remains quite strong in the lives of Cubans. Family is their way of holding on to cultures and traditions from Cuba. As with Mexican American, Puerto Rican and Cuban, Columbians also speak Spanish as their principal language. Columbian Americans are a very poor. Most migrated to the US to flee war and poverty seen within Columbia. They are often looking for work so that they can send money to their family still living in Columbia. Columbians rarely get involved in politics as they are very focused on family and making money. Work related interaction is the limit, except for other Columbians, of their social standing in the US. As with politics Columbians have very little interest in US culture. Most are here to work to send money home. With work being their main objective while in the US, they do not have time for anything else. They live on very little money and scrape to send as much over to Columbia as possible. Their wages are very low and they work long and mostly very hard hours just to get by. Similar to Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans, Columbians are very strong in their religion. They have an opportunity to go to mass that is conducted in Spanish as well as practice their religion on their own. Family is so very important in a Columbian Americans life. Everything they do is to better their family’s life. They have deep ties to family not only in the US but in Columbia as well. This helps them to keep their culture and heritage as strong today as it was yesterday. Everything in their culture revolves around their religion and family. When comparing different Hispanic groups, the commonalities out way the differences in almost every scenario. The Similarities range from language, religion, and family to the reasons they came to the US. They also all care deeply and have very strong ties to their homeland and continue to focus on that rich heritage. The differences are few but stem more from social status and the want to be part of the mainstream. Politics, economic and social standings all differ for each group. This is largely due to assimilation and the different level of strides that have been made over time. The groups that have had more success politically have had the opportunity to advance socially and economically. These three combined in any order lead to an opportunity of the other. The strides and struggles that these four Hispanic groups have made has cleared a path for other Hispanic origin groups to make the same journey. References Alba, R. (2006). Mexican Americans and the American Dream. Political Science & Politics. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from www. apsanet. org/imgtest/PerspectivesJun06Alba. pdf Bernstein, R. & Bergman, M. (2005). Young, diverse, urban. United States Department of Commerce News. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from http://www. census. gov/PressRelease/www/2003/cb03-100. html Cruz, J. (2003). Puerto Rican politics in the United States. Centro Journal. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from http://redalyc. uaemex. mx/redalyc/pdf/377/37715101. pdf. Cato, J. (2004). Becoming American in Miami: reconsidering immigration, race and ethnic relations. Center for Latin American Studies. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from socrates. berkeley. edu:7001/Events/fall2003/11-20-03-stepick/index. html Mendoza, V. , Chicano! History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement. (2000). , The Journal for Multimedia History. Retrieved March 1, 2008, from www. albany. edu/jmmh/vol3/chicano/chicano. html.
Monday, January 6, 2020
Gun And The Second Amendment - 1860 Words
Mass shootings are increasing in the United States, and gun control advocates are seizing the opportunity to push anti-gun legislation to deter gun violence in America. Guns and the Second Amendment have come to the forefront of political rhetoric, leading to conflicting views between lawmakers on the future of gun legislation. Republican lawmakers are encouraging law abiding citizens to acquire firearms and to defend themselves against acts of violence by criminals. On the contrary, Democratic lawmakers believe the only way to slow gun violence in the United States is to remove guns from society. While certain politicians believe strict gun laws would protect the American people, the proposed policies would make our nation more vulnerable†¦show more content†¦Armed with bombs and automatic rifles, these members of the ISIS terror cell murdered over 120 people, leaving countless others wounded. In response to these attacks, increasing numbers of Americans are feeling the nee d to arm themselves as a means of self defense. In response to the shooting in California, local gun shops are noticing roughly a 25% increase in business. Likewise, local Sheriff’s departments are experiencing a large increase in concealed carry permit requests. In Orange County, California, the Sheriff’s department received 130 permit requests in the week following the attackâ€â€up from their average of 30â€â€while neighboring San Bernardino County screened seven times their weekly average (Mather). The increase in California gun sales shows that residents want the ability to defend themselves in the event of another shootingâ€â€an opportunity these residents would not have as a result of a ban on personal firearms. The nationwide trend over past years shows similar results. A 2014 Pew Research study found 52% of surveyed Americans are in support of gun rights compared to 46% who want stricter regulations on firearms. Approximately 80% of Republicans support unabridged gun usage compared to only 35% of Democrats, showing the divide between political parties on the issue (Feldmann). As violence surges, Americans are in support of arming themselves against the violence of criminals to protect their lives and the lives of those around them. Increased gun
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