Saturday, December 28, 2019
Social Media and Business Expansion - 1181 Words
Social media has without a doubt, reinvented the way business is done. Facebook, Twitter, and even Pinterest present an opportunity to capture the attention of potential customers while constructing a brand image. By creating a Facebook fan page, a company can update followers of the page with updates and information quickly and conveniently. Some companies go as far as to create applications for smart phone users as a way of reaching their audience. People are now connected on a global scale, with social media rapidly growing around the world. It is important to note both the positive and negative effects that social media has had on business, and why we should pay attention to the tour de force that social media has become in the business world. In the article titled, Negative Effects of Social Media on Business.†author Catherine Lovering sees the use of social media to be unfavorable and adverse to business. According to the article, a business that is accustomed to one-sid ed selling must adapt and learn to develop relationships with customers who are buying their product. Businesses also must take into consideration the effect that a negative comment or review may have on their success. Responding to these comments might not have a significant enough of an effect if an unsatisfactory review or comment has already been posted, and if it has been passed from website to website. She goes on to add that, â€Å"In the world of social media, the sheer numbers mean that onceShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Camerons Coffee1477 Words  | 6 Pagesrecruited through LinkedIn. Process will need to be put in place in order to support and facilitate the expansion of Cameron’s Coffee. Social media, big data and cloud computing are some services that can be used by Cameron’s Coffee in order to increase visibility in the market, cut cost and protect valuable data. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
The Hacked World Order By Adam Segal - 1259 Words
Adam Segal’s â€Å"The Hacked World Order†reveals many prevalent issues in today’s technologically centered society. Starting at Year Zero, June 2012 to June 2013, the battle over cyberspace witnessed world-changing cyberattacks. This was accomplished due to the fact that nearly 75% of the world’s population has easy access to a mobile phone, and the Internet connects nearly 40% of the total human population, which is nearly 2.7 billion people. With that being said, cyberattacks are becoming a more realistic form of terror. The danger behind these attacks is Year Zero began with the detection of the Stuxnet malware, allegedly developed by the United States, who partnered with Israel. This malware was released in order to damage Iranian machines and â€Å"mess with Iran’s best scientific minds.†Stuxnet proved that the United States was willing to do whatever it took to develop these forms of offensive capabilities which are needed to â€Å"dominate the cyber battlespace.†This attack was used to send Iran’s nuclear program back almost two years. I think that what made Stuxnet dangerous was that it was nearly impossible to detect, developers had â€Å"zero days†to fix or patch damage that had already been done. The computers used to transfer the malware were not connected to the Internet, they jumped the â€Å"air gap†by allowing the malware to be transferred through portable devices, leading to an even more traumatic cyberattack. I believe that the US knew the risks for deploying this type ofSh ow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesAre You Feeling Right Now? 98 Self-Assessment Library What’s My Affect Intensity? 104 Myth or Science? We Are Better Judges of When Others Are Happy Than When They Are Sad 107 glOBalization! Should You Expect â€Å"Service with a Smile†All Around the World? 108 Self-Assessment Library What’s My Emotional Intelligence Score? 115 An Ethical Choice Schadenfreude 120 Point/Counterpoint Sometimes Blowing Your Top Is a Good Thing 122 Questions for Review 121 Experiential Exercise Who Can Catch a Liar? 123
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management. Answer: Introduction In the past years, entrepreneurship has gained momentum and has become one of the fastest expanding and developing fields in the modern settings of economics. At present, in each sector of every industry which includes both the levels of small and corporate businesses, the entrepreneurs are considered as the motivating force in economy for expansion and improvements. One can definitely argue that there are insufficiency of confirmed associations between the recognized theories of modern business and the place of entrepreneurs in the organizational and economy strategy with such recognitions. A major part of the entrepreneurship includes recognition of business opportunities and analysis of feasibility of the business opportunities. Industries face increased competition and a very fast altering industrial environment (Azarloo, et al., 2017). These characteristics in the industrial environment provide new and innovative opportunities in entrepreneurship and the innovative insights whic h may enable the companies to keep with the advances of technology and respond to the new needs of the market. The key activity of entrepreneurship not only involves the introduction of a new product through innovation of product but also the recognition of new opportunities and markets like the needs of the customers. Innovation and recognition of opportunities include the process of creating new ideas and identifying new opportunities in the market (Chatterji, Glaeser Kerr, 2014). Venture capital is a specific kind of finance that is well appropriate to the requirements of the innovative technology based companies. The amalgamation of the development and research, negative earnings, intangible assets, absence of track record that is proven and uncertain prospects that are characteristics of the pre-commercial and start-up initiatives, which would lead to a very high extent of risk for the traditional companies. Venture capital relates to the consequent gap in the finances of any economy through the equity participation. Venture capital has emerged as a new and innovative method for financing during the twentieth century (Criscuolo Wilson, 2013). Venture capital can be denoted as the capital which is provided by the companies of professionals who happen to invest along with the management in rapidly growing and evolution companies which appear to have [potential for high development. Venture capital is an effective form of equity financing specially structured for funding high reward and risky projects. There is a traditional perception of the venture capital is a mode of financing projects that involve high technologies. However, the actual venture capital refers to the investment of finance for long term made in ventures that seek into harnessing the technologies which are commercially proven or the ventures which are promoted by professionally or technically qualified but by not proven by entrepreneurs. Venture capitals are also made in the ventures that involve high risks (Drucker, 2014). Venture capital denote to the financial investment in a project that has high extent of risks with the objective of earning a huge return rate. Venture capital can be identified to have consistent cycle of demand and supply. Jio Technology Telecommunication industry has been one of the most rapidly emerging sectors which have faced huge evolution in the last decade. India is currently the second largest market of telecommunication in India which is still growing. The economy of mobile in India is growing very rapidly and is adding significantly to the GDP of India. The telecommunication market provides an excellent opportunity for the providers of networks form the exogenous and native players. Jio came up with the idea to cater huge revenue in the sector of Indian telecom by providing high quality services at a very affordable and cheap price. The evolution and introduction of Jio technology has proved to be a great opportunity in business in the telecommunication sector and not just a simple idea as it has the market expansion scope for being the biggest network provider of 4G services coverage all across the country including 22 circles of telecom in India. The introduction of Jio technology has been a great busines s opportunity as it has the potential to provide bets services at a very less price as compared to other mobile operators. Jio technology is regarded as the largest startup in the world with an initial investments of Rs 1,50,000 crore which is structured to provide free voice calls and services of 4G internet at Rs 50 per GB (Gonalves, et al., 2016). In this country the population of around 1.2 billion, there are around 212 million users of smart phones existing. This sort of huge market is still untapped which acts as a great market opportunity for the Jio Technology to be successful. The target market for the Jio technology is the Indian mass which covers 120 million users who are currently provided with Lyf 4G services. Further the company would acquire whole new groups of customers. Due to the high speed internet services has been easing the implementation along with smooth experience regarding use of internet. All of this technological benefit is being provided to the customers at a very affordable infact cheapest price. This enables the customers to use the services form Jio technology. Apart from the internet and mobile services, Jio technology is also launching the funding firms which will invest in the digital products and platforms (Halkias, et al., 2014). This will lead to the new ventures in various categories such as healthcare, rural lifestyle, agriculture, niche products in the market, etc. By becoming biggest producer of such heightened technologies, it will be able to make money even after providing its services at such low rates. This will happen deu to increased and expanded base of customers all across the country. The Frontier capital movement has witnessed huge momentum at a very early stage. It ahs been observed that the company has served to have right business opportunities for various investors as it has the potential of attracting huge benefits form a diverse set of business players in the global market. Impact investors, influential leaders of business, conventional venture capitalists, government policy and development of financial institutions have played significant role in directing the risk of the capital in orientation of innovations in a variety of sectors. This has made Frontier Capital movement to be a great business opportunity instead of being simple business idea (Karlsson Warda, 2014). The funds raised by the company are around 105 million dollars. Frontier Venture capital which is generally named as Draper Frontier is a venture capital from which provides finances to early stage technology and media companies. The market opportunities for Draper Frontier expand all across Portland, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, New York, and Sacramento and in other parts of the United States of America. The market for Frontier Venture Capital expands across the regions and sectors of business that have real life experience of implementing start ups. The target market of the company would include the nay market that provides scope for technological opportunities which includes biotechnology, information services, alterative energy and nanotechnology. Customers are going to use its products as they would be availing financial services including hiring, corporate management, fund raising, customer acquisition and assistance in business. The company is going to make money by providing finance services to the companies dealing with technology and media with the services regarding information services, nanotechnology and other technological services (Kraus, Ribeiro-Soriano Schssler, 2017). Betel Express has the potential to provide high quality services regarding logistics and warehousing in the region centered on Asia Pacific. The heaviness of the industry does not allow the services to be provided to the clients at low cost. Bettle Express can provide services to its clients regarding project management, barging, and bonded warehousing with high experience makes the company in having the entrepreneurial opportunity to be feasible. The company provides services regarding warehousing in order to facilitate the incoming shipments regarding transit and project cargo management along with site survey. The company has large business opportunities in the Asia Pacific region centered on Singapore, Indonesia and the entire Indonesian Archipelago (Letaifa Rabeau, 2013). The target market for the company would include the entire Asian and Pacific regions which would include the companies requiring the high quality services regarding project management, barging, full and part c harter. Customers are going to avail the services due to high quality and fats growing services that is provided at comparatively cheaper prices regarding the compete process if shipping to the loading in the vessels of the heavy cargo. The company is going to make money by providing services in the logistics and warehousing at competitive prices which would expand its customer and client base (Lusardi, 2015). Agrivo Myconscience Agrivo Myconscience has been providing exclusive organic mushrooms without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Right form growing the mushrooms, developing and providing various products associated with mushrooms throughout many countries definitely provides great entrepreneurial opportunity which is very unconventional in nature. The company provides products and conducts business activities regarding the cultivation of both medicinal and gourmet mushroom along with substrate bags. The funding for the company has been assisted by the investors which have assisted the companying developing healthy, nutritious mushrooms without any harmful pesticides. The target market of the company includes all the ASEAN countries (Maritz Donovan, 2015). The customers are going to buy the organic mushrooms which are of very high quality and have high nutrition content. The company is going to make money by continuing to provide high quality organic mushrooms, at the most affordable pric es to a large customer base (Messeni Petruzzelli Svejenova, 2015). Zalora can provide various services and products regarding fashion in accordance to the latest and every changing trend. Zalora has been reported to have finds of $ 112 in private equity. This way the services that the company would provide will be in demand all the time. Hence, the company would provide great entrepreneurial opportunities instead of just an idea. Zalora is a renowned operator in the online fashion in the continent of Asia. The company deals with the multi brand retailing regarding foot wear, clothing, and accessories sand the products for personal both for men and women (Modrego, et al., 2015). The company has great opportunities in the market regarding the fashion and apparel sector as this sector is constantly growing and evolving with changing times. The target market for the company includes the Aisan countries like Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong and Brunei. The customers are going to us the products of Zalora as they are updated and i n sync with the latest trends of fashion which suits the taste of both men and women. The company is going to make money by inculcating large scale expansion of its fashion business in the other countries other than those present in the continent of Asia (Sahut Peris-Ortiz, 2014). Astroscale is a company that provides services regarding innovative solutions against the increase in the space debris. The company provides great scope for entrepreneurial opportunity as it provides sustainable use of the environment of space which is very much required in this present era of structural development. It is the first private company to secure the safety of the long term space flight by resolving and improving services regarding space debris removal. It has funding form ANA Holdings, OSG Corporations, Innovation Network Corporation of Japan as $25 million, $ 35 million, $ 7.7 million respectively (Sharpe Schroeder, 2016). The market opportunities for the company are very narrow yet intense as it deals with the highest technological aspect associated with space. The clients and customers of the company are going to use the products as it has become increasingly important to remove clutter and debris from the space for saving the space mission and stations that are very much significant for our planet. The company is going to make money by providing highly efficient techniques and services associated with debris removal and other innovative space ventures. Ninja Van is the fastest growing start up in the space of logistics which assists in providing cutting edge technology regarding logistics service in Asia. The company has wide scale operations regarding the use of technology in the optimization of logistics which provides great scope for entrepreneurial opportunity. The company provides resolution r regarding logistics space through multi-scaled strategic associations, and advanced technology through distributive and reactive systems. The company is funded by Abraaj Group and Monks Hill Ventures with $ 30 million and $2.4 million respectively. The market opportunities for the company are extensive in nature as it deals with the logistics and warehousing integrated the advanced technology which is always demanded in such heavy industries. This can be further described by the high scalability of the capacity of the company which is existing due to high demand of the services among its clients (?ledzik, 2013). The target market for the company revolves around the Asian countries includes the countries which are nearby Singapore. The customers will buy the services as the company provides integrated services regarding logistics by integrating the reactive and distributed system at competitive prices. The company can make money by providing services along with routing software layer regulating legacy assets to its clients. NSEIT is a international technological company with a s key focus on the industry of financial service. The company provides eneterpreneurial opportunities as the domain of the company is widely extending form expertise and technology regarding Analytics, Integrated Security Response and many other technological services which are aligned with the requirements of the financial institutions. The company offers application services, assessments services associated with IT enabling, Infrastructure services which are in accordance to the BFIS segments. The prime focus of the company is the key technologies which enable the company to use new and advanced trends regarding the digital technologies such as mobility, analytics, cloud computing. This way the market opportunity for the company is ever growing. The target market for the company would include all the countries which are growing and are leading in technological aspects similar to United States and India. clients and customers are going to use the services of the company as it provides high quality technologically integrated services in the financial institutions (Soares, et al., 2013). The company is going to make money by expanding its markets and providing more innovative services to the clients. TradeHero is a company that deals with the free stock market simulation app that attracts the data from the real world forms the stock exchange for creating a competitive international network for social investment. This provides a great opportunity as entrepreneurial opportunity as the users can avail a platform for competition among the users regarding the social networks or on the international leader boards with various users all across the world. The high technological presence facilitates opportunities for the company . The company has funding form IPV Capital and Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers. Market opportunity for the company is wide scaled and spread all across the world as it is completely technologically based app which would provide huge platform for the traders for monetization of the expertise of investment by democratizing trading in a single app that can be used by individuals across the world. The target market for the company can be all countries where technology is on demand. The customers are going to avail the service as its s has only small monthly fees for receiving the services regarding monetizing of their investments in single app which is every convenient. The company is going to make more money any sharing subscription revenue from the followers. Sherelt provides huge opportunities for entrepreneurships as it is inculcates social network in trading which enhances the business operation on a wide scale. The company is a white labeled business organization which deals with the social trading network for the companies handling with stock brokerages (Wu Huarng, 2015). It has raised funds form Startupbootcamp and Startupbootcamp FinTech Singapore of about $ 15k. The market opportunity for the company is huge as the company can provide expanded services regarding share trades with other traders on a global scale. The target market for the company will include all the global countries which have most of public investing in stock market (Thbaud, 2015). The customers will avail the services provided by Sherelt due to the increased flow of deals, increased ratios of conversion and enhanced services. The company will be able to make more money by increasing the customer and client base by catapulting trading returns. References Azarloo, M., Eshghiaraghi, M., Salehi, S. Y., Habibpoor, V., Jahangiri, M. (2017). Factors Affecting Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and its Role in Countries' Economic Development. Chatterji, A., Glaeser, E., Kerr, W. (2014). Clusters of entrepreneurship and innovation.Innovation Policy and the Economy,14(1), 129-166. Criscuolo, C., Wilson, K. (2013). Role of High-Growth Firms in Catalysing Entrepreneurship and Innovation.forthcoming OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Paper, OECD: Paris. Drucker, P. (2014).Innovation and entrepreneurship. Routledge. Gonalves, M. O. B., Remoaldo, P. C., da Cunha, P. J., Silva, N. (2016). Entrepreneurship and innovation: The study case of Portuguese in London. InHandbook of research on entrepreneurial success and its impact on regional development(pp. 726-753). IGI Global. Halkias, D., Pizzurno, E., De Massis, A., Fragoudakis, M. (2014). Halal products and services in the italian tourism and hospitality industry: brief case studies of entrepreneurship and innovation.Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship,19(02), 1450012. Karlsson, C., Warda, P. (2014). Entrepreneurship and innovation networks.Small Business Economics,43(2), 393-398. Kraus, S., Ribeiro-Soriano, D., Schssler, M. (2017). Fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) in entrepreneurship and innovation researchthe rise of a method.International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-19. Letaifa, S. B., Rabeau, Y. (2013). Too close to collaborate? How geographic proximity could impede entrepreneurship and innovation.Journal of Business Research,66(10), 2071-2078. Lusardi, A. (2015). Harnessing financial education to spur entrepreneurship and innovation. In3rd Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy, Pars, mayo. Maritz, A., Donovan, J. (2015). Entrepreneurship and innovation: Setting an agenda for greater discipline contextualisation.Education+ Training,57(1), 74-87. Messeni Petruzzelli, A., Svejenova, S. (2015). Cooking up New Ideas across Levels and Contexts: Introduction to the Special Issue on Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Food Industry.Industry and Innovation,22(8), 649-653. Modrego, F., McCann, P., Foster, W. E., Olfert, M. R. (2015). Regional entrepreneurship and innovation in Chile: A knowledge matching approach.Small Business Economics,44(3), 685-703. Sahut, J. M., Peris-Ortiz, M. (2014). Small business, innovation, and entrepreneurship.Small Business Economics,42(4), 663-668. Sharpe, N. R., Schroeder, C. M. (2016). Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Middle East: Current Challenges and Recommended Policies. InInnovation in Emerging Markets(pp. 87-101). Palgrave Macmillan UK. ?ledzik, K. (2013). Schumpeters view on innovation and entrepreneurship. Soares, F. O., Seplveda, M. J., Monteiro, S., Lima, R. M., Dinis-Carvalho, J. (2013). An integrated project of entrepreneurship and innovation in engineering education.Mechatronics,23(8), 987-996. Straub, J. (2013). Increasing national space engineering productivity and educational opportunities via Intrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, and Innovation.Technology Innovation,15(3), 211-226. Thbaud, S. (2015). Status beliefs and the spirit of capitalism: Accounting for gender biases in entrepreneurship and innovation.Social Forces,94(1), 61-86. Wu, C. W., Huarng, K. H. (2015). Global entrepreneurship and innovation in management.
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Normalization of the Erd free essay sample
Normalization of the ERD By: Vanessa Kennedy Normalization of the ERD The normalization of the ERD along with the driver’s log is taking all of the data within the database and putting the information into tables (World Book, 2011). In addition, after the data is normalized it then is put into an Entity Relationship Diagram or ERD (World Book, 2011). In this paper we will look at the ERD of the driver’s log. The normalization that I would perform on the driver’s log would be on the Driver’s Table.In this table I would have set it up to have an additional table for the Name, Employee ID Number, and Date of the Last Physical Examination, Date of Last Annual Drug Test, and the Date of the Last Random Drug Test. The information that is listed here is only needed if a problem should occur with the driver. The normalization that I would perform on the Driver’s Log Table is listed as follows; the first step is to create a table that contains the Content’s Name, Employee ID Number, Date (month, day, and year), Tractors ID Number, Trailer 1 ID Number, Trailer 2 ID Number, and Trailer 3 ID Number. We will write a custom essay sample on Normalization of the Erd or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This would be the first table of the ERD. The reason why I would make this table is because I believe this is more for record keeping. With that being said by using this table it helps keep track of which driver has which tractor and trailer. Next there would be a second table created. In this table it would contain the following information; the table would have information such as Name, Employee ID Number, Date, Co-Driver name and Co-Driver Employee ID Number. The information on this table is a quick reference. The quick reference table will allow an individual to see who is working with each employee.Next there would be a third table created. The third table would contain the following information; Name, Employee ID Number, Off Duty Start and Stop Time, and the total of the Off Duty Hours. This table would be used to keep track of the off duty hours. This table would be used to keep an accurate account of the total hours for employees when they are not working. In addition to the three tables already created there would be a need for a fourth table. The fourth table that needs to be created would contain the following information; Name, Employee ID Number, Sleeper Berth, Start and Stop Time, and the Total Sleeper Berth Time. This particular table would show how long each employee uses the sleeper berth and also the total number of hours for each employee in the sleeper berth log. Next there needs to be a fifth table created for the diagram. This table would need to consist of the following information; Name, Employee ID Number, Date, Driving Start and Driving Stop Time, and the total number of hours that the employee is driving. This table would be used to see how long each employee is driving on each trip. This table also contains information of the total number of hours that each employee will drive while on shift.The sixth table that needs to be created needs contain additional information about the driver. This information will need to consist of the following; Name, Employee ID Number, On Duty (not driving) start and stop time, and the total number of hours on duty (not driving). This table would track each employee’s hours that were worked when not driving, this table also shows the total amount of hours worked but not while driving. The last table that needs to be created is would have to contain the following information; Name, Employee ID Number, Odometer start and stop miles and also the total amount of miles that each driver drives.The last table that I create is going to be used to track each of the driver’s odometer readings. This would include each time that they drive and the total amount of miles driven by each driver. All of the tables will have a comment column section included on the table. This is added so that additional information can be added when needed by office personnel or by the driver. I believe that the violations table only needs normalization if there is more than one citation and if there are more than one in a different sate or municipality issuing the citation. The driver’s log tables are important for drivers and employee to fill out in order to provide correct and accurate information. In order for the drivers log ERD to be successful is to make sure that there is no duplicate and unnecessary information. In this paper, we looked at the ERD of the driver’s log. We then looked at other tables that share a relationship with additional tables that go with the original table. I hope that you were able to learn about the ERD and the driver’s log.
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