Thursday, November 28, 2019
Arican American Histry Essay Example
Arican American Histry Essay Example Arican American Histry Essay Arican American Histry Essay Atlanta, Georgia. | 1944| Graduated from Booker T. Washington High School and was admitted to Morehouse College at age 15. | 1948| Graduates from Morehouse College and enters Crozer Theological Seminary. Ordained to the Baptist ministry, February 25, 1948, at age 19. | 1951| Enters Boston University for graduate studies. | 1953| Marries Coretta Scott and settles in Montgomery, Alabama. | 1955| Received Doctorate of Philosophy in Systematic Theology from Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts on June 5, 1955. Dissertation Title: A Comparison of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Henry Wiseman. Joins the bus boycott after Rosa Parks was arrested on December 1. On December 5, he is elected president of the Montgomery Improvement Association, making him the official spokesman for the boycott. | 1956| On November 13, the Supreme Court rules that bus segregation is illegal, ensuring victory for the boycott. | 1957| King forms the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to fight segregation and achieve civil rights. On May 17, Dr. King speaks to a crowd of 15,000 in Washington, D. C. | 1958| The U. S. Congress passed the first Civil Rights Act since reconstruction. Kings first book, Stride Toward Freedom, is published. On a speaking tour, Martin Luther King, Jr. is nearly killed when stabbed by an assailant in Harlem. Met with President Dwight D. Eisenhower, along with Roy Wilkins, A. Philip Randolph, and Lester Grange on problems affecting black Americans. | 1959| Visited India to study Mohandas Gandhis philosophy of nonviolence. Resigns from pastoring the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church to concentrate on civil rights full time. He moved to Atlanta to direct the activities of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. | 1960| Becomes co-pastor with his father at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. Lunch counter sit-ins began in Greensboro, North Carolina. In Atlanta, King is arrested during a sit-in waiting to be served at a restaurant. He is sentenced to four months in jail, but after intervention by John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy, he is released. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee founded to coordinate protests at Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina. | 1961| In November, the Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation in interstate travel due to work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Freedom Riders. Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) began first Freedom Ride through the South, in a Greyhound bus, after the U. S. Supreme Court outlawed segregation in interstate transportation. | 1962| During the unsuccessful Albany, Georgia movement, King is arrested on July 27 and jailed. | 1963| On Good Friday, April 12, King is arrested with Ralph Abernathy by Police Commissioner Eugene Bull Connor for demonstrating without a permit. On April 13, the Birmingham campaign is launched. This would prove to be the turning point in the war to end segregation in the South. During the eleven days he spent in jail, MLK writes his famous Letter from Birmingham Jail On May 10, the Birmingham agreement is announced. The stores, restaurants, and schools will be desegregated, hiring of blacks implemented, and charges dropped. On June 23, MLK leads 125,000 people on a Freedom Walk in Detroit. The March on Washington held August 28 is the largest civil rights demonstration in history with nearly 250,000 people in attendance. At the march, King makes his famous I Have a Dream speech. On November 22, President Kennedy is assassinated. | 1964| On January 3, King appears on the cover of Time magazine as its Man of the Year. King attends the signing ceremony of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 at the White House on July 2. During the summer, King experiences his first hurtful rejection by black people when he is stoned by Black Muslims in Harlem. King is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on December 10. Dr. King is the youngest person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace at age 35. | 1965| On February 2, King is arrested in Selma, Alabama during a voting rights demonstration. After President Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act into law, Martin Luther King, Jr. turns to socioeconomic problems. | 1966| On January 22, King moves into a Chicago slum tenement to attract attention to the living conditions of the poor. In June, King and others begin the March Against Fear through the South. On July 10, King initiates a campaign to end discrimination in housing, employment, and schools in Chicago. | 1967| The Supreme Court upholds a conviction of MLK by a Birmingham court for demonstrating without a permit. King spends four days in Birmingham jail. On November 27, King announces the inception of the Poor Peoples Campaign focusing on jobs and freedom for the poor of all races. | 1968| King announces that the Poor Peoples Campaign will culminate in a March on Washington demanding a $12 billion Economic Bill of Rights guaranteeing mployment to the able-bodied, incomes to those unable to work, and an end to housing discrimination. Dr. King marches in support of sanitation workers on strike in Memphis, Tennessee. On March 28, King leads a march that turns violent. This was the first time one of his events had turned violent. Delivered Ive Been to the Mountaintop speech. At sunset on April 4, Martin Luthe r King, Jr. is fatally shot while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. There are riots and disturbances in 130 American cities. There were twenty thousand arrests. Kings funeral on April 9 is an international event. Within a week of the assassination, the Open Housing Act is passed by Congress. | Figure 1: References: Kirk, J. (2009). THE LONG ROAD TO EQUALITY. History Today, 59(2), 52-58. Bowles, M. (2011). A History of the United States 1865-Present. Sand Diego, CA. :Bridgepoint Education Price, J. J. (2005). HEGEMONY, HOPE, AND THE HARLEM RENAISSANCE: TAKING HIP HOP CULTURE SERIOUSLY. Convergence, 38(2), 55-64. Milford, M. (2012). The Olympics, Jesse Owens, Burke, and the Implications of Media Framing in Symbolic Boasting. Mass Communication Society, 15(4), 485-505. doi:10. 1080/15205436. 2012. 665119 Bell, D. A. (2004). Silent Covenants : Brown V. Board of Education and the Unfulfilled Hopes for Racial Reform. Oxford University Press. McElmurry, S. (2009). Elvira Arellano: no Rosa Parks. Creation of us versus them in an opinion column. Hispanic Journal Of Behavioral Sciences, 31(2), 182-203. Margolin, V. (2012). The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial: A Flawed Concept. Journal Of Visual Culture, 11(3), 400-408. doi:10. 1177/1470412912458070 lib. lsu. edu/hum/mlk/srs216. html Carson, C. (2005). The Unfinished Dialogue of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. OAH Magazine Of History, 19(1), 22-26. malcolm-x. org/bio/timeline. htm Holmes, M. (2009). The Freedom Riders. Smithsonian, 39(11), 70-75. nytimes. com/2008/11/05/us/politics/05elect. html? pagewanted=all_r=0 ALEX-ASSENSOH, Y. M. (2008). Change and the 2008 American Presidential Election. Politicka Misao: Croatian Political Science Review, 45(5), 235-243. Baker, S. (2010). Education and Equality: African American Teachers and the Civil Rights Movement, 1940-1963. NAAAS Affiliates Conference Monographs, 1025-1040.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Columbine Massacre Speech Essays
Columbine Massacre Speech Essays Columbine Massacre Speech Essay Columbine Massacre Speech Essay â€Å"Fun†in Littleton Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the horrible tragedy of the Columbine Massacre. Introduction: It was Tuesday, April 20, 1999. It was an exciting day for me in the fourth grade when I turned 9 years old. However, the people of Littleton, Colorado remember that day as something more and definitely less exciting than my birthday was. On April 20, 1999 Littleton Colorado experienced what we now know as the Columbine Massacre. Two seniors at Columbine High School, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold completed this act killing 12 students, 1 teacher, and injured 21 others before committing suicide. Why would anyone want to commit such a horrific crime? Today I am going to talk to you about the boys and their preparations, the massacre itself, and the aftermath. Transition: I will begin by describing the yearlong preparation that Eric and Dylan completed. In January of 1998, the boys were caught stealing a car. While they were completing volunteer hours, seeing counselors and convincing everyone that they were sincere; they were actually also making elaborate plans for a massacre at their high school. According to About. om, a year before the shooting, Eric and Dylan wrote about killing and retaliation in each other’s yearbooks. Within that year, the boys purchased many types of firearms and searched the internet finding ways to make advanced bombs. They planned to set the bombs for 11:17am in the cafeteria where over 500 students would be. They wanted to kill as many people as possible. After the massacre, the FBI found journals filled with Dylan and Eric’s detailed plans. There were illustrations of people in trenchcoats including where everything would be carried from knives to bullets. Also, from www. columbinesite. com, they show a page from Dylan’s journal including the schedule of events to occur. Even though the massacre wasn’t as large as intended, the boys spent a lot of time preparing for the attack at Columbine high school. Transition: Now that I have discussed the intense preparation involved with the event, I will continue to put in plain words the details involved with the actual massacre. Dylan and Eric arrived at their high school at 11:10am on April 20th, 1999. They proceeded to enter the school with two duffel bags full of two 20-pound bombs and put them in the cafeteria. No one noticed the bags because they blended in with everyone else’s backpacks. The boys left the school and waited for the explosion. Time passed and nothing happened. After warning a classmate in the parking lot to go home, they decided to go into the school. Within a few yards of the school, they made their first few shots at Rachel Scott and Richard Castaldo. Rachel was killed instantly and Richard survived but was severely injured. Dylan and Eric advanced into the school where their second encounter was with three boys leaving the cafeteria. They shot them all eventually killing one. A teacher heard the commotion and assuming it was some sort of senior prank, she told them to knock it off. She and another student were shot and injured. The teacher ran down the hall and ran into the library to warn students to take cover. Eric soon after had an encounter with a police officer and the police officer realized he needed to call for help. The boys continued to fire down the hall-ways and in the cafeteria injuring many other students including teacher, Dave Sanders. Dave made it into a science classroom where they attempted to assist him and put a sign in the window reading, â€Å"1 bleeding to death. Because of the excessive bleeding and lack of medical attention for a long period of time, Dave died. Moments later, Eric and Dylan advanced to the library where they would murder many more. One of the most memorable instances was with Cassie Bernall. She was hiding under a table when according to www. about. com, Eric banged on the table looked underneath saying,  "peek-a-boo†before shooting Cassie in the head and killing her. It was also debated whether or not Cassie was asked if she believed in god before being shot. The boys also managed to injure many others in the library, killing 9 of them. They wandered around the school for about 20 minutes doing foolish things before returning to the library. After shooting out the windows, the two shot themselves around 12:08. However, because no-one saw them commit suicide, it took quite some time for police to clear the building. Transition: You have now heard some of the basic details about the massacre, and I will continue on with the after-math of the horrible tragedy. Some may believe that Eric and Dylan targeted certain people. However, no matter their intentions, they killed a diverse group of people. Some were nerds, actors, jocks, freshmen, and seniors. Because of this, no one knows why the two would commit such a horrific crime. According to the article, â€Å"In sorrow and disbelief,†the students planted crosses nearby for the memorials of students killed. There are four pink crosses for the girls, nine blue crosses for the boys, and two black crosses farther away, for the killers. This led to controversy because some people did not think they should have memorials for the killers. Eventually, the two black crosses were removed. In response to columbine, new gun control laws were passed, and school security around the country was improved. I have now told you about the preparations, the massacre itself and the aftermath of the horrible tragedy in Littleton, Colorado. Columbine high school was a nice high school in a fun city, probably similar to a high school in Overland Park. The massacre should open our eyes and realize that it does not have to be a low-class high school for terrible things like this to happen. It is important to recognize the acts of potential shooters so that situations like this do not continue to happen. Columbine massacre was a serious and life-changing event that people will forever remember.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Economics and Finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Economics and Finance - Essay Example Another important feature of a developed bond market is that this corporate bond market provides an alternative source for funds used for operational purposes by the private sector other than borrowing from banks or from the equity markets. Debentures, Unsecured Notes and subordinated debts are those securities which are traded and issued on the corporate bond market. Those firms which are running efficiently and successfully can also decide to spread out their activities and start-up new projects. To start new projects the firms need to raise capital. Hence the firm can decide on raising those funds from the bond market as it can be advantageous for the firm in the long run. Understanding the corporate bond market is critical for any company. The following sections give an outlook of the market, on how it functions(the securities which can be issued in the market), the advantages of issuing bonds over other sources such as equity markets and other sources of finance, the types of fi rms that can issue the corporate bonds, the providers of debt and their requirements. The information of the corporate bond markets will help the Board in making informed decision regarding the use of corporate bonds for raising capital to finance the new project which is worth 800 million. Types of securities that can be issued in the corporate bond market The following are the three types of securities that a firm can issue. 1. Debentures A debenture is a type of a document which is not secured by any collateral. Below are the two types of debentures explained? a. Fixed-Charge debenture:. In this type of debenture, a charge is fixed over those assets which are permanent for example fixed assets like buildings. In case the company defaults, these assets are not allowed to be sold until the bondholder has been satisfied in the event of default. The first claim on the assets is of these bondholders b. Floating-charge debenture: In this type of debenture, the charge is floating, that is a charge is issued over assets such as finished goods. Since, these assets are meant to be sold the firm issues a floating charge over these assets. When the firm defaults the floating charge is converted into fixed charge. The bondholders can then take control of the assets. When the claims of the fixed charge bondholders are satisfied, they can claim the remaining assets of the firm. 2. Unsecured Notes It is a corporate bond with no underlying security attached to it. The bondholders cannot claim the assets until the fixed-charge and floating-charge bondholders are satisfied. In the event of default, the unsecured notes holders will be paid last. 3. Subordinated Debt Subordinated debt is that type of a debt which is issued for the long-term and in the event of a default, subordinated debt holders receive after all other creditors. Subordinated debt is closer to equity than debt. It is shown as shareholders’ funds on the balance sheet. It improves the credit rating of the firm. As a result the firm can borrow more easily. Types of firms that qualify for raising direct debt Direct debt can be raised by public limited companies, who can do this by issuing financial securities such as stock and bonds.. These shares can be issued to the general public by means of an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Gala Dinner and the Media Launch Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Gala Dinner and the Media Launch - Case Study Example The planning should include all the aspects of the conference or event. The organizations also need to establish the SWOT analysis to overcome the threats that they may suffer during the event and to maximize on the opportunities that arise. Success of event and festival occasions lies under the marketing research section of a company. Events and festival activities will continue to be a major selling tool of organizations in future. The purpose statement is that the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch concerns the Australian Olympic Committee and they would like to organize the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch through our company. One of the general tasks that we have include; Organizing the Gala Dinner for the whole group and later conduct the media launch, allocation of portfolios to committee members including the entertainers, hotel mangers, chairman, the treasurer and the secretary. To also making a decision on whether a coordinator for the conference is necessary or not. The management of the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch will specifically be left to the organizers starting with the chief executive of this company. Although duties will be dedicated to every individual at the two events, more work will be done by the conference management committee in order to ensure that everything goes as planned. The management committee will also be responsible for the budgeting considerations for the company and that all work will handled by the Gala Dinner and the Media Launch committee. Major stakeholders The major stakeholders here will be; Executive members of the Australian Olympic Committee Members of the Australian sports council Ten members of the athletics team Gala Dinner and th
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Plan Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Plan Proposal - Essay Example Two passionate entrepreneurs who are on a mission to revolutionize service delivery in the food and beverage sector founded the company in the year 2009. The main objective of the corporation is to facilitate the provision of affordable food items to the locals in the area. It was set to bridge the gap created by large corporations that are neglecting certain carders of personalities especially the less fortunate. Its target market is the low-income earners who also have a right to enjoy decent meals in hotels (Costello 21). Since its founding, the joint has been recording good performance in terms of revenue and capacity. The performance is attributable to its exemplary management, effective and functional business plan, qualified support staff, and quality services. The food joint has also developed viable operating strategy and competitive plan purposely to foster its sustainability in the dynamic field. In its menu, the company serves its customers with fresh meals that include local/traditional and modern dishes. The dishes include local vegetables, fish, beef, chicken and various snacks. Tea, coffee, soft drinks, and cocktail drinks also form part of the beverages provided to customers. The corporation has remained steadfast since it has a good financial plan, resource mobilization strategy, marketing plan, management and food processing procedure. These aspects elevate its standards to higher levels of competitiveness. The restaurant has a vibrant management team that comprise of the general manager, marketing and product managers. The managers’ role in the institution is to formulate operating guidelines and coordinate affairs at all levels of operation in ensuring that target objectives are met. They are the custodian of the business plan as they work towards ensuring its holistic implementation. They set strategies both operational and non-operational; formulate goals,
Friday, November 15, 2019
Example Of Television Advertising Campaign Marketing Essay
Example Of Television Advertising Campaign Marketing Essay Choose a company or a brand of a product of service in NZ. Focusing on the integrated marketing communication system of the company. I choose McDonald. I would explain McDonald focusing on the integrated marketing communication system. McDonalds Promotion strategy is Think Global Act Local. Moreover, im lovin it is a key part of McDonalds promotion strategy to link with customers in highly relevant, culturally important ways around the world Example of Television Advertising Campaign The advertising goal of this television advertising is to support back up sale promotion campaign, and to advise the customer serving new promotion of McDonalds menu. Certainly, the speedy delivery service is a special selling point of McDonalds. When I saw this advertising at the first time, I want to provide McDonalds delivery service because its a speedy service and delicious and interesting menus. I think this advertising strategy employ the emotion to hold the customers. After seeing this adverting, I want to provide McDonalds because of speedy delivery service, and interesting promotion. Advertising Campaign McDonalds has a wide scope of McDonalds campaign in many countries. Moreover, it focuses on average their brand name but localizing their advertising campaign. In New Zealand, television advertising campaign aimed specifically the children and teenager. The main goal of television advertising to make customer awareness the new products (menus). Public Relations McDonalds in New Zealand use the public relation using the internet media like MSN to update the new goods and hot promotion on it, so it is simple way for the person who likes McDonalds. Matter of fact, an amusing activity is a good method of McDonalds public connection to promote brand image McDonalds focuses on helping seek settlement for problem facing families and children today. The main goal is to certain needs of improving the lifestyle of underprivileged children. Q2-Identify and describe the elements of promotional mix they use in their integrated marketing communication. There are five main fields of a promotional mix.[1 ]These are: Advertising Announcement and promotion of thinking, services or goods, or by an identified sponsor. Examples: radio, Print ads, television, direct mail, billboard, ,brochures and catalogs, signs, posters, in-store displays, motion pictures, banner ads, Web pages, and emails. Personal selling -Personal selling is effective in influencing the buying process, specially make buyers favor, confidence and action. Examples: sales meetings, Sales presentations, incentive programs for intermediary salespeople, sales training, samples, and telemarketing. Can be via telephone or face-to-face. Sales promotion non-media and media marketing communication are hired for limited time, a pre-determined to increase stimulate market demand, consumer demand or improve product availability. Examples: sweepstakes, coupons, contests, product samples, self-liquidating premiums, rebates, trade-ins, trade shows, and exhibitions. Public relations Paid close stimulation of supply for goods, service, or business unit by planting important news about it or a satisfactory presentation of it in the media. Examples: magazine and Newspaper articles/reports, radios and TV presentations, speeches, charitable contributions, seminars, and issue advertising. Direct Marketing is a system of marketing by which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response and/or a transaction. For example, email, mobile messaging, interactive consumer websites, fliers, online display ads, promotional letters, catalog distribution ,and outdoor advertising. Q3-Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each element in the promotional mix. The major marketing communication tools, including advertising, public relations, sales promotion, direct and online marketing, and personal selling are discussed below. The advantages of advertising are that first, advertiser controls the message. Second, cost effective method to communicate with large customers. Third, effective method makes symbolic appeals and brand images. Fourth, often it can be effective method to touch immediate chord with consumers. The disadvantages of advertising are that first, high cost of producing and running ads. Second, it caused credibility problems and consumer skepticism. Third, difficulty is in determining effectiveness. Fourth, it is only a one-way communication. The advantages of personal selling are first, direct contact between seller and buyer permits for more flexibility. Second, it can tailor sales message to detailed needs of consumers. Third, it allows for more direct and immediate feedback. Fourth, sales efforts can be aimed to detailed markets and customers who are best vision. The disadvantages of personal selling are first, high costs per contact. Second, expensive way to reach large audiences. Third, difficult to have constant and uniform message conveyed to all customers. The advantages of sales promotion are divided 2 parts, consumer-oriented and trade-oriented. The consumer-oriented is targeted to the eventual users of service or a product. ex) coupons, sampling, contests, sweepstakes. The trade-oriented is targeted toward marketing intermediaries like wholesalers, retailers or distributors. ex) promotion allowances, price deals, trade shows. The advantages of public relations are first, it can reach many prospects that are difficult for other communication tools. Second, a combination of public relations with other communication tools in the business campaign can be very effective and economical. The advantages of direct marketing are first, alters in society have made consumers more capacity to direct marketing. Second, Permit marketers to be very target specific segments of customers and selective. Third, messages can be customized for specific customers. Fourth, effectiveness is easier to measure. The disadvantages of direct marketing are first, absence of customer receptivity and very low reply rates. Second, it has image problems-particularly with telemarketing. Third, it can be clutter. The advantages of interactive/internet marketing are first, it can be used for kinds of IMC competence. Second, messages can be tailored to detailed needs and interests of customers. Third, interactive leads to higher level of involvement. Fourth, it can supply a lot of information to customers. The disadvantages of interactive/internet marketing are first, internet is not yet a mass medium as many consumers lack access. Second, attention to internet ads is very low. Third, great deal of clutter on the internet. Fourth, customer measurement is a big problem on the internet. I did not analyze Q4 because I do not know what the message structure in the promotional mix tool. But I did my best what I could do. Thank you for reading my assignment.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Pride And Prejudice Essay -- essays research papers
Pride and Prejudice: Marriage Essay written by Maria Engstrom Introduction For this essay, I chose to read the perhaps most famous book by the English author Jane Austen. During the reading I was thinking about which theme I should choose to write about and analyze, and eventually I felt that marriage was the central keyword in the book. I will concentrate on the situation of the daughters in the family, since these are the best described in the novel. My dealing with different ideals and problems within a marriage will be illustrated with examples from the text. Analysis "Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other, or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life." This is a quote from Charlotte Lucas, one of the female characters in the novel, and a quote which very well exemplify the general feelings against marriage for the period and the people in upperclass England. Marriage is central for all characters in the novel: not just daughters and sons, but parents, aunts, uncles and everybody else who has some interest in the subject. Though it is of course most in the interest of the daughter herself to get married, the interests of the own family can be important for the choice of husband and wife. It is not appropriate for the daughter to choose whoever she likes for her husband, which she- if she wants a happy marriage- is not very likely to do. I will discuss the reasons for the careful choice of a proper husband below. "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife" This is the first line in the novel, which clearly shows the connection between money and marriage. It lies in the interest of a woman to marry a man with a fortune, or at least some good deal of money. The husband is meant to support his wife, since he is the one with a profession and she is not (something that will be discussed further down). So, naturally, personal attractions are weighed against financial considerations. This is why Mrs. Gardiner does not think Wickham a ve... ...connection was a permanent one since divorces were very uncommon during this period (and misfortunate for the family's good name, one can imagine). One way for a husband to divorce his wife would be on grounds of sexual infidelity on the wife's hand. This was, however, not an easy path to a divorce. Except from getting the permission of the Parliament to sue the wife, these different steps costed a good deal of money, which lead to only the rich being able afford divorces. Conclusion Marriage is the main subject in the novel, as well as for people of this period. The maybe most important condition for a happy marriage is money besides love family relations. The situation of the women in the novel does not allow them any kind of deviant acting since a happy marriage is the only goal for them. Though this is the general atmosphere in the novel, I would like to end my essay with the words of Mr. Bennet to his daughter Elizabeth on her accepting Mr. Darcy's proposal, which stand like an anti-thesis of the otherwise general view of the perfect marriage: "He is rich, to be sure, and you may have more fine clothes and fine carriages than Jane. But will they make you happy?"
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Jackson’s Knowledge Argument
Dualism is the theory that our world is not entirely physical but is made up of mind and matter, therefore uggesting the mind is not the brain (brain is matter, the mind is a separate entity). Cartesian Dualism states: Each mind is an immaterial substance capable of independent existence. The characteristic property of this substance is thought. The physical world is a material substance, capable of independent existence. The characteristic property of this substance is extension (taking up space). (Lecture 1, DCT). Monism, in contrast to dualism states that the mind and brain are unified, and that there is no division between the two.Those who support monism believe that there is only one reality. Physicalism is a kind of monism as it is the belief that different approaches to the mind-body problem, let us look at the knowledge argument by Frank Jackson, who theorises that physicalism is false. Jackson describes two thought experiments to support his anti-physicalism theory. The fir st centres around Mary, a brilliant scientist who is confined to a black and white room, who learns everything through black and white, including a black and white television.Mary is an expert in the neurophysiology of vision learns all the physical information about what happens to the brain when we see colour. Jackson (1982, p. 30) states: â€Å"She discovers, for example, Just which wave-length combinations from the sky stimulate the retina, and exactly how this produces via the central nervous system the contraction of vocal chords and expulsion of air from the lungs that results in the uttering of the sentence â€Å"The sky is blue†. When Mary leaves the room, and sees the colour red for the first time, Jackson raises the question of whether Mary will learn anything or not.Jackson claims that yes indeed Mary does, because she is having a new visual experience that she has not had before, despite having all the physical information prior to this. Jackson (1982, p. 130) g oes on â€Å"But then it is inescapable that her previous knowledge was incomplete. But she had all the physical information. Ergo there is more to have than that, and Physicalism is false†. Jackson believes that qualia has been left out of this story. qualia relates to our own subjective experiences.When I see a colour, smell a perfume, I am subjected toa conscious experience that is only relevant to me, no one else can experience these sensations the way I do. The following thought experiment in Jackson's paper explains this further. Fred, presented with a bunch of ripe tomatoes, separates them n to two groups. Fred has better colour vision than anyone else, but manages to separate the tomatoes into two groups, redl and red2. Whilst we may categorise all the tomatoes as simply red, Fred sees clearly two different types of red, in the way we would distinguish yellow from green.Suppose we know all about Fred's physiology and discover is a super ability to separate colours on the red spectrum, it does not actually tell us what it is like to see colour from Fred's perspective, or his colour experience. No amount of physical information about Fred can tell us what it is like o see colours in the same way as Fred does. Furthermore, if we were to implant Fred's brain into another beings body, it still would not tell us anything about Fred's conscious experience of seeing red at this present moment in time.Thomas Nagel's paper What is it like to be a bat? reinforces the theory that physicalism leaves something out. If we look at physicalism objectively, for example, look at the facts about Marys physiology that enable to her to see, we can know what happens to the optic nerve and retina when Mary sees colour, or light, but her experience of seeing he colour red is a subjective one. This experience is told from the first person point of view, therefore Nagel suggests that we cannot be objective about other people's experiences.Nagel (1974, p. 426) describes ho w we can we observe the physicality of bats: â€Å"Now we know that most bats (the microchiroptera, to be precise) perceive the external world primarily by sonar, or echolocation, detecting the reflections, from objects within range, of their own rapid, subtly modulated, high frequency shrieks†. There is nothing about a bat's senses that are like ours, and while we can imagine hat it may be like to be another human being, we cannot imagine what it is like to our imagination.As we do not have experience of being a bat our imagination is therefore limited. It is within my capabilities to mimic a bat's behaviour, eat insects, hang upside down, imagine myself flying, but I cannot share the same experiences as a bat as only a bat knows what it is like to have these experiences. One of the main physicalist responses to Jackson's knowledge argument is to agree that Mary does learn something new when she leaves the black and white room. Physicalists say hat Mary has gained a new abil ity rather than a new fact.Remember that Mary possessed all physical information before she left the room. Another physicalist view is that Mary is experiencing a mental state that is a result of the physical impact on her brain when she sees colour. The mental state that happens to Mary is seen as a brain state and therefore deemed to be physical. She already has the knowledge how to see colour but not necessarily knowledge that. Knowledge that is knowing that Paris is the capital of France, whilst knowledge how is knowing how to play the piano.Mary knows how to recognise colour. There is also the matter of causal closure which relates to every physical event having a physical cause. For example, if you bang your toe, is a physical event, which activates the mental state of pain, and to make the decision to hold on to your toe is also a mental state, however it results in your holding your toe, which is a physical event. This physicalist argument is a strong one, but no matter whic h way we look at the mind-body problem no one can have your conscious experiences.There can be countless thought experiments but each subject will see or feel things differently. Philip Goff (2013) states: â€Å"Physicalism is a grand and ambitious project, but there is a thorn in its side: consciousness. The qualities each of us encounters in our conscious experience – the feeling of pain, the sensations of biting into a lemon, what it's like to see red – stubbornly refuse to be incorporated into the physicalist's all-encompassing vision of the universe. Consciousness seems to be the one bit of left-over magic that refuses to be physicalised.And it's all the fault of the zombies†. Goff calls these zombies philosophical (or p-zombies) as they are not supposed to e the zombies that we see in films, it is a zombie that is used in philosophical thought experiments. If your zombie, was opened up, everything about its brain structure would be identical with yours. Th e thing that the zombie would lack is conscious experience. It might scream when it is stabbed with a knife, but it is because it is programmed to do so, its reactions will not coincide with feelings of pain of pleasure.Goff, talking about zombies summarises this point â€Å"However, your zombie twin has no inner experience: there is nothing that it's like to be your zombie twin. It's screaming and running away when stabbed isn't accompanied by a feeling of pain. Its smiles are not accompanied by any feeling of pleasure†. Goff puts forward an excellent argument to those who identify brain states with conscious states. He talks about what happens in the brain when you are in pain.If a brain surgeon was to open you up to see what is going on in your head if you had been stabbed with a knife they would see c-fibres firing, but they would not see that you are in pain and the c-fibres are firing, they could see what is happening physically but your conscious xperience of pain woul d not be visible. Goff (2013) explains: â€Å"to say that the feeling of pain is identical with c-fibres firing in your brain, is to say that pain – the thing you sees when she looks in your head after youVe had the knife stuck in you – are one and the same thing.It is to say that we don't have two things – pain and c-fibres firing – but one thing with two labels†Furthermore, if your zombie was opened up and a brain surgeon wanted to observe their brain activity after being stabbed by a knife, again they would observe the c-fibres firing, but there would be the absence of the onscious experience of pain. If you stab your zombie it will create a physical event, with a physical response but you cannot know what it is like to be your zombie, in the same way that your zombie cannot know what it is like to be you.Your zombie cannot be the same as you physically and consciously as you can only be one person. I do not believe that it is possible to compl etely resolve the mind-body problem. I am inclined to lean towards Jackson's point of view that we cannot perceive the colour red from Marys point of view. Not only can we not perceive things visually, if Mary ad been colour blind but gained knowledge how to perceive colours through touch or other senses, it would still be true to say that her experience would be a subjective one.
Friday, November 8, 2019
How to Build an Effective Marketing Schedule (Includes Template)
How to Build an Effective Marketing Schedule (Includes Template) You may believe that spending time getting organized takes time away from getting work done. Variations on this thought are sometimes common among creatives who pride themselves on thriving under chaotic conditions, or just aren’t inclined toward getting organized. The thinking goes that if one focuses on the work itself, everything else can be set aside, and things will somehow work out. This is a dangerous belief. Failing to get organized leads to inefficiency, which leads to less productivity and ultimately less effective work. In fact, according to a survey, marketers who are organized are 397% more likely to report being successful. According to that same survey, only 14% of respondents considered themselves Very Organized. An additional 51% say they’re Somewhat Organized, which is encouraging, yet suggests room for improvement. But, how can marketing teams actually begin getting organized? Developing a clear marketing schedule for projects and campaigns is a good start. This can mean planning everything around a calendar, some sort of list, a kanban board, or whatever format helps your team work best (and as an aside, supports visualizing your work in all three of these ways). In this post, you’ll learn: What goes into scheduling projects. From determining resource availability to actually managing the work. How to get your team on board with process change and getting organized. In case not everyone is willing to buy in right away, or abandon old ways of working. An effective way to plan and manage everything on your schedule. A step-by-step process for putting this advice into practice. Plus, you’ll find a downloadable template to help you get started. What Do We Mean By Marketing Schedule? In simplest terms, a marketing schedule can be anything thats used to track the following: Projects and campaigns your team will work on. Which team members will be responsible for each one. The deadlines and ship dates for deliverables. Plus, it can also include any other information your team might find useful. This may vary depending on what you’re working on. Our template included in this post, then, is intended to be flexible in order to suit your own organizational needs. There are a lot of reasons to use a schedule for all your content, too. Here’s a short list: Stress less. Working without a clear strategy sucks. It leaves team members frantically scrambling to produce directionless content at the last minute. Ultimately, this leaves everyone feeling exasperated and undermines success. Work more efficiently. When you don’t have to think about what you’re going to do in a day, you’re mentally free to focus on what matters. That leads to getting more done in less time. Increasing transparency across your team. Not knowing what the rest of your team is working on can lead to misunderstandings and frustration. Laying out all your projects in one shared space makes it easier for everyone to see what everyone else is doing (and plan projects accordingly). Its important to note were not talking about a public schedule of marketing events (like an event calendar, or something to that effect). Some Tools to Consider Before You Start Whether youre looking for a tool, a scheduling process, or both, youll need capable software to do this right. And there are lots of different options available with different strengths and features to consider. Here are some different types that are out there: Paper Planners: These are great for keeping personal notes and projects. For marketing teams though, they may not be ideal. Spreadsheets: Theyre not great, but theyre (mostly) free and theyre better than nothing. This is often where marketing teams will start. Dedicated software: Marketing organization software like or other general-purpose project management tools are the premium route. Make Things Easy With This Downloadable Template If you dont have the budget for paid tools, or dont want to build your own spreadsheet, you can use this template to get up and running right away. This post will explain how to use its different fields to map out a complete marketing schedule (and for when youre ready to upgrade, itll also walk through how to use for this purpose). Step 1: Determine Projects to Place on Your Schedule So, you've decided you’re ready to build out a complete marketing schedule for your content. The first thing you’ll need to do is figure out which projects need to go on your schedule. Start by listing out all your recurring project types. Possible content types could include: Blog posts Design projects Videos Podcasts Email newsletters Essentially, what we want to first establish is which recurring types of content do you know you’ll create regularly on an ongoing basis. Once you have this figured out, start planning out the specific ideas for each content type you’ll create. This means developing a list of specific titles and working headlines for each piece. Fill Your Schedule With an Effective Brainstorming Process We’re big believers in group brainstorming here at . If you don’t have any specific ideas for content lined up yet, this quick process may help you change that. Here’s how our 30-minute three-step brainstorming process works: Have everyone on your team spend 10 minutes writing down ideas. Don’t worry if they’re good or not. Just get them down on paper. Then, spend 10 minutes reading those ideas aloud, and have everyone score them silently. Use a three-point scale, where three’s are the best ideas you absolutely need to create, two’s are average ideas that need work, and one’s are duds to be tossed out. Expect to see a mix of ideas that fall into all three buckets. Last, spend ten minutes discussing every idea that everyone agreed was a three. From these, choose the ideas you’ll actually execute on. Depending on how much content you typically produce, you can expect to generate a month’s worth of ideas this way (that’s typically the result we get, but your results may vary). Once you have a list of awesome ideas, hold onto them. These are the content pieces you’ll use to kick off your organized marketing schedule. Recommended Reading: The Best 30-Minute Content Marketing Brainstorming Process Assign Projects to Team Members Next, determine who will be creating each piece of content on your schedule. This means including everyone involved in seeing each project through from ideation to completion. Possible team members could include: Writers Designers Programmers Project Managers And anyone else involved Recommended Reading: How to Boost a Marketing Workflow Process That Will Reduce Work By 30-50% Establish a Color-Coding Scheme Color-coding your schedule makes it easier to tell projects apart at a glance. Assign one color to each type of project. For example, all your blog posts might be green, while videos could be orange, and so on. Alternatively, you might also want to color-code projects based on the teams or individuals they’re assigned to. Tip: If you’re using , you can use Custom Color Labels to color-code everything on your calendar: Step 2: Determine the Steps Required to Complete Each Project If you have recurring project types you create on a regular basis, odds are you have pre-defined workflows for each project. If you don’t, it’s time to consider documenting checklists you can use to make sure every project on your schedule is completed thoroughly. This helps prevent wasting time to fix errors later and enables teams to work more efficiently and effectively. Get out a text editor and lay out your steps like this: Step 1: [INSERT STEP] Step 2: [INSERT STEP] Step 3: [INSERT STEP] For a blog post, a hypothetical checklist might look like this: Step 1: Find a target keyword Step 2: Write 20 headline options Step 3: Craft an outline Step 4: Write your post Step 5: Proofread / edit Step 6: Schedule publish date Simple stuff. To build your own checklists, ask yourself: Which steps do we usually follow to complete this task? Are there steps we could consider adding, to make this process more effective? Are there unnecessary steps we should remove to increase efficiency? If you’ve never thought about this in detail before, you might discover you’re either missing key steps in your processes, or are wasting time on things you can eliminate. Either way, you can easily boost your productivity this way. Tip: If you’re using , you can easily build reusable checklists called Task Templates: Why Are Checklists Important? Checklists are essential for making your marketing schedule more useful. Planning projects ahead of time loses its value if those projects aren’t completed properly. Plus, if part of our goal is to increase efficiency and effectiveness, ensuring steps aren’t missed is crucial. For more insight into the power of checklists, watch this video of Atul Gawande, author of The Checklist Manifesto: Recommended Reading: The Ultimate Marketing Campaign Checklist That Will Get You Proactive The Best Content Marketing Checklist to Make You More Successful How to Maximize Your On-Page SEO in 2017 With One Awesome Checklist How to Write Amazing Posts With This Blog Writing Checklist Step 3: Place Projects on Your Marketing Schedule Now that you’ve got all your ducks in a row, it’s time to start dropping your content onto your marketing schedule. Set (Realistic) Deadlines Every project should have a clear and realistic deadline. But, how do you determine what a realistic deadline looks like? There’s a data-backed solution to help you figure out. Start by roughly estimating the amount of time it usually takes you to complete a certain type of task or project. Set your first deadline accordingly. Then, track your actual time spent working on those types of projects over time. Set realistic deadlines by tracking the actual time it takes to complete projects.You can do this by creating a time-tracking spreadsheet (like this simple free Google Drive spreadsheet) and a timer. You can either use a timer on your phone or the free desktop timer app Eventually, you’ll start to see a pattern. Once you have about ten completed projects on your time sheet, calculate the average time it took to get from start to finish. You’ll now have a clear idea of how long a project should typically take. Set Up Deadline Alerts What happens if you forget to check your schedule and blow a deadline? Odds are, your boss will look something like this: And you’ll feel something like this: Avoid catastrophe! Use Google Calendar to set up an alert for each deadline. That way, you’ll get an email reminder to make sure you don’t forget. Start by clicking a time on your Google Calendar and give your project a name: Then, click Edit Event to control how frequently you receive reminders. Adjust to your own preference: Now, you won’t have an excuse for blowing that deadline. If you’re a user, you’ll receive email and in-app notifications to show you when deadlines are approaching. They're all visible upon logging in on your dashboard as well:Now, Finally, Let’s Add Your Projects to Your Marketing Schedule If you haven’t done so yet, download the marketing schedule template included in this blog post. Then, click the Marketing Schedule tab in the lower left: Here’s what you’ll see in there: At first, you’ll see a ton of columns. Let’s break down what each one is for: Title. Self-explanatory. This is your headline. Article Type: For a blog post or article, list the article type. Ex: How-To, News Announcement, etc. Image Type: If your post will include an infographic, image gallery, or other design-intensive graphic, list it here. Deadline: If it’s not done by this date, there had better be a good reason. Step In Process: Update your progress here. Ex: Ideation, Writing, Design, Editing, etc. Subject Matter Expert: If you’re depending on an internal subject matter expert to support and review your content for factual accuracy, include their name here. Designer: Who’s creating your graphics†Author: Who’s writing your content? Notes: Keep miscellaneous notes about your project here. In Edit Folder?: If this content is ready for editing, denote that in this column. That’s it. You can start by filling in the Title field, and then updating your progress as you move along. Next, let’s look under the Workflows tab: Here’s what you’ll see next: To complete this tab, edit the Project Type to reflect the types of content you create (blog posts, social campaigns, videos, etc). Then, fill in each field accordingly: Steps: List out each step to complete that project type. Hours: Include how much time each step should take (on average). Explanation: Write out a short description of what each step entails. This will help you keep each project you create consistently on track. Here's how to keep every content marketing project you create on trackUsing Your Marketing Schedule Template Now you know how to get your spreadsheet set up. The next step is to actually use it. Follow these steps to get the most out of it. Color-Code! This sounds like a simple step, but it makes a big help when you want to look at your schedule and see what’s up fast. Use the Color Key section of your template to keep track of which colors you’re associating with which projects or team members: Decide Who Will Own Your Schedule There are a few approaches you can take here. You can either have everyone on your team add their own projects, or have one person in charge of adding updates and maintaining the document. There’s also a third option, where team leads can manage projects for their respective staff. Stay Consistent By Making Organization a Habit Tools only work as well as your ability to use them. Make it a habit to look at your schedule every day. Once you get into a routine of using a planning schedule, working productively will become something you just do, without having to think about it. In order to build a habit successfully, it helps to understand how habits are developed. According to Duhigg, studies show that repeating processes enough times literally causes your brain to require less effort to complete that same task. To get yourself to keep doing that task, you’ll need to develop a cue to spark that action. This could be sitting down at your desk first thing in the morning, or maybe pouring that first cup of coffee for the day. If you do something at the same time every day, or have something to cue the habitual response in your brain to perform that action (like getting coffee), you’ll start doing it without thinking about it. Eventually, it’ll become a routine, and you’ll feel good about being organized. Your brain will then want to keep those positive vibes flowing, and so you’ll feel a sense of reward each time you use your schedule. And, as author Charles Duhigg says in his book, The Power of Habit: â€Å"Champions don’t do extraordinary things. They do ordinary things, but they do them without thinking, too fast for the other team to react. They follow the habits they’ve learned.†So, be a champion. Use your marketing schedule. 'Champions don’t do extraordinary things. They do ordinary things ... too fast for the other team...Scheduling Projects and Campaigns with is an extremely feature-rich marketing organization software suite for marketing teams. Part of that suite is the Marketing Calendar, which allows teams to plan, organize, and schedule every project on one calendar: Now Plan Some Projects on Your Schedule Now you’ve got everything you need to keep all your content and marketing projects planned and organized. That means you’ll be able to: Work with less stress. Hit all your deadlines consistently. Be a marketing rock star. Sound good? Then stop wasting time and get started!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Robert Louis Stevenson
Robert Louis Stevenson, the popular Scottish novelist, was born on November 13, 1850 in Howard place, Edinburgh. He was the son of a civil engineer, Thomas Stevenson and Margaret Isabel Balfour. Directly from his birth, he was set out to be an engineer, just like his father. From birth, the was taught by his nurse, Alison Cunningham. She had a strick view Calvinism and told relayed him her frequent stories of ghosts and fairies. He spent a large part of his childhood at his grandfather’s place at Colington or with his aunt, Jane Whyte Balfour. He had a happy childhood. He was sent to school at Edinburgh academy and when he was 17 he became a student at the Edinburgh University. He did not have an interest in his studies and spent most of his time exploring the low life of the old town of Edinburgh. His father pressured him to become an engineer, so he took many engineering courses. At 21 he expressed his wish to become a writer. His father accepted Stevenson’s wish, as he was well aware of his son’s ill health. To secure his future, his father enrolled him in the university to study bar. He graduated in 1875 but never practiced. He had started writing in his teens and he had several stories and poems already appearing in English magazines. In spite of his ill health, he traveled extensively. He frequently journaled his travels and later worte many of them into books. An Island Voyage and Travels With A Donkey, an account of his canoe tour of France and Belgium was published in 1878. In 1879, In the Cevennes was published. The same year he traveled to California. Here he married Ms. Fanny Osborne whom he had earlier met in France. His most celebrated work, Treasure Island, was written for his stepson, Lloyd Osborne. Lloyed was ten years old at the time. Stevenson had created a treasure map for him. This map inspired Stevenson to write a pirate adventure story. After completion, Stevenson had a sudden spurt of writing. ... Free Essays on Robert Louis Stevenson Free Essays on Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson, the popular Scottish novelist, was born on November 13, 1850 in Howard place, Edinburgh. He was the son of a civil engineer, Thomas Stevenson and Margaret Isabel Balfour. Directly from his birth, he was set out to be an engineer, just like his father. From birth, the was taught by his nurse, Alison Cunningham. She had a strick view Calvinism and told relayed him her frequent stories of ghosts and fairies. He spent a large part of his childhood at his grandfather’s place at Colington or with his aunt, Jane Whyte Balfour. He had a happy childhood. He was sent to school at Edinburgh academy and when he was 17 he became a student at the Edinburgh University. He did not have an interest in his studies and spent most of his time exploring the low life of the old town of Edinburgh. His father pressured him to become an engineer, so he took many engineering courses. At 21 he expressed his wish to become a writer. His father accepted Stevenson’s wish, as he was well aware of his son’s ill health. To secure his future, his father enrolled him in the university to study bar. He graduated in 1875 but never practiced. He had started writing in his teens and he had several stories and poems already appearing in English magazines. In spite of his ill health, he traveled extensively. He frequently journaled his travels and later worte many of them into books. An Island Voyage and Travels With A Donkey, an account of his canoe tour of France and Belgium was published in 1878. In 1879, In the Cevennes was published. The same year he traveled to California. Here he married Ms. Fanny Osborne whom he had earlier met in France. His most celebrated work, Treasure Island, was written for his stepson, Lloyd Osborne. Lloyed was ten years old at the time. Stevenson had created a treasure map for him. This map inspired Stevenson to write a pirate adventure story. After completion, Stevenson had a sudden spurt of writing. ... Free Essays on Robert Louis Stevenson Robert Louis Stevenson, the popular Scottish novelist, was born on November 13, 1850 in Howard place, Edinburgh. He was the son of a civil engineer, Thomas Stevenson and Margaret Isabel Balfour. Directly from his birth, he was set out to be an engineer, just like his father. From birth, the was taught by his nurse, Alison Cunningham. She had a strick view Calvinism and told relayed him her frequent stories of ghosts and fairies. He spent a large part of his childhood at his grandfather’s place at Colington or with his aunt, Jane Whyte Balfour. He had a happy childhood. He was sent to school at Edinburgh academy and when he was 17 he became a student at the Edinburgh University. He did not have an interest in his studies and spent most of his time exploring the low life of the old town of Edinburgh. His father pressured him to become an engineer, so he took many engineering courses. At 21 he expressed his wish to become a writer. His father accepted Stevenson’s wish, as he was well aware of his son’s ill health. To secure his future, his father enrolled him in the university to study bar. He graduated in 1875 but never practiced. He had started writing in his teens and he had several stories and poems already appearing in English magazines. In spite of his ill health, he traveled extensively. He frequently journaled his travels and later worte many of them into books. An Island Voyage and Travels With A Donkey, an account of his canoe tour of France and Belgium was published in 1878. In 1879, In the Cevennes was published. The same year he traveled to California. Here he married Ms. Fanny Osborne whom he had earlier met in France. His most celebrated work, Treasure Island, was written for his stepson, Lloyd Osborne. Lloyed was ten years old at the time. Stevenson had created a treasure map for him. This map inspired Stevenson to write a pirate adventure story. After completion, Stevenson had a sudden spurt of writing. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Fine Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Fine Art - Essay Example The lines which are depicted are primarily curved, reflecting the design of the future. In addition to that it also contributes to viewing the reality shown in the movie as a dream. As for the colors, one might point out that black is the most common one: it is the color of the clothes of the protagonists and antagonists as well as the environment. The space that is shown in the movie is the positive space which does not leave a lot to the imagination of the audience which is quite understandable since otherwise the viewer would not have been able to follow the narration. Finally, the texture of the objects that are presented on the screen is usually solid and somewhat repulsive, especially when the â€Å"real world†is shown. Now, it would be rather suitable to analyze the work of art in question from the point of view of principles of art. The first one is movement. Indeed, the characters do not only movie, but the manner in which they do so is important when it comes to conveying the message. In addition to that, there is no doubt that all the objects that are being depicted are in harmony. In addition to that, there is a variety of them as well as there is a variety of environments that they are depicted in. As a matter of fact, the opposition between the real world and the Matrix constitutes one of the most important aspects of the movie. One also would not make a mistake arguing that all the objects which are depicted on the screen are in the state of balance: it is particularly seen in the battle between the protagonist and antagonist. As for the adherence to proportions, it is obvious that the movies features it as there are no situations when the objects are shown exaggerated, except for one gene ral frame when the characters are shown sitting in destroyed city. Finally, there is a clear pattern that is displayed by the movie: the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Fresh Tec Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Fresh Tec - Case Study Example First, there was the naturally occurring aging and decaying process of fruits and vegetables, known as senescence. Senescence involved transpiration and respiration, processes that went on in the fresh produce even after being detached from the mother-plant. Secondly, the kind of packaging used for delivery and storage did nothing to extend the life of harvested produce or effectively alleviate senescence. Instead, the packaging necessitated quicker, and costlier, options of delivery from the farms to the consumers, and all the agents that fall in-between. Thirdly, the produce was prone to physical injury, temperature injury and disease. The physical injury was mostly caused by shipping produce in splintered or damaged crates and boxes, or the way the shipping was handled. Such injuries presented bacteria with entry points, resulting in diseases. Most modern packinghouses invested in the use of washing and spraying fungicides before shipping to reduce chances of disease, but had no g reat impact on how long the produce could stay after harvesting. Temperature injury was caused by extreme temperatures both during storage and shipping, soon rendering produce unsuitable for the market. Given all these external factors, FreshTec was not well positioned to be much more successful in the industry than other players, because they would all use the same processes and players involved. FreshTec saw a single solution to all the factors degrading the quality of produce in all its processes and stages before finally reaching the consumer; packaging. The right type of packaging could increase the life of produce. The retailers and warehouse operators would be able to keep more stocks for longer without having to throw them away as waste when they went bad (USDA, 2010). The farmers, marketers, brokers and distributors would choose cheaper delivery and shipping methods that, although take longer, keep produce fresh, retain moisture contents and keep produce tasting sweet. This aspect would also enable consumers to have off-season produce that has been stored from the last harvest, because the packaging and storage enables them to last longer. SmartPac, developed by FreshTec, offered customized modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for any variety of produce. This enabled them to climb an edge above all previous technique. The packaging exchanged heat from the box, allowing sealed contents to be cooled while using a naturally oxidizing sanitation system to sterilize and clean produce during transit. In this way, FreshTec could ensure produce reached the consumer while still fresh, undamaged and naturally sweet. This also eliminates the need of having to harvest farm products before they are optimally ripe. Fresh produce had to be harvested just before ripening in order to allow for senescence during transportation to distant destinations, tempering with natural taste. Question Two FreshTec may use several options to approach the issue of industry adoption o f their new packaging. The first would be to justify the cost of the new packaging, which averaged at an extra $1 to $1.5 in comparison to standard packaging. All this was in view that the new packaging was being launched into a tradition-bound and conservative industry. However, if the produce could still be delivered cheaply for longer periods and reach new markets that were previously inaccessible while still fresh, the pricing burden can easily be shared between the retailers and consumers. With the United States
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