Saturday, August 31, 2019
Responsibility Essay Essay
Personal responsibility is holding myself accountable for my actions and accepting the outcome of those actions. Any decisions I make, no matter how significant they are, will affect my life and those around me. To me, accepting personal responsibility is the first step in taking control of my life. Someone who demonstrates personal responsibilities achieves academic success. My college success depends on my personal responsibility. This relationship exists because being responsible for my actions will directly affect my education. As a student, I need to have self-discipline or self-control. The ability to be in control of my emotions and actions will show great results in my academic success. The lack of self-control could lead to showing up late in class, turning in the assignment late, or being absent from class. This could also lead me to such as dropping out of school and not being able to accomplish my goals. As an adult, I have many responsibilities and decisions to make. Som e of these responsibilities are taking care of the household, running my own business, staying healthy and getting a college degree. When paying my mortgage, insurance, and utility bills, or paying taxes for my company, I am taking action and accepting responsibility to pay those bills on time. Also, managing my own business takes much commitment, dedication and self-discipline. I also need to keep myself healthy by doing regular exercise and eating healthy food. Keeping my health top notch will help me do my daily routines. To stay on top of my responsibilities, developing a plan, writing down my goals, and setting a date keep me on track. Plus, keeping everything organized helps me focus on achieving my other goals. The other goal I want to achieve is to finish my education and earn a college degree. As an adult student, I understand accepting personal responsibility is the key to success. Also, having a better understanding of personal responsibility will guide me through to my academic success. To become a successful student, I need to create a study plan, practice time management and set realistic goals. Crea ting a study plan is a good way to complete my goals in school. Time management is also critical; setting a schedule to study will keep me on the right course. Setting realistic goals for myself that are attainable can motivate me to do better in school. Planning ahead of time will help me through my academic success.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Book review †cold blood Essay
Book review of Cold Blood by the author James Fleming The surname (he is Ian’s nephew) and terse title might lead one to expect something purely commercial and hard-boiled of James Fleming’s Cold Blood. But this sequel to White Blood, though in the thriller genre, is both more idiosyncratic and awkward than that. The tone is set on page one with the hero-narrator’s introductory self-description: â€Å"I, Charlie Doig†¦ six foot two, strong across the shoulders and through the loins. †Set during the Russian revolution and its bloody aftermath, this is as much tongue-in-cheek historical romp as page-turning cliffhanger. The novel’s opening finds Doig, an entomologist with a taste for derring-do, in western Burma, where he is glorying in his discovery of a new species of jewel beetle. We are briefly whisked back to his ancestral home in Russia – his ancestry is exotically cosmopolitan – for a whirlwind reprise of some of the principal elements of White Blood, notably the rape and torture (so hideous that Doig feels compelled to put her out of her misery with a bullet through the brain) of his beloved wife, Elizaveta, by the evil Bolshevik Prokhor Glebov. Cold Blood tells the story of Doig’s single-minded pursuit of Glebov across civil-warravaged Russia. First stop is St Petersburg, where, with his Mongolian sidekick, Kobi, he witnesses the Bolshevik seizure of power and discovers that Glebov has become one of the revolution’s leaders, up there with Lenin and Trotsky. With the struggle of Red v White spreading across the land, Doig is forced to step up a gear in his pursuit of vengeance, assembling a ragbag troop of henchmen and women and commandeering an armoured train. Thus equipped, Doig will take on not only Glebov, but the whole of the Red Army. If Doig is single-minded, his creator certainly isn’t, for he throws any number of other odds and sods into the narrative stew. There’s a cache of stolen tsarist gold that everyone wants to get their hands on. There’s a mysterious American who proves to be up to no good. There’s an erotic interest called Xenia who also proves to be up to no good. There are any number of colourful bit parts that flit into the narrative, command attention for a couple of pages and then flit out again. If writers can be divided into minimalists and maximalists, then Fleming is out there on the militant wing of the maximalists. Thrillers need variation of pace: moments when the grip is relaxed, the better to sock the reader with the unexpected. Fleming’s relentless energy and garrulous black humour – as Doig and his band of eccentric ne’er-do-wells career across the steppes to an explosive denouement – produce flashes of brilliance, but at the expense of tension. Cold Blood has an original and talented voice behind it, but in the end perhaps goes to show that the comedy thriller is one of the trickiest of literary hybrids to pull off. Cold Blood by the author James Fleming.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Contemporary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Contemporary - Essay Example Psychologists and sociologists alike have been caught off guard by this young squad of activists. They have been studying this concept for long. In the United States alone, young people align themselves in the order of the side of the city they live in, the side of the street they live in, they side football teams, they cheer politically - in fact, they manifest our quest for sharing and caring and relate to the identity crises. The youth are on the constant outlook for idols to follow and adopt. This innocent psychological quest has often led to problems as well. Many a times, these gangs or group of like minded people are a law unto themselves. They run scare shows in the city and indulge in violent acts that lead to disruptions in civic life. The police department has always tried to view them as isolated incidents and have taken legal remedies to rectify the situation. But at the heart of the problem, lies the sociological influence of things. These incidents are not simply isola ted one-off kinds, but a growing social malice. In fact the problem is not even personal, its always the result of deep seated insecurity among the youth. In developing countries like India, China and much over Africa, these crowds form small islands of lawlessness who are patronized by the political community and take off to a career in crime.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Research Proposal Example This was the main traditional method of removing microorganisms from the hand prior to a surgical procedure. The norm was using antimicrobial soap and water to wash hands with chlorhexidine and iodine. The more recent is hand rubbing, which is the preparation of hand using the alcohol hand rub. The alcohol is rubbed to the hand to inactivate microorganisms and temporarily suppress their growth. The preparation used contains a mixture of alcohol and chlorhexidine gluconate. The traditional surgical hand asepsis was mainly done by using povidone iodine or chloerhexine based detergents. More recently, alcohol hand rub has been introduced to replace the traditional hand scrubbing using povidone iodine. Its introduction has been successful in has it has shown greater effectiveness, lesser irritation as compared to the traditional method and requiring less time to wash hands. The replacement of the traditional hand scrub with alcohol hand rub has been evident in some institution continental Europe while other countries such as Singapore has maintained the use of hand scrubbing. Despite the effectiveness of alcohol hand rub, studies have indicated lack of trust among the health care providers in the efficacy of alcohol hand rub over the additional hand scrubbing. This has made many health care providers across the world to continue using the traditional hand scrubbing instead of alcohol hand rubbing. Confirmation of the efficacy of the surgical hand rubbing over the traditional hand scrubbing will therefore help to convince the health care providers to use the surgical hand rubbing technique instead of the traditional surgical hand scrubbing. The increase in use of alcohol based hand rubs have resulted to a number of trial studies that compares the efficacy of alcohol hand rub against the traditional hand scrubbing using povidione iodine before surgery. Current evidence regarding surgical hand antisepsis stipulates that alcohol hand rubs
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The State of the Iranian Oil Industry and Its Role in Irans Economy Case Study
The State of the Iranian Oil Industry and Its Role in Irans Economy - Case Study Example This research will begin with the statement that Iran's economic reliance on the oil industry has been stronger than ever as demonstrated by the steady trend in domestic demand and the government’s effort to counter the adverse impact of its economic isolation. An increase in its energy output is seen as the only way to solve the issues it currently faces. This focus has led to several sustainability challenges that require immediate attention if the country is to achieve a viable economy in the long-term. Iran belongs to the top five oil-producing countries in the world. The International Energy Agency reported that in 2013, the country produced 2.5 million barrels per day and about 1.2 million barrels were exported. For this reason, the oil industry remains a backbone of the Iranian economy. It generates revenues that represent at least 18.7 percent of the country's gross domestic product and claim 85 percent of the country's total export and foreign currency earnings. Repor ts indicate that high oil prices in the past decades enabled Iran to accumulate almost $60 billion in foreign exchange reserves. The focus in oil production, however, has led or has aggravated three important sustainability challenges: air pollution; damage to water resources; and the environmental damage stemming from potential conflict. Air pollution remains the leading environmental problem in the country. It is caused by vehicle emissions, refinery operations, and industrial effluents. Particularly, combustion of vehicular traffic dominates pollutants. In Tehran, for example, they contribute to around 80 percent of air pollution.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Global tech change simulation final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Global tech change simulation final paper - Essay Example To cater for such shortcomings, the change management plan was tailored accordingly. The outcomes of the change management simulation clearly provide that most objectives were met with. Evidence for this fact is provided by the many quantifiable indicators presented in the findings of the change management simulation. On the other hand, there are some areas, such as understanding the problem, where the quantifiable indicators could not score very well and hence it could be surmised that these areas could have benefited from better planning and implementation. If there were an opportunity to redo this project, the Understand part of the project, particularly problem identification, would be redone with greater objectivity to achieve greater success at it. In a similar manner, the Enlist part of the project could have done better through greater motivation to employees. Similarly, there were some loose ends in the Motivate and Communicate parts of the exercise that could have had better outcomes through better planning, implementation and reporting. Kotter’s change process carries a large amount of respect in contemporary change management practices given its efficacy in delivering on outcomes. The change management plan used for Global Tech is differentiated from Kotter’s change process although it does hold some comparable exponents. If the change plan for Global Tech is analyzed sequentially, it becomes clear that the first phase of the change plan â€Å"Understand†is in some part influenced by Kotter’s exponents of â€Å"Increase urgency†and â€Å"Get the vision right†. Kotter’s ideas on â€Å"Increase urgency†build on an examination of the market’s competitive nature and present challenges that require change. Similarly, Kotter’s ideas on â€Å"Get the vision right†rely on developing an understanding of where the organization is at and where it needs to go to meet looming challenges
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Scenario question Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Scenario question - Coursework Example A number of ways will be employed in identifying the leaking liquefied compressed gas. The first way is by checking the cylinder for any stamps or labels that will help in identifying the gas (Compressed Gas Association, 2003, p. 25). The color of the container may be used to identify the gas although this is not the surest way of identifying the compressed gas because colors vary from supplier to the other. The other way is to check out labels and signs posted on the container of the compressed gas. The smell of the gas will also aid in identifying the gas. Since the said gas is flammable and toxic as well as poisonous, the radius of the initial isolation zone will have to be wide enough so that the leakage can be contained without posing massive danger to the nearby living things particularly animals and humans. This will be determined depending on the magnitude of the leakage, day or night conditions and the type and nature of the gas. The leakage will definitely lead to a large spill and in this case the radius will be 0.6 km day or 2.2km at night (Compressed Gas Association, 2003, p. 33). These safety precautionary routes will form the basis of handling this response; that is in responding to this gas leakage, the identification of the gas will have to be ascertained after which the initial isolation radius will be determined. Another very important aspect in this response is the type of personal protective equipments to be used. Before any action is taken, nose mask or gas mask that covers the entire face, eye goggles and hand gloves are the foremost PPEs that one will need to put on when assessing the safe response in containing the leakage (Compressed Gas Association, 2003, p. 46). The nature and type of the gas will also guide in the process of determining other important PPEs to be used. Therefore, the PPEs required for this response are; gas mask masks, eye goggles, helmet, hand gloves, safety boots, and
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Exploring ideas about art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Exploring ideas about art - Assignment Example Therefore, evaluating various ideas about art suffices towards having a better understanding of art as a whole. As such, one idea about art that can be gained from the Institutional theory of art is that art has a function to perform by maintaining its cultural category. Additionally, art is generally part of a larger system defined by the art world, such it is difficult for art to stand on its own without connections to its art world. When this happens, the art tends to lose its being art in the context in which it was intended by the creator. Moreover, institutionalisation of art forms the framework that enables the proper understanding of any given work of art. This approach means that art cannot be viewed as a single item, rather, it is what makes up a given institutionalised system. On the other hand, Michelle Kamhi’s A Conservative View of Aesthetics looks at the pre-existing notions given to art, and the contemporary understanding of what can be defined as being art. While the typical definition of art is based on a representational approach as highlighted by paintings and sculptures, one significant point in this reading is that art can be anything as long as it is represented by the right individual. This brings another point such that the right individual is anyone who has been associated with art for a given period of time, therefore giving them the jurisdiction to delegate ‘art-wood’ to an object. Additionally, there is the element of art having to be attached to ideas and certain attributes that are characterised as being formal. From the a\idealization posited in this reading, art can mean virtually anything, and this depends only on the context in which it is presented. Nelson Goodman’s When is Art?, brings another perspective towards understanding art by demonstrating that art can be a method, object, or even a language. As a language, art is used as a form of communication or method that makes it easy for individuals to
Vicarious Liability -Legal Aspects in Health Care Essay - 1
Vicarious Liability -Legal Aspects in Health Care - Essay Example In legal terms, this act is referred to as vicarious liability. It allows for holding an employer responsible for the persons working under their instructions irrespective of whether they are employees or independent contractors, whether they committed the crime intentionally, unintentionally, neglectfully or with criminal oriented intentions. In common knowledge, the boss or an employer, who in other words is the employing authority, should take liability. This is because ideally, the employer has the fattest bank accounts compared to their employees, has the ability to access insurance indemnity and by virtue of the authority bestowed upon it, it can encourage its personnel to use the medical etiquette and ethics professionally. Just as a parent is liable for his/her child’s mistake, the medical care organization should take vicarious liability (Devine, 2009) observes that Ellis Memorial hospital, located in Tarpon Springs, Florida was served with two medical lawsuits of professional negligence. Shirley Reth brought two-consolidated lawsuits on behalf of the estate of Reth. The suits concerned Sean Reth who had undergone an unsuccessful aesthetical surgery at the hospital in March 2006 but died three days later due to Anesthesia Medical personnel’s malpractices, as Reth argued in the summons. This led to insufficient supply of oxygenated blood to the patients’ brain, medically referred as cerebral ischemia, along with intra-operative cardiac arrest, in other words, heart attack. In this case, Anesthetic associates of North Pinellas PA, PA, Teresa catsos CRNA, Hugh Siegel, CRNA together with Glen Syperda, D.O. an Anesthesiologist and the hospital were the defendants. Even if the defendants were not directly employed by the hospital, it was the hospital’s responsibility to take the initiative and bear the brunt of the personnel that was working under its instructions. According to Reth the barrister, Mr. Reth’s death
Friday, August 23, 2019
Cost benefit and economic approach related to health care services Research Paper
Cost benefit and economic approach related to health care services system - Research Paper Example Globally, there are certain common problems which are faced by the health care organizations. In subsequent paragraph, a brief look has been given upon the overall issues which prevail in the health care units globally. Issues in Healthcare System The health care system is facing serious problems globally. People’s health care needs are not being met in an adequate manner. The reason is there are countless cases of illness and diseases each day. Fortunately, there are also numbers of solutions available to deal with these day to day problems. According to The Centre for Health Design, (2001), the most common problems which are faced by the overall health care sector are: Issues related to Patient Care Issues related to patient satisfaction Issues relating to accommodating innovation and change Issues related to operational efficiency Environmental Impact Responding to uncertainties. (The Centre for Health Design, 2001, p.4) In order to resolve these issues, a certain policy fr amework has been designed which can assist in solving such critical yet important issues. The policy framework designed to meet these problems is discussed in subsequent paragraphs. Policy Framework for Improving Healthcare System According to Bradley, Pallas, Bashyal, Curry and Berman (2010), a framework has been designed to ensure financial protection and adequate access to health care systems. It also strengthens the delivery systems in order to serve vulnerable people. Six factors determine whether the goals at organizational level are achieved or not in order to enhance the level of performance. They are: i. Quality ii. Efficiency iii. Utilization iv. Access v. Learning vi. Sustainability Quality Maintaining the required level of quality is the foremost requirement for healthcare systems. Improper quality can endanger the valuable life of patients. In order to maintain quality, it is essential to keep track of the quality in three major areas, they are: Clinical quality Patient experience Management quality There are several measures required to be taken care of for these areas. By evaluating the performance of these measures, it can be determined whether the quality is up to the mark or not. These measures include avoidance of medical errors, level of satisfaction of patient, availability of medical supplies, adherence to clinical parameters and medical records system. Efficiency Efficiency is defined as the way by which an organization utilizes its resources to meet the demands. Three measures which define the level of efficiency of a health care system include: Number of patients or patient volume Ratio of staff to service Ratio of cost to service The above mentioned measures can define the level of efficiency of a health care system. It can be determined by observing key indicators like health workers or nurses which are available for each bed or visits of outpatients or inpatients per day, per health worker or per bed. It should be borne in mind that it is not necessary to allot maximum number of nurses to each bed in order to meet the benchmark efficiency but in essence what it means is that the number of nurses available must not be less than the number of patients or number of beds. Utilization Utilization can be measured by: Patient volume in regards to capacity Patient volume with respect to the population of health characteristics. The key indicators which can measure the level of utilization are visits of outpati
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Social impact of ICT Essay Example for Free
Social impact of ICT Essay Industries food reduce the need for human labour. 1. e. cow, milk and bucket. When cheese gets in great demand, cant milk cows myself, so get more people. But still cant keeps up! Cant mechanise cow but can the milking! Now need admin dept to manage staff!! Paper base system to collate all orders. But now big company need technology. Man who builds machine needs more men to build more machines. Etc. Technology has both positive and negative effect. 1000s of jobs have gone because of computers. The rapid advances in computer and communication technologies have occurred during periods of considerable change in industrialized economies and although many different factors have conspired towards the generally higher levels of unemployment ICT has undoubtedly played a major role in creating new industries and jobs in general, introduction into it systems in organizations may result in: A need for staff retraining; redeployment; deskilling; regrading; redundancy; changes in job satisfaction; new job opportunities; remote/tele working; changes in career prospects. An old fashioned secretarial job required typing skills, note taking skills, filing skills, and document organizational skills. Most managers now act as their own secretary, the manager has been reskilled and she has been made redundant. There is an argument, which suggests that traditional industrial relations will have little place in the workplace of tomorrow. As we move towards the information age, the old models of labour relations with all the assembled baggage of collective bargaining between employers and workers representative bodies will become increasingly inappropriate to the new realities of work. According to this point of view, the very term industrial relations is itself a giveaway. It harks back to the industrial age, the time when the growth of large-scale production in hierarchically structured organisations led to a need for the collective regulation of employment relationships. The development of trade union organisations, for example, was predicated upon the existence of the factory system, bringing large numbers of workers together in a central workplace. What if this is no longer the way in which work is organised? What if new technologies permit a new flexibility in the way work is undertaken? For much of the twentieth century, industrial relations focused on what was seen as the normative way of working. The paradigm has been that of a full-time worker (or indeed man, since historically the assumption was that the male was the main bread-winner), working under an employment contract for one employer and remaining with their company for many years or until the time came to draw the company pension. This paradigm further was based on a clear separation between work and home spheres of life, between the hours of work and the hours of non-work and indeed also between a persons years of working and their abrupt transition into retirement. It is possible to discuss the extent to which this paradigm ever adequately reflected working life the critique has been advanced that it left out of the picture the work undertaken by women, particularly part-time and casual employment, for example. It also ignored working realities in most of the developing world. But nevertheless for most of the developed countries, this paradigm provided a basis not only for the structuring of industrial relations but also for social protection systems and retirement pension arrangements. The argument now is that, in any case, this paradigm fails to be appropriate for a network economy where value comes from the manipulation of information and knowledge much more than from the production of material goods. In the process of change, a job is becoming redefined simply as work. ATTs vice president for human resources James Meadows put it this way, in a quote attributed to him in the New York Times: People need to look at themselves as self-employed, as vendors who come to this company to sell their skills. In ATT we have to promote the concept of the whole work force being contingent, though most of our contingent workers are inside our walls. Jobs are being replaced by projects and fields of work, giving rise to a society that is increasingly jobless but not workless. 1 Many writers have engaged with this subject. Research on the growth of flexible working practices undertaken for the OECD identified a number of developments, including changes in the design of jobs, greater complexity, higher skill levels, greater use of team working and also increased delegation of responsibility to lower levels of staff. 2 Ulrich Klotz, from the German trade union IG Metall, has described changes in work organisation thus: Work is splintering into many forms As the new company models proliferate, forms of work are spreading that we still refer to as atypical: part-time work, temporary work, limited contracts, telework, contract work and other forms of (pseudo) entrepreneurial work In short, work is still with us but the stable job is not. He warns that as a consequence trade unions are in danger of losing their traditional business base. 3 ICT permits both the spatial and temporal relocation of work, challenging the idea of a discrete workplace and a discrete working day. However it would be wrong, of course, to see changes in work organisation as simply the result of technology. These changes are being driven by a number of factors. We can identify trends in management practice, including such things as the outsourcing of non-core activities and the reengineering of business processes as also contributing to workplace transformation. However, these developments are closely intertwined with developments in ICT. In an early essay, Manuel Castells suggested that there are two overarching inter-related processes at work, driving change in the workplace: the technological revolution based on microelectronics is one of these, the growing interdependence of the economic system globalisation is the other. 4 In terms of labour relations what all these changes mean, effectively, is a new implied contract between a company and a worker. The old employer/employee relationship, which offered security and reward to the individual in exchange for corporate loyalty is to go. Instead, individuals are told to take responsibility for their own working life and career, including the responsibility of ensuring that they constantly update their skills. In exchange a company undertakes to empower them in their work, by removing old-style supervisory practices and replacing these by new types of team working, based on performance management. The old master/servant basis to the employment relationship, in other words, is replaced with something more, well, modern. This sounds a seductive idea, though it blows a gaping hole in the way in which industrial relations, institutionalised in the relationship between employers representative bodies and trade unions, have traditionally been conducted. If correct, it would inevitably lead also to major changes in social and welfare protection and employment law. In the process, it would also leave todays trade union bodies cast up and redundant, rather in the way that antique steam engines, previously employed huffing and puffing their way through their working day, were left silent and fit only for scrap with the arrival of electricity. The question explored by this chapter is whether, and if so to what extent, the argument for the end of traditional industrial relations is justified. We will begin by exploring further the challenges which face the social partners, considering how the services they currently offer could be provided in other ways by other agencies. We will then investigate the state of industrial relations in one particular sector which has encountered radical change in recent years, the telecommunications industry, to see what evidence for a paradigmatic shift can be found there. We will move on to consider in some detail two examples of new work organisation (call centre working and telework) and two areas where atypical working has been growing (agency work and self-employment), to ask whether these are or are not being adequately accommodated within organised industrial relations. We will then turn to consider the degree to which the traditional industrial relations negotiating agenda has been extended by ICT. This will take us into a number of areas, including on-line rights for workers, questions of privacy and electronic surveillance and the increased relevance of copyright and intellectual property rights. We shall look at examples of how the social partners, and in particular the trade unions, are themselves making use of ICT opportunities. Finally, at the end of this journey, we shall return to the issue posed at the start of this chapter, hopefully in a better position to offer some conclusions.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Health and safety management
Health and safety management 1) Introduction: The main objective of Health and Safety Management at work place is to fulfil Legal responsibility, Moral responsibility and Economical responsibility which are reasonably practicable for the company and its employees. Every Construction company has to follow the legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of the employees and other people involved in the business. The right approach is not only about taking the minimum measures required to fulfil the legal requirements. If appropriate measures are been taken it can even be beneficiary to the company. Improper practise of health and safety may lead to illness, accidents and loss of time which will cause substantial costs to the company. Such type of unplanned activities doesnt just harm the working environment it will even adversely affect the profit. Good health and safety practices will also help in improving the companys reputation with the clients and with its own employees. This enhances the companys reputation in the market as well. The responsibility of following good health and safety standards doesnt only implies for the employer it is also the duty of the employees to follow the standards set by the company, If the company fails to set good standards of health and safety as per legislation then the company can be prosecuted under Health and Safety act 1974, Construction Design Management (CDM) Regulation etc. Thus every construction company and employee has to have proactive approach towards following good Health and Safety practises. 2) Case Study: This report focuses on the Health and Safety practices followed by BAA during Construction of London Heathrow Terminal 5B Project. In order to achieve safe construction and to complete the project in time and budget, the BAA management team recognised that it has to have a very efficient system in place to manage Health and Safety and to set high industrial standards. The second building (i.e.T5B) of Heathrow T5 is constructed by 5B project team; the team became the first team to achieve one million safe working hours without reporting a single accident. Here are some of the Health and Safety initiatives taken by the team. A fulltime Safety leader was appointed; High standards of Workforce consultation and engagement in Health and Safety; Daily activity briefing; Circulation of safety alerts; Incident and Injury free campaign. If the company had failed to take the above mentioned initiatives there would have been a possibility were the company could have been prosecuted under the following legislation: HSWA 1974 -Section 2(1) (Employer must protect the HSW at work of all their employees) HSWA 1974 -Section 2(2) c (Provide information, supervision training to ensure the HS of employees) HSWA 1974 -Section 2(4), (6) (7) (Consult union safety reps establish safety committee when requested by 2 reps Section 9 Do not levy charge for anything provided in pursuance of the statutory provision) Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 7 Appointment of competent persons Regulation 9 Information for employees As the site manager in charge for maintaining Health and Safety I would like to suggest few more initiatives which may be useful in enhancing the Health and Safety Standards of the site. Provision of welfare facilities at fixed construction site. Dust control in site during construction. On-site Health Screening. 1) Provision of welfare facilities at fixed construction site: Workers working in a construction site need adequate washing facilities and toilets, they need a dedicated place where they can relax and eat their food and a place to store the cloths. Most often these basic requirements are neglected. Good facilities will help in creating a good working atmosphere and will have a positive benefit on Health and well being of the employees and will help prevent Dermatitis. This can be easily achieved by: Addressing the welfare arrangements clearly in Health and Safety plan; Considering welfare facilities, allocating a designated location onsite, maintenance facilities during the planning and preparation stage of the project; The facilities provided should be suitable for the size of the site and nature of the work carried out in site (e.g. pouring concrete route cause for dermatitis will need more no of washing facilities, it may even require showers etc); The toilets and washing facilities should be properly connected with the drainage facilities so that cleanliness and hygiene can be maintained; The resting facilities should provide shelter from wind, rain and should have proper heating facilities. It should even include facilities such as tables, chairs and a means for warming up food etc. Barriers for adopting the above mentioned initiative in site are: Lack of importance given to welfare facilities during planning stage; Financial constrains; Possibility of negative opinion by management; More the number of workers involved difficult in providing adequate welfare facilities; Maintenances problem. Legislation covering the above mentioned initiative HSWA 1974 Section 2(1) (Employer must protect the HSW at work of all their employees) HSWA 1974 Section 2(2)e (Provide adequate welfare facilities and arrangements) The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1996 CDM Regulations 1994 2) Dust control in site during construction: Dust generated during different construction activity is one of the major issues causing serious breathing problems to the workers. Some of the construction activities generating dust are concrete slab cutting or shaping, stones kerbing etc. Concrete cutting Saws are generally used to perform these functions. During this action large amount of respirable dust is generated which usually contains crystalline silica contents, working in such place may lead to respiratory problems due to scarring of lung tissues. This problem can be minimized by using dust control systems on concrete cutting saws. Some of the modern dust control methods are as follows: In this method water is sprayed on to the rotating cutting disk of the saw which in turn reduces dust emission. This type of system can be used on saws powered by compressed air. Local Exhaust ventilation: In this method saw guards are used which act as high velocity hood which is in turn connected with industrial vacuum cleaner which serves as an exhaust to the dust. Barriers which may hamper the adoption of the initiative are: Skill in selecting the suitable method; Cost involved in replacing the old equipment; Employee training. Key legislation related to the above mentioned initiative is as follow HSWA 1974 Section 2(2)a (Provide maintain plant systems of work that are safe without risk to health) HSWA 1974 Section 2(2)c (Provide information, supervision training to ensure the HS of employees) Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (Regulation 14 Employees responsibilities to use tools and equipment etc safely) Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (Regulation 4 Equipment to be suitable) 3) On-site Health Screening: The objective of the proposal to introduce on-site health screening is to promote a healthy lifestyle amongst construction workers. These also helps in gathering the data about the health conditions of the workers which helps the management to take the decisions about the health and safety practises to be followed. These can be achieved by doing the following on-site tests Blood test; General check up; Skin tests; Ear testing; Eye tests etc. Barriers for adopting these initiatives are Cost involved for medical tests; Management opinion; Workers co-operation; Reliability on the medical data obtained; Creating facilities for medical tests on site. Key legislation related to the above mentioned initiative is as follows: HSWA- Section 2(1) (Employer must protect the HSW at work of all their employees) HSWA Section 2(2)e (Provide adequate welfare facilities and arrangements) HSWA Section 7(a) (Exercise reasonable care for the HS of themselves and others who their actions may affect) HSWA Section 7(b) ( Co-operate with the employer) HSWA Section 8 (Not to interfere with anything provided in the interests of HSW) Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 6: Health surveillance (where appropriate) Regulation 13: Employers to take into account employees capabilities 3) Conclusion: BAA has achieved the best in securing safe working environment to the employees but money makes men guilty, as the progress with the project people forget unknowingly their health and its value, so initiatives given should be taken into consideration to protect employees and to have a safe and healthy working environment forever. 4) Bibliography Information about health and safety at work etc 1974, Available at: Information about case study, Available at: Information about management of health and safety at work 1999, Available at: Information about onsite health screening, Available at; Information about dust control methods, Available at; Information about the work place regulation 1992, Available at; Information about welfare facilities at fixed construction site, Available at; Information about Construction Design Management, Available at;
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Effectiveness Of Sex Offender Treatment
Effectiveness Of Sex Offender Treatment In previous years, the fear of sex offenders has led the public to believe a fallacy regarding sex offender treatments. The public often start to view anyone who commits a sexual offence to be a high risk sex offender. Society need to understand that some sex offenders are low risk offenders who are very unlikely to re-offend again. The public believe sex offenders should be sent to prison indefinitely, however this is an inefficient way in helping offenders from re-offending. One of the most controversial debate and problem around the world is crime. Crime is a massive issue around the world and it brings up more questions than it answers. This essay will discuss the myth that sex offenders are untreatable by providing various successful programmes used for treatment and to reduce crime rates. Initially, this paper will briefly define what a sex offender is, what drives people to become one and how the government has tried to prevent sex delinquents from re-offending. A sex offender is a person who has committed a sexual crime, an act which is prohibited by the jurisdiction. What constitutes a sex offence or normal and abnormal sexual behaviour varies over time and place (Pakes Winestone, 2007). Every country has different laws and perspectives on sex offences where age of consent to sexual acts vary from 9-21. Sexual offending mainly relates to adult rape or child molestation (Pakes Winestone, 2007), but there are many other types of sex crimes such as internet grooming, sexual harassment and incest. It is very different to distinguish between sex offenders with non offenders. It is presumed that many sex offenders have various sexual abnormal fantasies or an unusual high sex drive (Elsevier, 2007). People tend to believe most sexual offences are committed by strangers but the truth is most victims know their attacker and also are not very different to normal people (CSOM). Many theories try to explain why people commit sexual offences. Since sexual deviance takes several forms, no single theory maybe adequate to account for all aspects (Blackburn, 1993). Ellis (1989) identifies two major theories which can explain as to why a person may want to become a sex offender. The first being the social learning theory that suggests people commit sexual deviant acts because they learn and get exposed to certain things, which the person starts to assume is the right way to live life. An example could be childhood experiences, getting victimised or being exposed to pornography at a young age. The second theory, Ellis supports is the Evolutionary theory which connects with genetics and male aggression. Getting victimised by a sex offender can be traumatising and psychologically damaging. Sex offenders have been increasingly a focus of attention by the criminal justice system over the past decade (Thomas, 2000). In recent years, many countries have started to change their laws regarding sex offenders. The Criminal Justice System is strengthening the legislation and revising punishments for the publics safety and to lower recidivism rates. Before the Criminal Justice Act 1991, the laws on sex offences were very old; coming back from the Sexual Offences Act 1956 (Pakes Winestone, 2007). The Sex Offenders Act 1997 was later introduced. This Act made it easier to manage and identify the offenders on community release. Sex offenders had to register their names and addresses with the police which helped manage and protect the public. In 1998 the Crime and Disorder Act (Section 58), paid attention to extending the post release supervision of sex offenders to a maximum of 10 years for a prison sentence of any length (REF) and Section 2 introduced the Sex offender Order. This order places a number of prohibitions against the offender by magistrates of the court. This can be used to prevent certain sex offenders from going to specific locations ( Furthermore, the laws in 2003 changed which introduced longer sentences and also life sentences were put into effect (Pakes Winestone, 2007). In 2003, the Sexual C riminal Act redefined the meaning of rape and internet grooming was also added into this Act as illegal. What happens to those that are convicted? Nearly two-thirds of sex offenders immediately go to prison (Homeoffice, 2003c), the rest are taken care by probation or supervision orders, fines and some are totally discharged. Those who are convicted or charged are often required to record their names in the sex offender registry. These names databases are classified into levels and are open to the public. A serious high risk offender must register for the rest of their lives whereas a low risk sex offender has to for a certain period of time. There are many advantages and disadvantages of the Sex offender Registry. Some of the advantages are that the public can easily access information about sex offenders on the internet and citizens have the right to know if there is a sex offender in their area. The disadvantages include records being inaccurate or not updated; this practice makes it hard for the offender to readjust back into the community (accommodation and employment). This could a lso lead to networking within sexual offenders (FIND). According to the Review of Sex Offender Treatment Programmes (1998) the highest risk sex offenders appear to be characterised by the following factors: criminal history, antisocial lifestyle, emotional loneliness, denial, psychopathic personality, low victim empathy and problem solving abilities. To manage these sex offenders the aim of each programme is to challenge offenders distorted thoughts and reasoning in relation to their victims and to help manage their impulses by providing alternative courses of action which they view as being more rewarding (Worrall Hoy, 2005). Many of the treatment programmes are taken place within a group format unless it is a high risk sex offender where its on a one on one basis. Sex offender treatment programmes require at least 80 hours of treatment (Evenden, 2008). The British Prison Service introduced the Core Sex Offender Treatment Programme (SOTP) to reduce the crime rates, which is now the largest of its kind in the world (Thornton Hogue, 199 3). SOTP have made a criterion for all of the sex offenders in prison or attending programmes in the community. This criterion has ten characteristics which a SOTP should have to be successful and effective (Journal Site). 1) Explaining how the programme will bring a change 2) Including whom the programme is intended for and why 3) Underline the risk factors 4) Treatment methods 5) Teaching different types of skills to avoid re-offending 6) Inform them that there are links between the management and the programme 7) Enforce engagement of participants 8) Explaining the sequence and duration 9) Monitor if the programme is being delivered properly 10) Evaluate the efficiency of the programme The main goal of the sex offender treatment programmes are that the person avoids committing another offence in the future. The offender must admit they are guilty for them to take part in the programme, not agreeing may lead the criminal to go back into prison. The programme expects the perpetrator to talk about his unacceptable behaviour, express their feelings, remorse for them and agree to apologize to the victim. To reduce reconviction rates it is suggested to also decrease the sexual arousal. Sexual arousal is one of the key factors which can lead to sex offending. Psychiatrists also contribute to the treatment of offenders along with probation and prison officers. The medication prescribed by psychiatrists is shown to reduce crime (Grublin, 2007). Most sex offenders are let off and released within the community under supervision before their sentence is completed. Due to this, there is a great need of effective SOTPs which can help lower crime rates. One common therapeutic app roach most countries use to treat sex offenders is the cognitive behavioural (Perkins, 1998). These treatment programmes involve individual and group therapy; victim understanding, future planning, identify emotions, solving problems, anger management if needed, social and interpersonal skills development and changing sexual arousal patterns (Centre of Sex Offender Management, 2000). Recent studies have shown specific areas of SOTPs that need more attention such as attachment issues, low self esteem, confidence and loneliness. Other types of approaches many SOTPs provide are psychotherapy, skills therapy, the psycho-educational and the pharmacological approach (FIND). These approaches focus on increasing victim empathy, uses of medication, getting out secrets, and also learning about the law. Therapists and probation officers have daily routines to inspect offenders during treatment hours and visiting them at home, this also includes drug/alcohol use checkups. UK prisons, have group s sessions with about eight offenders and two tutors. Therapy in prison started in 1991 and these sessions also consist of cognitive behavioural approaches but there are many other people involved than just psychologists, such as police officers, teachers and also chaplains (Psychology Textbook pg.435). Some of the techniques the prison SOTP uses are brainstorming, role playing and thinking strategies (Textbook). Many other types of SOTPs have been designed within America, Canada and the UK such as Community Sex Offender Group work Programme (C-SOGP) which pays attention to male offenders who have victimised children and Internet Sex Offender Treatment Programme (I-SOTP) is for offenders who have been convicted with internet only sex offences such as viewing indecent images of children (I-SOTP Site). The most effective way to manage and supervise potentially dangerous offenders in the community is for the relevant agencies to work together ( This work is managed and directed by the Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA). MAPPA was developed nationally on 1st April 2001 and works with many different types of agencies like Youth Offending Teams, Children Services, Adult Social Services, Health Trusts, local housing authorities, Job Plus and electronic monitoring providers (MAPPA book). MAPPA uses these agencies to get police surveillance, specialised accommodation, drug/alcohol rehabilitation and ongoing management by other services. Who are the MAPPA offenders? There are three categories of MAPPA offenders. Category one consists of sexual offenders who are required to register their names and address to the police. Category two includes violent offenders who have been sentenced to imprisonment for 12months or more. The last category is for danger ous offenders who are a risk to society but do not fit under the categories above (MAPPA BOOK). In 2009, MAPPA collaborated with Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) to encourage and develop this programme. COSA was first introduced in Canada about 15 years ago. The purpose of this programme is to support and reintegrate sex offenders who are about to be put back into the community. This idea was introduced to the UK by the Quakers. Sex offenders are lonely people who feel isolated once released into the community. These are the key reasons as to why an offender might want to re-offend. COSA take place weekly which pay attention to employment, financial difficulties, isolation and loneliness (Print out). There have been many debates about the rehabilitation process and success rates. SOTPs not only have a significant impact on medium risk offenders but also are very successful in reducing crime with low risk sex offenders (Homeoffice, 2003). Treating high risk offenders is much more difficult as they have the most dropout rates and have no intention of recovering but it has been proven that many highly deviant offenders had a effective and successful treatment by joining long term therapy (160 hours) compared to short term (80 hours) (Homeoffice, no79). Sex offenders who attend and complete SOTPs overall have lower reconviction rates than those who dont receive treatment at all. This advice and support can change and save a persons life. Cognitive behavioural treatment and pharmacological treatment together have meant to be the most effective approaches to reducing crime and psychotherapy has been the most inefficient amongst sex offenders. A study was conducted for 2 years to see th e reconviction rates, 133 offenders who had taken treatment had lower sexual crime rates compared to 191 offenders who had not received treatment at all (12). Also, a sample of 264 people who had been convicted of internet sexual offences were examined after treatment given by I-SOTP and the results proved that sex offenders were positively changing their attitudes (15). There have been many pros and cons regarding the use of Sex Offender Register. The main arguments for why the Registry is not effective is because the criminals who committed sexual offences before 1997 were not added into the registry, criminals who were an acute risk to the public were excluded from the registry and there is no national sex offender registry (Pakes Winestone, 2007). MAPPA and COSA on the other hand give positive responses of effectiveness. Both programmes have been researched regarding their impact on crime rates. Offenders successfully completing these programmes are 3 times less likely to be re -convicted than offenders who have not completed this programme (NOTA). COSA has reduced re-offending by 70% and out of 35 offenders researched upon, only 3 criminals have been found to re-offend (paper). Receiving effective treatment is a very important. However, two major downfalls with SOTPs is that research has shown that there is a high percentage of drop outs. Another problem which arises is that probation officers have admitted to not being able to communicate properly with sex offenders and have said they need more skills and training to be able to protect the public (FIND). As new information comes available, the programmes are constantly being developed. Most sex offenders do get released into the community without having received any treatment in prison and reducing the risk of it happening outside within the community is a vital process. In order to asses and treat a sexual offender effectively, therefore, one needs to obtain a realistic account of his psychosexuality, something that is notoriously difficult to do (Elsevier, 2007). Till today, we cannot predict as to why people commit these harsh crimes to innocent people. It has become a hot topic within the public and the government have changed and revised many laws to ensure they are doing the best they can for the publics safety. Everybody wants to see positive future outcomes of SOTPs. Society hope to see an increase in public safety, tracking and monitoring of offenders, awareness of sex offender laws, changing of the offenders view on SOTPs and lastly to decrease the sexual offence crime rate s. The Cognitive behavioural approach is being used worldwide and has been proved most effective. Overall, there is evidence for a positive effect of sexual offender treatment. Categorising sex offenders and identifying the essential skills they need can help to what works and for whom under which circumstances. Thus, what needs to be said about SOTPs, is that they must continue to have a strong presence in the criminal justice system, so that we reduce victimisation and make communities safer.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Essay --
Zachariah Stottlemyre Prof. Steve Moore Eng. 101 10/27/2013 San Diego Comic-Con. Is it worth it? The San Diego Comic-Con is one of the largest events in the California bay area. Over 130,000 people attended this event last year alone. People all over the United states travel to visit this one week long event. Many come to showcase their skill as artists in many genres, hoping to find dream jobs, and to return next year as a booth vendor. Many people come hoping to spend hard earned dollars on comic books, movie paraphernalia, and much more. Many even blow all vacation days on this. If you love comics, movies, or even video games, then this event has a lot to offer you. Many have the opportunity to meet an actor, or talk to them in a discussion board, or even the chance to meet a creator of one of their favorite comics, and possibly find the purchase of a life time. When many first hear about Comic-Con all they think about is a bunch of nerds piling up in a gym to look at comic books and argue about who is better DC or Marvel. Many are partial to one or the other, so it was surely a fight for the ages. Then as the event began to take off and become more mainstream people began to take notice that is so much more than a compilation of comic books and nerds. Now it is an international event that draws people from all across the entire world. To begin with the event is in fact held in the San Diego Convention Center which has approximately 1,378,803 sq ft to host vendors, ticketing, panel conversations, etc. This leaving such a large opportunity to view several different booths, panels, and other exciting sites without too much over crowding and constant up in your face conversations. This alone makes the event worth spending ... ...e having enjoyed yourself, you must not of attended. Works Cited San Diego Convention Center. Alex Suskind. Batman and Superman Movie Confirmed at Comic-Con 2013. IGN. Big Movies at Comic Con 2013 List. San Diego Comic Con International. San Diego Comic Con Interational. San Diego Comic-Con 2013 Cosplay Wrap-Up. Noelene Clark. Los Angeles Times.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Global Opportunities for Turkey Essay -- Globalization Turkey Economic
Global Opportunities for Turkey The world is becoming much more connected, especially in the last few decades. The idea of being free individuals has become more important, as well as free market economies. Some ideologies have collapsed because of their antiquated offers about the political situations, yet some of them are ruling the world in the last hundred years. But if there is something certain about the whole world, it is that globalization is affecting and changing it. Turkey is located at the center of the Europe, Asia and Africa, therefore the political and economical circumstances of it are important both for the Western part and the Eastern part of the world, then, the role of the globalization is very important to Turkey. Since the country has improved by the global changes that have effects on the whole world for the last few decades, globalization is good and necessary for Turkey. In the 1800s, there were two major ideologies for the world. They were nearly the negatives of each other, that one of them defended the free market economies and freedom of the mankind, yet the other supported the centrally controlled economies by the governments. Today, one of them is still standing, however the other one had collapsed. The one which is current today is the capitalism, as you may guess. It is clear that we are free today because of capitalism that we can do whatever we want, in the limits of not to disturb the other individuals, of course. The communism was not related with this maybe, yet the freedom idea of the capitalism cannot be considered without globalization. Globalization is the combining of different cultures and economies, that the importance of the place of Turkey in the earth can be realized... ...hey sell their goods. Equally clearly, globalization benefits consumers by providing them with better goods at better prices. Globalization increases efficiency and thus prosperity. (A Future Perfect: The Essentials Of Globalization, 2000) As a conclusion, globalization is good for Turkey, because it increases the life standards of Turkish citizens. Having lots of options to buy and very large varieties to decide make our life more comfortable and easy. The globalization also increases our artistic values and skills, which help us to get away from ignorance, to expand our knowledge and perspectives of life. With globalization, Turkey and Turkish citizens have become more qualified and capable of understanding the world. Works Cited Micklethwait, John and Wooldridge, Adrian. A Future Perfect: The Essentials Of Globalization UK: Wylie Agency, Inc, 2000
Gay Olympics :: essays research papers
I had always enjoyed the summer Olympics and the way the athletes strive to be their best, but after watching the winter Olympics I couldn’t help but ask, are these really sports. I have no doubt that the races are sport. There is a definite outcome and no dispute over who won. Then you have these other â€Å"sports†like figure skating and ice dancing. Somehow I cannot take any point of view that would support these two as sports. First you have figure skating that requires agility, endurance, stamina, and coordination yet the winner is purely based on the opinion of another. How is that a sport?      Then you have ice dancing†¦ common ice dancing! Through all the rejects that couldn’t make the figure skating squad, lower expectations, and †¦ you know what, just call them ice fairies. That is really what it is. They might as well play Fantasia over and over then judge how well the different animals attempt their aerials. After watching the Apolo Ohno get ripped off in the speed skating, I was treated to the wonderful world of tippy toeing on ice. What kind of transition was that?           Then you have curling, an event that could only have come from the British Isles home of haggis, minced meat pie, and other culinary delights. How does a sport like this even get started? Curling is a combination of shuffle board and sweeping. This is a new addition to the Olympics, one that could have been done without. Tug of War used to be on the program, why didn’t they keep that at least it has a definite outcome. If you haven’t noticed by now, I have ended every paragraph with a question because I really have one question on my mind, are the winter Olympics geared towards women. I would hope that no man alive is sitting at home in anticipation of the ice dancers’ next amazing move. During highlights of figure skating and ice dancing, I look in the audience in amazement of how many proud fathers there are in the audience. I say fathers because that is the only guy I could ever forgive for actually putting any interest into these sports.      This is a shallow view on sports but I have always thought that sports should be determined by a definite outcome, not another’s opinion.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Women During the Middle Ages
Women during the middle Ages The middle ages were a big part of the world’s history. Every aspect of life was influenced. One important influence was on women. Medieval society was ruled by men and women had their â€Å"place’ depending on their social class (â€Å"Medieval Women†). Peasant women had the hard life; they were expected to cook and clean and help their husbands all at the same time (â€Å"Daily Life for Peasant Women in the Middle Ages†).Peasant women would typically begin their days at 3 am during the summer and began to prepare breakfast and prepare for the daily meals, and then they would begin to weave and make clothes for the family (â€Å"Daily Life for Peasant Women in the Middle Ages†). Peasant women would work in the fields until dusk and then eat dinner after their families would (â€Å"Daily Life for Peasant Women in the Middle Ages†). She was also responsible for the children and basic nursing (â€Å"Daily Life for Peasant Women in the Middle Ages†). The daily routing of noblewomen followed her husband’s, or lord’s (â€Å"Daily Life of a Noblewoman in the Middle Ages†).She would begin with mass at dawn and then be dressed in her dress of the day (â€Å"Daily Life of a Noblewoman in the Middle Ages†). Leisure time was spent on embroidery and dance (â€Å"Daily Life of a Noblewoman in the Middle Ages†). Education for noblewomen consisted on practical rather than academic like manners, etiquette, how to dance and ride, and archery (â€Å"Noble Women in Middle Ages†). Noble women typically had no choice in the marriage process and were usually a game of politics (â€Å"Noble Women in Middle Ages†). Life after marriage consisted of creating large families (â€Å"Noble Women in Middle Ages†).Joan of Arc was born to a small, poor family at Dom Remy at Champagne (â€Å"St. Joan of Arc†) during the 100 years’ war (â€Å"Joan of Arc’s Life†). Ever since she was little she was always in the life of God and was tender to the poor (â€Å"St. Joan of Arc†). When she was thirteen voices came to her, which she called her counsel, and identified them at St. Michael, St. Margaret, and St. Catherine, and she was very hesitant to tell anyone about these voices (â€Å"St. Joan of Arc†). She said the voices told her to lead the siege of Orleans and bring Dauphin to his coronation (â€Å"Joan of Arc’s Life†).Joan set out with her army and was able to capture and take over four towns and destroy half of the English Army (â€Å"Joan of Arc’s Life†). These events led up to the coronation of Charles VII (â€Å"Joan of Arc’s Life†). After an unsuccessful attack against English-held Paris, her army disbanded when she was injured (â€Å"Joan of Arc’s Life†). Later she went on another campaign, in which she predicted she would be captured in C ompiegne because she was breaking the treaty (â€Å"Joan of Arc’s Life†). Her troops were forced to retreat and she was convinced to surrender to Lionel of Wandomme, and then was put on trial by the English (â€Å"Joan of Arc’s Life†).She was tried by the English for witchcraft and heresy and was condemned to death by a French clergy (â€Å"Joan of Arc- Trial, Death, and Sainthood†). The Pope in 1456 found Joan to be innocent of heresy and she was beatified by Pope Pius X in 1909 (â€Å"Joan of Arc- Trial, Death, and Sainthood†). And in 1920 she was named a Saint by Pope Benedict XV (â€Å"Joan of Arc- Trial, Death, and Sainthood†). Eleanor of Aquitaine married King Louis VII of France when she was fifteen (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). She helped to lead thousands of voyages to the Second Crusade (â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†).The church was happy to hear of this but was unhappy when they heard that she and 300 of her ladies were going to heal the wounded (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). Her efforts were bashed and her marriage ended up failing because her husband did not approve of her, and in spite she said that her marriage was never valid (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). After returning to France her marriage to Louis was annulled and less than a year later she married the future King of England, Henry (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). She bore five sons and three daughters to Henry, but their marriage wasn’t always perfect (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†).She turned her three sons against their father and ran a rebellion against him, something that was unusual for a woman but was just in her eyes because of his infidelities and having to share the wealth with him (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). But the rebellion was put down and Henry imprisoned her for fifteen years (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). But her son, Richard, killed Henry and she wa s released for prison (â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). She was later seen as a very powerful politician because of the work she did to help her favorite son, Richard, to be released after he was captured (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†).She was always traveling to keep her appearance up with the English subjects and to manage her army and estates (2 â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†) and before she died she was able to get her children the thrones of every country in Europe (â€Å"Eleanor of Aquitaine†). Lady Godiva of Coventry, England was known for her long, beautiful hair and her vow to help the less fortunate (â€Å"The Lady Godiva Legend†). She was married to Lord Leofric, who didn’t care about the less fortunate people of his town, and set a heavy tax on his people (â€Å"The Lady Godiva Legend†).Lady Godiva protested and he set a bet with her: to ride through the streets naked and then he would lift the tax (â€Å"The Lady Godiva Legen d†). She was known as being a modest woman and no one thought she would do this, but didn’t think twice and woke up at dawn the next day and set out (â€Å"The Lady Godiva Legend†). Lady Godiva was a generous person and her townspeople were even better and closed their shutters while she took this ride so nobody could see her (â€Å"The Lady Godiva Legend†). When her ride was over he husband stuck to his word and lifted the tax on his people and her place in history would be set in stone (â€Å"The Lady Godiva Legend†).
Friday, August 16, 2019
Hospitality Across Culture
Hospitality is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. When coming to another country, we always want to make a good impression to the native people like showing them our hospitality. But sometimes, because of different culture our hospitality is considered as offence.So what should we do in this case?In case study, a typical situation surprised me. The American manager by the name of Bill Morris just simply want to show his emplyees in France his hospitality. He decided to throw a party for the whole office. His intention was pretty good. He thought it would be a good way to get accquainted with everyone in a less formal environment. Then, people with know that he is an open person and easy to talk. However, this wasn’t work.His employees didn’t think like that and just in a negative way.In French employess’s thought, their boss was showing off his money by inviting them to his elegent apartment. They felt strange and uncomfortable in his home as well as socializing together. Certainly, Morris didn’t make a good impression to his employees.The situation gave me knowledge of America and France hospitality culture in : socialize with employess from different levels of the company, role of the boss in the social life of the office, style of entertaining colleagues, different about socialiszing with friends and collagues, common ways of socialising with business colleagues. This is two different country with different culture, working style : formal and informal. It’s not easy to mix them. In solving situation tasks, our class was discuss to help Morris able to adapt to the social ways of his French employees. We all think he should learn about France culture, shouldn’t so formal with his colleagues to build his presigate. He should care to his working style, languages using, attitudes †¦Above all, following French culture will make his employees respect him and feel heâ₠¬â„¢s more familiar to them. Step by step, they’ll sure understand his good intention and have a good point of view on him.Hospitality across culture isn’t simply at all. It requires a certain knowledge about culture and ways to apply it appropriately. This situation reminds me a famous saying : ‘When in Rome, do as the Romans do.’ Obviously when you come another country, the native people expect you to do as their culture. This will make they feel that you searched and interested in their culture before and respect it. Getting to know about eachother culture is a simply way to communicate people from all over the world. This is a chance to widen your knowledge, open your working opportunity, build relationship across border.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
How Internal and External Forces Affect Organizational Behavior Essay
Analyze how internal and External Forces Affect Organizational Behavior Examples of Internal and External Forces Include the Following: Competition: Some Chief Executive Officers when trying to build a high performance work culture will use a strategy that pits one employee against another employee to form a competition between the two. Methods such as these may entice employees to work harder, but sometimes these tactics will backfire and undermine employee cooperation. In-house internal competition does sound logical to many managers, employ the best people and evaluate them on regular intervals with sound measures. Then rank them from best to worst, unload the worst then praise the best, and shower them with money, and promotions while devoting enough attention to the rest of them so that they will not leave, and keep working hard. â€Å"The rhetoric of competition is appealing in our individualistic sports-oriented society, and we revere executives who talk about tough competition, survival of the fittest and the virtues of winning.†Past-news Organizational-Behavior-The-Enemy-Next-Door The economy: Hiring practices have changed dramatically over the years. Quality individuals are being employed, and immediately they are trained for positions within the organization. Companies are investing in low or unskilled workers and training them at company expense. In the past this has been a warning sign to businesses. As the economy rises, organizations are coerced to hire worker who are less experienced. This means that there is a loss of productivity. However, salary increases have remained the same at an increase of1.8%, down from the 3% in 1998. â€Å"Productivity, which should have been much lower, has proceeded at 2% annually. Part of the explanation for this unprecedented trend seems to be the investment of companies into equipment. Technology has become so accessible that unskilled workers, bolstered by new technology, can be many times more productive†Retrieved from Business Week Online June 10th, 2011 â€Å"The Economy’s Rising Tide,†by David Leonhardt, and Laura Cohn
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Describe How to Deal with Disagreements Between the Practitioner and Children and Young People
Describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and children and young people If it is TA versus a child, then the chances are that the child is being confrontational and disobedient. You would have to point out the boundaries and explain that it would not be wise to cross these boundaries if the child did not want to make the situation worse for their self. With an adult, they have their own perspective on what has caused the disagreement and this should be listened to and then you should calmly put forward your point of view.It is essential to establish respectful and professional relationships with children and young people in the role of TA. There are certain strategies which enable such a valued and trusted relationship to be established. A relationship in which a child trusts and respects their TA and feels comfortable in their company, allows the TA to offer a supportive and caring environment in which the child can learn and develop. Describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and other adultsVery often in my life I have found myself in the middle of conflict. You have to be very wise, diplomatic and try to help to solve the problem, if somebody asks you to. Many times people know how to sort it out, or what must be done to solve the problem, but they are too emotionally involved at that moment and they simply are not able to do anything. If such a situation happened, it is good to listen and give them time to calm down. It can take just few minutes or longer period of time.The important thing is to be patient, which may be hard to do, but it is vital to keep a cool head. At times I may be required to mediate discussions, over a period of time, until both parties feel that the issue has been resolved to their satisfaction. This might be conflicts at work, among friends, among children at school, or at home. Firstly, when we want to manage disagreements, the skill of listening to both sides of the conflict and assess ing the whole situation is required, before making any decisions.Also, checking their non-verbal communication and make sure I am aware of what caused the conflict in reality. Verbal conflicts are easier to manage than physical disagreements. Secondly, I must be completely sure that both sides want and are ready to resolve the conflict. If they stay angry, or refuse to communicate, helping them to negotiate will be impossible to do. Sometimes I will talk to both sides separately, as this gives more of a clearer picture and I will make sure they are both honest.
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Animal Oxygen Consumption Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Animal Oxygen Consumption - Lab Report Example After series of tests and manipulation, the investigator found out that, oxygen consumption of the group's subject which is the "Tilapia" increases, as incubation period increases; however, the former was found to have no direct relationship with its body weight. The result was contrasting to the experience of other groups which were assigned to investigate "crayfishes". Direct or linear relationship among crayfishes' oxygen consumption, incubation time and body weight were not as well established. All living cells need energy from exterior sources to act upon their many important tasks such as biosynthesis, transportation of molecules across membranes, movement, and reproduction. Green plants for example, acquire vast amount of energy from sunlight through photosynthesis. Chloroplasts surrounding the cell matrix convert solar energy into chemical energy. Moreover, most animals ingest food (usually plants and other animals) to acquire chemical energy that are stored in the food at the same time generate ATP through a process called cellular respiration. Cellular respiration in the same manner requires oxygen as a reactant. Thus, as an outcome of cellular respiration and cellular activity, animals are able to produce and release heat. This is one of the many unique characteristics of organisms and they as well vary in the rate of heat production as part of their metabolism.The overall process of cellular respiration can be summarized as: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP + heat (Foodstuff) (respiration) (heat) (work) Oxygen consumption was measured by estimating the energy metabolism, since the rate of oxygen consumption as well as energy utilization is generally directly related. In this exercise, the oxygen consumption of Tilapia was determined by using LaMotte Dissolved Oxygen kit in small volumes of water. This technique is titration-based on the oxidizing characteristics of dissolved oxygen (DO). Manganese solution is also added to the tested water samples followed by a strong alkali. Later, the solution was titrated through a standard solution, followed by addition of an indicator. Objectives The laboratory activity intended to achieve the following aims: 1. To demonstrate relationship in animals' body weight, oxygen consumption per body weight with respect to the incubation periods. 2. To perform accurately the procedures in the use of LaMotte Dissolved Oxygen kit, titrations and balance. 3. To compare the oxygen consumption of nektonic and benthic organisms. Hypothesis There is no direct relationship among oxygen consumption, incubation time and body weight for both animals (tilapia and crayfish). Methods/Procedures 1. Students are assigned into groups. Each group will be assigned and organism to work with depending on availability. 2. Fill 4 jars with the aquarium water. Using a net, select 3 animals of which your group is assigned to and gently transfer them one to each of the mason jars. The animals may vary in size. In addition, in the case of Tilapia, choose smaller ones so they have room to move about in the jar. *Collect water for your negative control first, since
Monday, August 12, 2019
Sula by Toni Morrison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Sula by Toni Morrison - Essay Example The author concentrates on the certain part of the town which is called 'The Bottom', which mean the bottom of life and society. The main character of the novel, Sula, grew up actually in that place. During her childhood she was surrounded by people, who refused to contain themselves in the social norms. Sula was born in a female-centered domain with Hannah her widowed and sexually free mother, with Eva her grandmother, who had her leg amputated, and with boarders and relatives taken into the house situated at 7 Carpenter's Road up in the Bottom. Reading the novel, one can see enormous influence of family on the personality: "Eva's arrogance and Hannah's self-indulgence merged in her and, with a twist that was all her own imagination, she lived out her days exploring her own thoughts and emotions, giving them full reign, feeling no obligation to please anybody unless their pleasure pleasedher"1. Since her early childhood, Sula Peace seemed to people strange girl because of the rose tattoo near her eye and because of the disorder among her household. Sula lives in a "woolly" house of "throbbing disorder" with few, if any rules. The characters around Sula exist as a point to compare the different ways the community treats those who are different. For example, Shadrack and Hannah are outcast from the community in the bottom as well as Sula; nevertheless they are not regarded with such fear or resentment as the town feels towards Sula. Shadrack returned shell-shocked from the war and then led quite immoral lifestyle frequently drinking and behaving as a bum. He was considered crazy, but wasn't disgraced, as he was a male. However Hannah had frequent affairs with married men after the death of Sula's father, she was known as a kind and generous woman and even respected. Sula, in turn, has never experienced a healthy relationship between a man and a woman. She was taught to view sex as at the source of pleasure. This certainly affected Sula's adult life; she had romances only with other women's husbands. Such behaviour was regarded as a delinquency. Opposite to Hanna Sula was not a submissive participant in her relations with men, but felt as an equal. She used her lovers only for pleasure, taking no consideration as to how the men feel. She always gained limitless control over them - actually this caused hatred, scorn and nasty rumors among the women, who had no real power over their husbands.Sula looked after herself and because she had all her teeth, had had no childhood diseases and looked younger than her age the town acknowledged that she was a real evil. She embodied the things that had never been seen in the community before; the community, in turn, labelled her as wicked as people had fear about unknown. Thus, for the inhabitants of Medallion, Sula was an example of evil. After Sula returns from her ten year long absence from Medallion, she starts even more promiscuous lifestyle. She is considered a "slut" among the community. Nevertheless, after her return, the membersof community start behaving better and more carefully than they had before. Women began to take care of themselves and their children and to cherish their
Continuing case report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words
Continuing case report - Research Paper Example The planning function enables management to think strategically and align or re-align its objectives. Hence the emphasis from relying on muscle cars such as Hummer shifted from much fuel efficient, electronic car models such as Chevy Volt. Being proud of its legacy, it was about time that GM reinvented its ways and launched a car that suites its customers and the market. With the big idea of Chevy Volt, the company also invested in smaller innovations that can complement its existing products. Planning ahead for future requires a visionary mind-set something GM was lacking for a long time but recent plans are proving fruitful. The change that GM went through was phenomenal, understanding the needs of the customers and the environment gave them much deserved success. The skills involved in such an Endeavour may range from problem solving skills, forecasting, decision making and inevitable change management skills besides the obvious leadership and managerial skills. The shift from mus cle to green fuels was a turnaround from traditional ways, something that helped the company gain increased market share and loyalty from customers. Question 2 The automotive industry, much like many other industries has undergone immense changes. The traditional reliance on carbon based fuels led to the deterioration of environment, besides being a costly fuel that saw increase in the global market. With harsh economic conditions customers started preferring smaller cars with small engine size with cheap maintenance costs. European Union and other advanced regions capped the CO2 emission standards that were not followed by models manufactured by GM. The awareness related to environment enhanced over time and countries started to introduce laws that would restrict car manufacturers from making traditional cars. Most competitors of GM started research and development on the subject matter decades before GM resulting in smaller more fuel efficient cars that became an instant hit in th e car market. The society that once preferred cars that are meaner with big engines and power started rethinking its preference and started opting for cheaper cars with fuel efficiency and less carob emissions. GM resisted this change and started making fewer units to attract its niche customers that were still in love with the muscle cars. Although the realization that society and political institutions would not approve of similar cars anymore the management reinvented its approach and after much wait and deliberation the first electronically fuelled car was launched. During this transition GM came close to getting bankrupt and was bailed out by the US government. With its existence at stake the management had no option but to discontinue its traditional muscle models and manufacture a car that would satisfy the needs of society and adhere to regulations posed by political institutions while remaining affordable for the customers. Question 3 GM is a pioneer in the automotive indus try; it remained the market leader in the America and had strong shares in other regions for decades. It created a strong brand image fuelled by its inventiveness and uncompromising quality products. It grew rapidly and owning a GM model was seen as prestige among the American citizens and nationalities. Based on its success and huge market share it started manufacturing hoards of cars that would appeal to
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Universal Pocket Prescription Card, Behavioral Economics Paper Essay
Universal Pocket Prescription Card, Behavioral Economics Paper - Essay Example Policy-makers and public or nonprofit administrators need to address the problem of failure to use the universal pocket prescription card by medical care consumers. The study also provides an insight into the economic benefits if using the universal pocket prescription card. The card acts as a remedy to various problems associated with escalating costs of medical care. Policymakers should implement the utilization of comprehensive Pocket Prescription Card because it can be in case there have been changes in the economic, medical cost. Policymakers should implement policies that support the utilization of Universal Pocket Prescription Card (Janssen et al., 2014). Universal pocket prescription cards are cards that are designed to fit a pocket of even a wallet of the user. They provide an easy and very effective strategy in the recording of personal information. The information may include names and dosages of prescribed drugs. The drugs may be over the counter, herbal, vitamins, and even supplements. The card also stores other details such as how the medicine should be and at what time it should be made. Universal medical cards are used to give caregivers more information. They help to minimize the economic problems that might be in the giving of health care (Boyer, 2009). There has been a projection by economists that there will increase in the medical cost. A rate of 7 percent is expected, calling on employees to try and control expenses by changing policies that shift costs to the workers. Because of the costs that might be behavioral economic predicts that people are most likely to adopt the use of universal pocket cards. It is because this reduces the chances for inappropriate prescription and increase opportunities for proper diagnosis. In the United States, it has been shown that non-compliance with medical
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Biology summary of one cephalopod, one bivalve and one chiton of your Essay
Biology summary of one cephalopod, one bivalve and one chiton of your choosing - Essay Example ales use the hectocotylus (a special arm) to dispense packets of sperm (spermatophores) from the reproductive tract’s terminal organ/ cephalopod penis, into the mantle cavity of the females. In benthic octopuses, it is the third arm on the right that serves as the hectocolylus. A few months following this mating process, the males die, and in some octopus species, females have the conditions to keep viable sperms within their bodies until their eggs reach maturity. After fertilization of the eggs, the female lays approximately 200,000 eggs, but such numbers vary depending on the kind of species, genera, families, and the individual octopus. While open octopuses mainly feed on fish, other cephalopods and prawns, the bottom dwellers, on the other hand, feed mainly on clams, whelks, polychaete worms and crabs. Using paralyzing saliva, octopuses inject their prey and break down their bodies using their beaks. As for shelled molluscs, an octopus feeds on them by drilling a hole thr ough their shells, inject their degrading saliva into the hole and extract the inner soft tissues (Campbell & Reece, 2005, p. 86). Octopuses can live in various parts of the ocean such as the ocean floor, pelagic waters and on coral reefs. These organisms have a keen eye sight (that can recognize light polarizations), a good sense of touch and statocysts that detect sound. Octopuses have no internal or external skeletons to enable them squeeze through tight spaces, are intelligent, fast and can mimic shapes of other creatures when hunting for food and are able to avoid predation due to their speed, ability to camouflage, presence of venom and expulsion of ink (Campbell & Reece, 2005, p. 90). An example of a bivalve is a scallop. Scallops belong to the kingdom animalia, phylum millusca, class bivalvia, order ostreoida, sub-orders pectinoida and pectinina, superfamily pectinoidea and family pectinidae. Scallops are bilaterally symmetrical with the scallop composed of two valves/ halves; the
Friday, August 9, 2019
Correlation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Correlation - Essay Example A negative correlation means that the changes in the variables are not uniform. In other words, when one variable increases the other decreases and vice versa. The correlation between different variable are in different cases are analyzed here. This analysis basically relates to the internet subsidies in Public Schools. "Policymakers and analysts have argued that public schools are a natural place to teach underserved populations about computers and increase access to new technology." (Goolsbee & Guryan, 2003). The correlation between the variable A and variable B of school lunch program can be seen first. The variable A is the number of students who are eligible for school lunch. The variable B is the amount of funding received by the school. Different types of correlation can occur between these two variables. A positive correlation between the two variables means that adequate funds are received by the school in order to provide lunch for the students at the school. This refers to the proper working of the system. A negative correlation between the two variables means that even though there are adequate numbers of students eligible for the lunch, the schools don't receive the necessary fund for providing the students with proper lunch. The third case is where the correlation between the two variables is minimal. This is rather a neutral case where the condition is that there are no eligible students and funds are not required by the schools. Correlation between subsidy and age of students There is a positive, negative and neutral correlation between the subsidy and age of students. Here the variable A is the impact of subsidy and variable B is the age of students at school. A positive correlation between these two variables means that the subsidy received by the school contains the students who satisfy the eligibility age for it. A negative correlation between these two variables means that even though the schools receive subsidy it does not actually satisfy the age criteria for availing the benefits. This means that the fund is directed not to the required area. Similarly a minimal correlation means that the schools don't satisfy the criteria only to certain extend and so they are not able to avail the benefits of the subsidy. Correlation between classrooms and student performance The intention behind connecting classrooms with the latest internet facility is to ensure better performance of the students. In this case the variable A is the number of classrooms connected with internet. The variable B is the performance of the students in the test conducted. The correlations between these two variables are very much relevant because the actual results of the spending are understood by this. A positive correlation means that the classrooms are connected with better internet facilities and the students are provided the most modern internet facilities in the classrooms and the performance level of the students is very higher in the test. This shows that the nation has benefited by investment in facilities. A negative correlation means the classrooms are connected with internet and the students does not show sufficient improvement in their performance. This is a failure. A minimal correlation means that there are neither internet facili
Thursday, August 8, 2019
The dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management Research Paper
The dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management - Research Paper Example The paper tells that in recent times, change in business environment has been inevitable as business strive to remain relevant and competitive. Bradford and Warner note that the need for change in business environment has been brought about by technological advancements, increased customers and shareholder’s expectations, new initiatives, competition, and the need to increase demand among other factors. Therefore, in order to meet the new challenges and attain the organizational goals and objectives, organizations have introduced several changes. However, introduction of change, whether small or big, to organizational functions and processes have often proved intimidating to some managers and have sometime not yielded the intended outcomes. This has resulted to adopting of change management strategies by managers in order to manage change successfully. According to Bradford and Burke, change management can be defined as the application of a set of principles, skills, processes , and tools for managing people and processes within an organization in order to transition or shift the organization from its current state to the desired or intended future state. Several researches have shown that in the modern competitive environment, it takes more than the known management strategies to realize organization’s full potential Bradford and Warner. There is need for managers to welcome change and manage it effectively in order to achieve organizational success in the long- run. Continuous management of change is critical in performance management. Louis (2004, p. 46) explains that the essence of managing change in the organizations is to improve performance and ultimately achieve organizational goals and objectives. As such, continuous management of change is related to performance management. Performance management refers to activities and processes that ensure that goals are met consistently in a manner that is efficient and effective (Aubrey, 2004, p. 95) . The focus of performance management is in regard to processes, departments, organization, and employees and aims at facilitating overall performance of the organization through attainment of organizational goals and objectives Bradford and Warner (2010, p. 18). 1.1 Purpose of the Study The purpose of this research is to foster an understanding of the dilemma of managing continuous change in performance management. The research purports to get deep insights on the dilemmas of managing continuous change and how they impact on performance management. 1.2 Problem Statement In the face of challenging business environment brought about by increased customers and shareholder’s expectations, technological developments, and competition, management are supposed to make continuous changes in their organizations in order to stay remain relevant and be successful (Bradford and Burke, 2005, p. 22). In the process of managing continuous change in order to improve the performance of organi zation, managers are faced with dilemma. The dilemma is on whether the intended change can lead to improved performance or
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Discussion question week 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Discussion question week 4 - Essay Example rkable example of a company that has experienced that, and discussing the differences of domestic and global marketing strategies (Adamson et al, 2007). A brand is a figure of the features that makes a product exceptional. Every business has its brand. Various businesses attempt, but several fail at building a winning brand. When a company notices that its sales are flagging, it blames it on the brand. The shift of focus has moved from the product-blame to the brand-blame, thus relating to the manner the buyer’s conduct transforms (Ries et al. 2002). Branding is a more effective method of selling products; thus entirely fine products can be unsuccessful because of poor branding. Branding increases the returns but also intensifies the risks. The emotional ties developed by customers and brands ought not to be broken as messing with them results in irreparable damage. A brand acquires strength though the market constantly remains subtle. Coca-Cola ranks top of the list as the most identified brand with a sale of almost 1 billion drinks each day. However, when Coca-Cola stopped the distribution of the original Coca-Cola drink, i t replaced it with the New Coke drink to match up the competition posed by Pepsi-Cola. New Coke hardly made any sales as the consumers rebelled against it (Gobe, 2010). Coca-Cola learnt the hard way that marketing is more than the product. It had simply focused on the taste factor when it was strategizing to build on its product, in the process missing its major brand property, which is originality. Coca-Cola had been the only product in the market ever since its foundation, with the brand name becoming product’s name as well/ Coca-Cola majorly capitalized on its original status in the various promotional campaigns (Cross Cultural Blunders). The launch of New Coke was a contradiction to the marketing efforts by Coca-Cola. It was very misguided confining the brand’s importance to a question of taste. The representation was more important
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