Friday, May 31, 2019
My Metamorphosis :: Pyschology, Informative
My Metamorphosis For many years I thought that extroverts were selfish. That they deliberately sought attention in order for people to think well of them. I have slowly come to the realization that this is a case of sour grapes on the part of we introverts. In fact we are the selfish ones. Introverts hold themselves screening from social interaction out of a fear of negative reaction. We feel that if we become visible to a group then we will somehow fashion foolish and then feel totally embarrassed. It is our belief that until proven differentwise, we are potentially perfect in the eyes of all strangers. If we can therefore journey the perceptions of other people well enough, they will continue to believe we are perfect. And with any luck they will come to feel positively towards us. This is such a joke on so many levels. The obvious fallacy is that even if people do form a friendship or some other relationship with us, it will non be our true self that the y are seeing. This is the reason we feel so unworthy of the love that people offer us. In the back of our minds we know we have been conning them and do not deserve their love. Extroverts on the other hand, seek to amuse and educate others by their own actions and words. They are not usually concerned with how good they will look but how happy or entertained those around them are. They are not self-conscious and are therefore more likely to show their
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Drug Heroin Essay -- Drugs History Narcotics Abuse Essays Illegal
Drugs Drugs gather in been around for hundreds of years. Indians were known tohave using upd Opium and other drugs for medical and various other purposes. Duringthe 7th Century A.D. in China a drug emerged called Opium. Opium, the dry juicefrom immature seed pods of the opium poppy plant, is a narcotic drug that isvery effective in the relief of pang but is in addition very addictive. At the beginningOpium was like any other drug, but then people unaware of the harm it couldcause began to use it more(prenominal) and more often. During the 19th century in Chinathere was a period called the Opium Wars where the use of Opium had stupefy sucha problem the government tried to negative it. But by then no one could stop itsgrowth. In 1803 the compound responsible for the painkilling effect was foundand called Morphine. This discovery brought even more use of Opium. Finally in1898 a chemist discovered diacetylmorphine or Heroin. Heroin was at firstconsidered a safer, stronger but less addictive pain killer and was used bydoctors everywhere. However doctors soon found out that it was more dangerousand even more addictive. During the 70s heroin reemerged as a powerful drugbut many were afraid to use it. Throughout the 80s strong anti-drug campaignsseemed to be winning the war on drugs. But, in 1996 people have cause alert tothe increase in Heroin addiction. Heroin use has doubled every year since 1992.What caused the use of heroin to increase? The growth of heroin offense hasincreased in the United States because famous musicians and movie stars havebeen caught with the drug, because pop culture continues to make heroin seemglamorous, and because babyboomers have a relaxed view on drugs. To begin with, the abuse of heroin has increased because famousmusicians and movie stars have been caught with the drug or have been known touse it. Kurt Cobain, lead singer for Nirvana, openly admitted to abusing thedrug and checked himself into a detox center weeks be fore his suicide. KurtCobain had chronic underpin problems and was always looking for something to easethe pain. During an interview with MTV he commented on his stomach pain with,The pain in my stomach made me feel like a junky so if I was going to feel likea junky I might as well become one. Cobains stomach pains made him look, talk,and feel like a wrecked individual. So... ...s body or future. During the 80sthere was a huge war against drugs. Many parents thought that the governmentwas doing a good enough job of informing children of the risks about drugs andlet their safety device down. Obviously, the government did not do a good enough job ofinforming children of the dangers of drugs, recently there have been a number ofstudies showing that nigh every illegal drugs use among teenagers has risendramatically since the early 90s.In conclusion, the use of heroin has grown because rock stars and actorshave been caught with the drug, because the media glamorizes the use of heroin ,and because some parents have a carefree view of drug usage. Almost everybodyknows at least one person who has at one time done an illegal drug. Anybody ratbecome hooked on drugs. Today the percentage of teenagers using drugs keepsrising just as it was in the sixties. Chances are in the future there pull up stakes beanother strong anti-drug campaign just like the one in the 80s which willreduce the amount of drug abuse for future generations. When todays teenagersbecome parents what will the attitude on drugs be? Will it be more accepting orless accepting?
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Mix-tape Phenomenon Essay example -- Music Arts Rap Papers
Mix-tape PhenomenonThis rap game, this rap game / I aint sellin my soul for this rap game... - 50 CentJust 20 old age ago, belt music was apprehension to be just a simple fad, passing its way through the mainstream of pop music leaving classic dance hall anthems like Kurtis Blows hoops and Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Fives White Lines (Dont Do It) in its wake. But today, hip-hop is a worldwide phenomenon, marking its influence in the world of fashion figure of speech (Jay-Zs Roca-Wear and OutKast clothing lines), product marketing (McDonalds and Sprite), and even television shows and movies (Eminems 8-Mile and most recently, Honey, starring Jessica Alba). Through the past two decades, hip-hop has proven the genre could stand the tally of time, but lately, purists say hip-hop is on a steady decline, thanks in part to bubble-gum rap or hip-pop created by artists such as Ja master and Nelly. Hip-pop is when an artist focuses on making records that will be accepted in mainstr eam pop radio and gain massive air-play, but sells-out the artists integrity. One way hip-hop is fighting back against the mainstream backlash is the emergence of mix-tapes, albums created by street DJs featuring exclusive tracks, artist-to-artist disses, and occasionally, unofficial album releases. But before looking into what may be the proximo of hip-hop music, lets take a trip back in time to South Bronx, New York City, circa 1977.Lets take it back to the concrete streets / Original beats with real, get emcees / Playground tactics / No rabbit-in-a-hat tricks / Just that classic rappin from Jurassic. - Jurassic 5Hip-hop pioneer DJ Grand Wizard Theodore, then 17 years old, was practicing his craft as usual, when his moth... a positive force in hip-hop music. And now that former street DJs such as Kay Slay and Whoo Kid wee-wee released commercial mix-tape albums that, according to McDonald, have sold on par with huge holiday season releases from Jay-Z, Alicia Keys and the G-Unit, the door for other street DJs looking to establish a name for themselves has swung wide open.A lot of times, whether its medicine or mechanics, a lot of people spend their life putting something together and then talking to it to the public and then sometimes the public might say, Nah, says Grandmaster Flash of the mix-tapes evolution. But thank god this thing has continued to grow and may it continue to grow. may there be many Ron Gs and many Clues and many more Brucie B.s. Lets keep this thing poppin.Relevant
Aesthetic Experience and Verbal Art :: Argumentative Philosophy Argument Papers
Aesthetic Experience and Verbal ArtIt is a common assumption that there is an art which flush toilet be defined as literary or verbal. Yet, this definition relies mainly on linguistic criteria. Can literary art also be accounted for philosophically? In this typography I intend to offer such(prenominal) an account. Starting from the Hegelian conception of language and of the aesthetic experience, I shall argue that literary, and more specifically poetic, discourse can be defined as the verbal completion of an aesthetic experience, and that this distinctive feature marks off literary discourse from other types of discourse such as scientific and philosophical discourse.In Hegels view language is concomitant with self-conscious-ness. (1) The birth of language is to be situated in the transition in the outgrowth of the reconciles identity from the conscious moment to the self-conscious moment. To a conscious subject, reality offers itself as an object (Gegenstand) and the world refl ects the categorizing activity of the intellect (understanding, Verstand). In the self-conscious subject the world is internalized with the effect that it becomes a presentation (Vorstellung, pictorial concept) of the subjects conceptualization of the world. This presentation is realized in verbal sanctifys. Indeed, the dyadic structure of the sign (signifier/signified) exhibits a marginal degree of materiality together with a maximal degree of signification (meaning). The material aspect of the sign is completely subordinated to the meaning it conveys. To Hegel therefore the verbal sign is a kind of objective correlative to the internalized conceptualization of the world accomplished by the self-conscious subject. In and through language the self-conscious subject expresses its internalized and thus highly subjective perception of the world in an objective verbal presentation.In the transition (Aufhebung, sublation) from consciousness to self-consciousness, i.e. from understandi ng (Verstand) to insight (Vernunft, reason), there is a momentary equilibrium in which the world yields its opaque materiality and the mind (Vernunft, reason) has non yet fully internalized the object. The empirical world discloses itself in the light of the mind and the latter conforms itself to the former. This sensuous visual aspect or semblance of meaning (das sinnliche Scheinen der Idee) is the very core of the aesthetic consciousness or experience. In the aesthetic experience the subject does as yet not intend to understand (i.e. the function of the intellect (Verstand)) nor does it want to conceptualize the empirical reality (i.e. the function of reason). In other words in the aesthetic reflexion there is a momentary harmony between the subjective and the objective aspect of comprehension, between sensuous and rational perception, between rationalization and insight.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Radio: Past and Present :: Expository Essays Research Papers
The Radio Past and PresentHe shoots He piles these are famous speech communication that Foster Hewitt made famous parcel outing a hockey game on the radio (The Early Years). It was words like these that the public became used to because there was no television. The radio served as the first medium to hear things live as they happened. This gave sport fans the opportunity to stick down and tune into a game any snip they like. The radio started off big and then took a dramatic fall due to the introduction of the television. However, radio assemble new ways to attract the public. Radio broadcasting was introduced to the public in the early 1920s (Potter 226). There was only one type of broadcast communications protocol in the 1920s and 30s organism AM radio(The Early Years). In 1921 there were only five AM radio post, and only about(predicate) 1% of all households in this country had a receiver (Potter 226). A receiver was basically another name for a radio because at this time radios were very expensive and there were not enough radio stations to make the system work. However, in 1923 there were over 500 stations to set forth up which in turn led to increased sales of receivers to the general public (Potter 226). With the popping up of more radio stations the more receivers were being bought which meant that many people in the public were tuning into these various radio stations for information and entertainment. Radio was on the rise and it seemed that there was nothing retardation it down. Radio was at the top of its game during the 1930s and 1940s (Potter 226). In 1930 50% of all households had at least one radio, and by 1947 this had increased to 93% (Potter 226). Bye 1936, there was an average of one receiver per household, and in ten years, this had doubled (Potter 226). Sports fans loved the radio because not only could they hear live broadcast but if they missed the game they could get stats all day long. There was only one catch to sports fans listening to games on the radio. Some radio stations did not have enough money to broadcast the games live so they would have a telegraph operator transmit information back to the studio where sounds such as crowd noise, the crack of the bat, and other sounds of that nature were being generated while the game was being played elsewhere (Going, Going, Gone)).
The Radio: Past and Present :: Expository Essays Research Papers
The radiocommunication Past and PresentHe shoots He scores these are famous words that Foster Hewitt made famous broadcasting a hockey game on the radio (The Early Years). It was words alike(p) these that the public became used to because there was no television. The radio served as the first medium to hear things live as they happened. This gave sport fans the opportunity to sit rectify and tune into a game anytime they like. The radio started off big and then took a dramatic fall due to the introduction of the television. However, radio found bare-assed ways to attract the public. Radio broadcasting was introduced to the public in the early 1920s (Potter 226). There was only one type of broadcast protocol in the 1920s and 30s being AM radio(The Early Years). In 1921 there were only five AM radio stations, and only about 1% of all households in this country had a receiver (Potter 226). A receiver was basically a nonher name for a radio because at this time radios were genuine ly expensive and there were not enough radio stations to make the system work. However, in 1923 there were over 500 stations to pop up which in turn led to increased sales of receivers to the general public (Potter 226). With the popping up of more radio stations the more receivers were being bought which meant that some(prenominal) people in the public were tuning into these various radio stations for information and entertainment. Radio was on the rise and it seemed that there was nothing slowing it down. Radio was at the top of its game during the 1930s and 1940s (Potter 226). In 1930 50% of all households had at least one radio, and by 1947 this had increased to 93% (Potter 226). passing game 1936, there was an average of one receiver per household, and in ten years, this had doubled (Potter 226). Sports fans loved the radio because not only could they hear live broadcast only if they missed the game they could get stats all day long. There was only one catch to sports fans l istening to games on the radio. Some radio stations did not have enough money to broadcast the games live so they would have a telegraph operator transmit information back to the studio where sounds much(prenominal) as crowd noise, the crack of the bat, and other sounds of that nature were being generated while the game was being played elsewhere (Going, Going, Gone)).
Monday, May 27, 2019
The Role Of Safety Management On Personal Information
sentry go management describes a process of protection from any harm. It also describes the counter legal professions put in place by that process. Harm whitethorn indicate a neediness of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Safety management focuses on preventing harm resulting from both random acts of temperament and intentional strategic actions (Schechter, 2004). Safety management is a major concern in todays digital era. The Internet offers a low cost, but insecure means of reaching people.Owing to the omnipresence of the Internet, it is difficult to control and trace intrusions or attacks by unauthorized people, hackers, etc. Electronic commerce applications need secure mechanisms for accurate substance abuser identification, glide pathing sensitive database, storing and transmittance sensitive schooling, etc. Personal identification numbers (PINs), passwords, smart cards and digital certificates are some of the means normally used for this purpose. However, th ese means do not really identify a person, but only knowledge of some data or belonging of some determined object (Sanchez-Reillo et al. 1999), e. g. humankind key infrastructure (PKI) discountnot assure identity of the maker of a transaction, it can only identify the makers computer.An imposter can easily masquerade as a legitimate user and defraud the system. Information must be readily available in organizations for making decisions to support the organizational mission. Murphy, Boren, and Schlarman (2000) state that due to change magnitude connectivity and the urgency to exchange entropy and data among partners, suppliers, and customers on a real time basis, the need to protect and secure computer resources is greater than ever.As a result, this has created the possibility of exposing sensitive corporate information to competitors as hygienic as hackers who can now access organizational computer resources from remote sites. The potential loss of such information to an orga nization goes beyond financial losses and includes the possibility of corrupted data, denial of services to suppliers, business partners and customers, loss of customer confidence, and lost sales. trade protection in business processes (i. e. , maintaining proper authentication, authorization, non-repudiation, and privacy) is critical to succeederful e-business operations.Enabling business functions over the Internet has been recognized as a major component for the success of businesses and, by mitigating risks in a cost-effective manner, warrantor is now being viewed as a component of business operations (Deise, Nowikow, King, & Wright, 2000). Decisions about information systems do by managers are vital to the success, and even survival, of a firm (Enns, Huff, & Golden, 2003). Despite increased aegis measures threats, organizations have traditionally allocated very little of the total IT calculate to information gage.Forrester Research estimates that in Fortune 500 companie s, the average amount of money as a percent of revenue that is spent on IT certification is 0. 0025 percent or slightly less than what they spend on coffee (Clarke, 2002). Organizations must evaluate and prioritize the optimum mix of products and services to be deployed for protect confidentiality (maintaining privacy of information), integrity (maintaining information is not altered in transit), and availability (maintaining access to information and resources) of corporate assets.The decision to deploy certain engine room is establish on variables such as the organizational business model, level of risk, vulnerability, cost, and return on investment (Highland, 1993). There are several ways in which information can be protected. One method to safeguard information is by apply controls. The concept of controls can be applied to financial auditing as well as technical computer trade protection. General controls include personnel, physical and organizational controls as well as t echnical warranter services and mechanisms (Summers, 1997).Computer security controls can be hardware or packet product-based and may include biometric devices, anti-virus software, smart cards, firewalls, and intrusion detection systems that can be used to build the enterprise security infrastructure. Additionally, these controls may be preventive, detective, or corrective. In the area of information safety management, research has a good deal lagged practice. Dhillon & Blackhouse (2001) have stressed the need for more empirical research to develop key principles for the prevention of negative events and therefore to help in the management of security. Despite known vulnerabilities in applications and operating systems, companies continue to deploy software to stay competitive, and steps taken to secure products and services are knee-jerk reactions to media stories that are more reactive than proactive in nature. Most IT managers lack a luculent frame bring in and concrete me thodology for achieving enterprise security. A security plan that includes technology, personnel, and policies would be a much remediate approach to developing an enterprise security strategy. One such model is the Enterprise security Framework Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) model.The PWC model is comprehensive because it addresses the entire enterprise of security architecture. The model emphasizes information security strategies within the organization using a holistic rather than apiecemeal approach. The framework is based on four pillars security vision and strategy, senior management commitment, information security management structure, and training and consciousness. Within the pillars are decision drivers, development, and implementation phases. Firewalls are placed in the development phase since they are used to go forth interpretation of corporate standards at the technical level.For a detailed discussion of the PWC model, the reader is referred to Murphy, Boren, and Sc hlarman (2000). Firewalls can be considered a last line of defense in protecting and securing information systems. Wood (1988) stick outd a context for information security systems planning and proposed that reactive and incremental improvement approaches to address security are harbingers of a more serious problem. Other factors identified in Woods model are the lack of top management support, information overload, insufficient staffing, and limited resources.Straub and Welke (1998) advocate using deterrence, prevention, detection, and recovery security action cycle to mitigate systems risk and use prioritized security controls. Data on computer crimes is often under-reported because companies are not unforced to risk public embarrassment and bad publicity. Most companies choose to handle these incidents internally without keeping documentation or reporting to local, state or federal official authorities (Saita, 2001). There is a need for unbiased empirical studies in the informa tion security area that will provide insight into problems affecting todays technology dependent corporations and industries.With a strong need to collect and analyze computer security data, the CSI/FBI Computer Crime and security Survey is published yearly (see http// www. gocsi. com). This take away provides descriptive statistics but does not attempt to identify relationship between variables, as is expected in analytical looks. Also, results reported in this annual survey have been identified by the publishers themselves to be potentially misleading due to the limited number of respondents and their accuracy as a result of anonymous nature of the surveys.These results have also been called into question because of lack of statistical or scholarly rigor and self-serving interest (Heiser, 2002). Despite these limitations, the CSI/FBI survey provides a useful graphic symbol in comparison of yearly data for similar parameters. The area of human computer interface provides a link between the user and software applications. drug user triumph is a function of gasconades, user interface, response time, reliability, installability, information, maintainability, and other factors. If a products user interface catches a users attention and is simple to learn and use, and has the right hurt and features, then the product may gain competitive advantage (Torres, 2002, p. 15). The theory of user interface design and user involvement in completing task-based actions colligate to Internet and security software has been substantiated by two studies in which user interaction with peer-to-peer software (Good & Kerkelberg, 2002), and PGP software (Whitten & Tygar, 1999) were examined.Good and Krekelberg (peer-to-peer study) found that applications connecting to the Internet need better usability and software design to maintain integrity of information stored on a users computer. In this study, individuals assumed responsibility of keeping firewalls operational at all t imes. This contributed in large part to maintaining effective enterprise security. Whitten and Tygar (PGP study) found that user errors are a evidentiary portion of computer security failures, and further concluded that user interfaces for security programs require a usability standard much different from other consumer software. Although this study is not directly concerned with user satisfaction, but is more focused on factors that affect deployment rather than development of end-user software in a specific area, some factors may be directly tied to user satisfaction as will be shown by correlational compend). Due to increasing mobile and off-site access by employees using cable modems, DSL connections, and radio receiver devices to access corporate resources, face-to-face firewalls are a necessary component to maintain overall enterprise security in an organization.Because of the nature and availability of personal firewall software, most companies choose to acquire it rather than develop it in-house. Software acquisition that results in productivity gains and strategic advantage is of critical concern to organizations, and factors that relate to these benefits must be correctly identified and understood for software acquisition decisions (Nelson, Richmond, & Seidmann, 1996). Purchase of commercial software includes identifying requirements, evaluating packages from different vendors, configuring, installing, and evaluating it either as server or node-based solution.This may further involve requirements acquisition that leads to product survival (Maiden, Ncube, & Moore, 1997). As a method of selection, professionals in charge of evaluating personal firewall software could draft a feature requirements document, and evaluate vendor products by comparing available features as well as using demonstration versions of software. This would be followed by user experience with the software. As mentioned earlier, the need for user involvement in information sys tems has been considered an important mechanism for improving system quality and ensuring successful system implementation.It is further believed that the users satisfaction with a system leads to greater system usage (Baroudi, Olson, & Ives, 1986). The requirements for software though must be as measurable as possible to enable product selection and may also use repertory grids in which stakeholders are asked for attributes applicable to a set of entities and values for cells in an entity-attribute matrix. This would produce representation of requirements in a standardized, quantifiable format amenable even to statistical analyses (Maiden, Ncube, & Moore, 1997).In relation to the security area, Goodhue and Straub (1991) found company actions and individual awareness to be statistically significant in a study of perceptions of managers regarding controls installed in organizations. The normalized safety factor provided a measure of relative strength of importance attached by factors to each argumentation on the scale used during sorting. As mentioned earlier, adherents in factor out 1 felt strongly in favor of statement 4 (Performance) and opposed statements 8 (Setup/configuration) and 5 (Installation).The results of broker 2 are consistent with Factor 1, that is, Performance of the product is the highest rated criterion. ease-of-use also rated highly in Factors 1 and 2. The largest dissension between Factor 1 and 2 groups involved statements 9 (Availability of Online Help), 7 (Intrusion Reports generated), and 6 (Regular Product Updates). The most dissension between Factors 2 and 3 involved Statements 1 (Cost) and 3 (Ease-of-use). Results of Factor 3 were consistent with Factors 1 and 2, with Performance criteria once again being highly rated.The largest dissension between Factors 1 and 3 involved statements 1 (Cost), 3 (Ease-of-use), and 9 (Availability of Online Help). Extreme differences between all factors appeared in Cost, Intrusion Reports generated, and Availability of Online Help. There was only one statement, Performance of the product, that showed consensus among all factors that is, it did not nominate between any pair of factors, which indicates Performance of the desktop firewall software is an agreed upon criterion irrespective of group characteristics.The managerial implications of this study can be assessed at the level of selecting appropriate software for use on computers in organizations to maintain security. There is evidence of user satisfaction being a useful measure of system success (Mahmood et al. , 2000). While the end-user may not purchase individually preferred software for installation on company owned computers, the user can influence decisions for selection by making known to IS managers the features that would contribute to regular use of security software such as personal firewalls.Given access of these machines to corporate resources, appropriate and regular use of software would contribute to maint aining enterprise security. For technical professionals (e. g. , programmers) who install firewalls on their desktop, programs could emphasize the statements that are defining characteristics shown in Factor 3. For an industry that has non-technical professionals (such as Factor 1 and 2), other non-technical characteristics of the product could be emphasized thus achieving maximum effectiveness in program deployment.Increased awareness should minimize user related faults, nullify these in theory, and maximize the efficiency of security techniques and procedures from the users point of view (Siponen, 2000). Due to project deadlines and market competition, software is often shipped without being fully tested as secure, and standard industry practice is to release incremental service packs that address security issues in the product. In a case of security software, this may adversely affect the reputation of a vendor once its products have been shown to have high vulnerability to being compromised. knowledge on personal safety management could provide a better understanding of importance of personal firewall security software on organizational client computers. The decision to install an information system necessitates a choice of mechanisms to determine whether it is needed, and once implemented, whether it is functioning properly (Ives, Olson, & Baroudi, 1983). More research needs to be make in the area of selection of software for implementation on users computers that are owned by corporations and given to employees for off-site work.This can include regular employees vs. contractors who may connect to employer and client networks from the same computer. If the findings are to have wider applicability, qualified industry professionals and security officers responsible for maintaining secure infrastructure in corporations should be included in the analysis. The study provides management and security professionals a basis for making decisions related to enterp rise security.It provides personal firewall vendors an insight into feature requirements of the personal firewall market, and provides academic researchers interested in security, a more focused approach on various dimensions of security software from the behavioral perspective. Future studies could be industry and product specific in order to assess differences in selecting general-purpose software versus security specific products. In many cases, management has looked at the need for implementing information security programs and products as a necessary encumbrance, something akin to paying taxes or insurance premiums (Highland, 1993).But organizations are increasingly becoming aware of the potential for legal exposure via lawsuits, and are deploying countermeasures (such as personal firewalls) to reduce vulnerability and mitigate risk. The chief information security officer in todays organizations should have the responsibility of managing organizational risks by using empirical models and analysis to determine strategies for protecting corporate assets. Firewalls are the last line of defense in the corporate network and therefore play a critical role in information security.With personal firewalls being a new product genre, this study was conducted since there is no research available that specifically looks at determinants for selection of security software in a corporate environment to protect organizational assets. As the information security field evolves further, decisions for security software acquisitions need to be researched further. Selection and deployment of appropriate firewalls can make a significant difference in an organizations enterprise security strategy.It is therefore also important to understand the variables (as shown in this study) that may affect decisions to select and deploy personal firewall software in a corporate environment. It is recommended that in order to provide better evidence of factors that affect deployment of techno logy tools that create awareness of security issues and produce better informed employees, research into behavioral factors also needs to be conducted to gain insight into programs and processes that will lead to the development of a robust enterprise security strategy.Information security awareness research has been mostly descriptive and has not explored the possibilities offered by motivation/behavioral theories, or the related theory of planned behavior and the technology acceptance model, specifically in the information security domain (Mathieson, 1991 Siponen, 2000 Legris, Ingham, & Collerette, 2003). Since security has been deployed at the perimeter of electronic network and on servers by system administrators, the area of information security has ignored users of information systems since software developers are far removed from how the user will interact with security software.Human compliance with information security rules require an understanding of how people work and think (Highland, 1993). Lane (1985) considers the human factor to be the first and most important component of security and a critical part of the risk analysis process. This is especially true in personal firewall software since the burden of maintaining a secure environment is being shared by the user and the system administrator.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Rising Fuel Cost in the Airline Industry
Running Head Rising Fuel Costs and the Airline Industry Rising Fuel Costs and the Airline Industry Of both the changes that we hurt seen in the economy, force out has to be at the lead of the list as an item whose pricing affects more than reasonable the price we see at the pump. In addition to change magnitude prices at the gas pump, we have in addition seen products, services, and virtually every item sold increase due to the high price of evoke.Although render prices have dropped today versus what they were in the third and fourth hindquarters of 2008, businesses had to brand quick decisions as to how they were going to handle the rising cost so that they could still return a profit. One of the industries that the increasing price of discharge has made a large impact on is the flight path industry. Four of the top airlines southwesterly, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, and united Airlines have all had to institute changes within their organization to minimize th e impact of rising fuel costs on their fanny line. southwesterly AirlinesLast summer, when the price of crude oil increase at an astronomical rate, southwestern United States Airlines was praised as the airline that would make it through the crises. For years, sou-west used fuel hedging to keep their costs down (Reed, 2008). Fuel hedging consists of a future contract, and in this case, means that Southwest agrees today to pay a accepted price per gallon for fuel in the future (Reed, 2008). When barrels of oil began increasing, Southwest was basically locked-in with their fuel pricing. That meant that they did not have the same sense of requirement that separate airlines had at that moment in time.Southwest could still charge the same low rates, and not have to plan on making any drastic changes. Southwest began fuel hedging oer 14 years ago (Reed, 2008), and was profitable by doing so. The executives of the attach to at that time developed a strategy many years ago that had p aid off for them for quite some time. However, by the end of 2008, when crude oil began dropping, Southwest was at the other end of the spectrum. They were now paying more for fuel than the current price of fuel. This caused Southwest, for the first time in 17 years, to post a loss for the quarter (Fuel contracts 2008).However, Southwest still did not start charging customers for spare items as other airlines began doing. Currently, on their web aim, they still boast Low Fargonsno hidden fees (Southwest, 2009). Instead, Southwest opted to make other changes to their organization. These changes went into effect before the oil prices starting dropping. Southwest resolute to hedge only 10% of their fuel, in contrast to hedging approximately 75% of their fuel (Cochran, 2009). Although touted as some that Southwest knows what they are doing (Cochran, 2009), it must overly be noted that Herb Keller, the former CEO of Southwest, retired last summer.It is difficult to come up at this po int if Southwest is as creative, and that is the reason they have dropped their fuel hedging, or if the new-sprung(prenominal) leadership is reluctant to take the risks that the former CEO was involuntary to take and institute into the corporation. It is also difficult to determine if the new CEO is possibly at the eighth stage of Kotters model, and trying to anchor new approaches to the Southwest culture (Kotter, 1996). Only time will tell if the CEOs new approaches will be successful. American AirlinesWhen oil price increased sharply in the summer of 2008, American Airlines was the first major airline to start charging for the first piece of baggage (Johnsson, 2009). According to American Airlines CEO Gerard Arpey (2008), Our company and industry simply cannot afford to sit by hoping for industry and market conditions to improve (Maynard, 2008). Because American was the first to institute these fees, some saw the scat as something that could backfire on American, and called the tend stupid (Maynard 2008). However, within weeks after American started charging fees, many other airlines followed suit.As of today, although fuel costs have dropped, the baggage fees are still in effect at both American and other major airlines. American Airlines, during this volatile time, took a risk and instituted a non-traditional idea (Kotter, 1996). This move increased their baggage revenue by $94. 1 million dollars in the quarter that they began charging fees. In addition to baggage fees, American also made additional changes in their business. From mid April to mid May in 2008, American Airlines raised their fare rates 14 times to offset the higher costs they were encountering Maynard, 2008). Announcements were also made that additional efforts to reduce losses, such as cutting approximately 300 flights, and retiring approximately 75 aircraft were also taking place (Maynard, 2008). However, disdain all of these changes, and generating additional revenue, American Airli nes still posted a loss of $341 Million in the last quarter of 2008, and lost another $375 Million in the first quarter of 2009 (Bigger Q1 loss, 2009). Although the loss was large, it was still better than analysts expected (Bigger Q1 loss, 2009).However, no company can continue notification losses without a major whelm of change occurring. Although American Airlines appears to be the airline that steps out of their comforter zone and makes changes, they still are not making specie. Businesses simply cannot afford to plosive in business if they do not make money therefore, it is important the American Airlines move up their somewhat complacency level, move out of their comfort zone, and arrive at a plan that will boost their bottom line to a profit. Delta Airlines Last year, when oil prices jumped, Delta did not begin charging fees for the first bag.However, they allowed a passengers first bag at no charge, but charged fifty (50) dollars each way for the second bag checked. This double in price (from the original $25), along with higher fees for the third, fourth, and up pieces of luggage was a move to help defray the fuel costs (Delta doubles, 2008). In addition, another move made by Delta to help defray the fuel costs was charging Sky Miles or World Perks fliers a $25 to $100 fuel surcharge (Delta doubles, 2008). With fuel costs still increasing, Delta felt that they still had to make additional changes to cover the rising costs.Their fare increase had not been successful because it prevented them from staying competitive (Airlines upping fees, 2008) in the market. Therefore, Delta decided instead to charge frequent fliers, in addition to the $25 phone reservation fee, another $25 fee if the flight included another airline partner (Airlines upping fees, 2008). At this time, Delta also increased their charges for pets, oversized baggage fees, and unaccompanied minor fees (Airlines upping fees, 2008). Delta also announced last year that in 2009 they would reduce cogency six to eight percent, and ask for voluntary job cuts (Trubey, 2008).The interesting information concerning Delta was the fact that after they purchased Northwest Airlines, they lowered or dropped some of their fees. Reservations made over the phone fees was lowered, and curb side administrative fees were dropped (Delta to charge, 2008). Delta Airlines is optimistic that the merger of Delta and Northwest, along with decreased fuel costs, will allow them to post a profit in 2009. Although Delta did not jump on the bandwagon initially with baggage fees, they did change their business plan very quickly in March 2008 (Grantham, 2008).They did not wait some to see what would happen, and quickly arrived at a plan as to how they were going to handle the increase in fuel costs. Delta raised their fares, and also cut bootless flights from their schedules. Early in 2008, when fuel prices began increasing, the CEO of Delta remarked that Delta needed to ramp up changes to its o perations to deal with rising costs (Grantham, 2008). The CEO seemed to understand the urgency of the situation, and also had the power, as the CEO, to make those changes.The CEO also announced that they (Delta) would share with the employees the changes that the company was going to make, and how they would make them without the sacrifice of the employees (Grantham, 2008). This move, in my opinion, showed that the CEO had a process for change, and was communication this to the employees. With the price of fuel increasing so rapidly, it is apparent that near likely employees were nervous about losing their jobs. By the CEO communicating the vision of the change to the employees, it most likely kept the rumor mill down, and got employees to focus on the change itself, instead of unfounded fears.Another move made by Delta to decrease their fuel cost was slowing the flight speed of planes approximately twenty (20) miles per hour. On a flight from Los Angeles to Atlanta, this would ad d an additional 6 minutes to the flying time. This lowly difference would not be noticeable to the customer, but would save gallons of fuel, which in turn would save thousands of dollars. Delta also replaced seats and carts with lighter equipment, and was also studying the model of replacing manuals by electronic means (Chapman, 2008). Over 1. million gallons of fuel per year has been estimated to be saved by making these changes (Chapman, 2008). Delta appears to be very proactive on all of their changes that need to take place within their organization in order to turn a profit. fall in Airlines When the price of fuel increased last year, United Airlines made their changes in another form. United decided to lay off employees in an effort to maximize the profits on their bottom line. In June 2008, United announced that it would lay off approximately 1500 employees, remove 100 airplanes from their fleet, and also eliminated one of their divisions (United Airlines, 2008). 00 of the 1500 employees were offered voluntary retirement packages, and certain contingencies must have been met for an employee to be eligible (United Airlines, 2008). This layoff was simply the first of layoffs, as by the end of 2008, United had laid off 2500, or approximately 30% of their employees (United Airlines posts, 2009). After posting a loss in the fourth quarter of 2008, United announced another layoff of approximately 1000 employees by the end of 2009 (United Airlines posts, 2009). This layoff was attributed to the corporation fuel-hedging in 2008 (United Airlines posts, 2009).United made a gamble that fuel would continue to rise, and when fuel prices dropped, they were locked in at higher rates. (United Airlines posts, 2009). This fuel hedging strategy actually backfired on the company, as when fuel prices dropped, the company was paying higher prices. Fuel hedging almost appears to be a gamble that a corporation is taking, and with the price of oil jump back and forth so rapi dly, it is difficult to understand the companys objective hedging. It is almost as if they copied Southwests process, yet it backfired on them.United also jumped on the bandwagon and began charging for the first piece of luggage in September 2008 and also increased the price of the second piece of luggage from $25 to $50 (United Airlines raises fee, 2008). Although this scenario may not be accurate, it is almost as if United Airlines has a hard time going through their own processes and create any variant of plan or urgency levels, and relies on other companies changes to help them get through their own problems. Although United appeared to follow lead in 2008, they have just announced a new fat fee for overweight passengers (Passengers requiring, n. . ). possibly the most humorous part about this is that even on Uniteds web localise they have stated that this policy was implemented to align themselves with other major airlines seating policies (Passengers requiring, n. d. ). Conc lusion When fuel made its dramatic jump in 2008, many of the airlines scrambled to come up with a plan to help offset the increase. It appears that all were not successful, as in 2009, many are still run at a loss, and still trying to make changes to their operations. Southwest appears to lead the pack with making the most probatory successful changes.Although Southwest did lose money for the first time, they attributed their loss to the fuel hedging. As mentioned earlier, organizations can not continue to lose money, and if the airline industry does not devise a plan with significant changes, and successfully implement these changes, we may either see a bail out from the government, or see airline after airline file for bankruptcy. Perhaps the other major airlines should take a closer look at Southwests eagerness to make and implement changes into their company, and apply that to their own organization. working Cited Chapman, Mary (2008, June 11). To save fuel, airlines find no s peck too small. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from The New York Times Web site http//www. nytimes. com/2008/06/11/business/11air. html? _r=1 Cochran, Jason (2009, Jan 5). Southwest Airlines Straightening up and flying right. Retrieved April 14, 2009, from Wallet Pop Web site http//www. walletpop. com/blog/2009/01/05/southwest-airlines-straightening-up-and-flying-right? icid=sphere_blogsmith_inpage_bloggingstocks Grantham, Russell (2008, March 14).Delta to make changes in response to rising fuel costs. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from AJC Web site http//www. ajc. com/business/content/business/delta/stories/2008/03/14/delta_0315. html Johnsson, J (2009, March 2). U. S. airlines losing less luggage. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from Chicago Tribune Web site http//archives. chicagotribune. com/2009/mar/02/travel/chi-mon-lost-baggage-uaua-amr-mar02 Maxon, Terry (2008. 12,28). Southwest Airlines adjusts fuel-hedging strategy. Dallas Morning News, Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http//www. dallasnew s. om/sharedcontent/dws/bus/industries/airlines/stories/122408dnbusssouthwest. 399369b. html (n. d. ) Passengers requiring extra space. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from United Airlines Web site http//www. united. com/page/article/0,6722,52985,00. html Reed, Dan (2008, July 24). Can fuel hedging keep Southwest in the money. USA Today, Retrieved April 14, 2009, from http//www. usatoday. com/money/industries/travel/2008-07-23-southwest-jet-fuel_N. htm Reed, Dan (2008, May 21). American Airlines to cut about 300 flights. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from USA Today Web site http//www. satoday. com/travel/flights/2008-05-21-american-airlines-capacity-cuts_N. htm Trubey, J. S (2008, December 9). Delta president carrier to turn profit in 09. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from The Business Review Web site http//albany. bizjournals. com/albany/stories/2008/12/08/daily19. html (2008, April 2). Airlines upping fees to follow fuel costs. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from CBS News Web site http//www. cbsnews . com/stories/2008/04/02/travel/main3988490. shtml (2009, April 20). Bigger Q1 loss for American Airlines but still better than expected.Retrieved April 20, 2009, from Travel blackboard Web site http//www. etravelblackboard. com/showarticle. asp? id=91065=130 (2008, June 9). United Airlines, Continental Airlines cutting jobs due to ATF price increase. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from DWS Aviation Web site http//www. dancewithshadows. com/aviation/united-airlines-continental-airlines-cutting-jobs-due-to-atf-price-rise/ (2008, July 30). Delta doubles luggage fee. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from The Seattle Times Web site http//seattletimes. nwsource. com/html/businesstechnology/2008080585_deltafees
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Reaction Paper Information Security Essay
Right now we are living in a world where information is in truth abundant and mostly open to every angiotensin-converting enzyme because of the internet. Security and privacy are big issues nowadays and someone has to do some actions regarding these issues. concourse dealing with the security and privacy of information belong to the field of Information Security, and we are lucky to meet someone knowledgeable astir(predicate) this field of work. die February 27 at BA Multimedia Room of Saint Therese Building, we held a seminar about Information Technology and our speaker was Mr. Ferdinand Samaniego and to contracther with him is a Computer design graduate of Adamson University, Mr. Tet Aguila. Mr. Samaniego is the Lead Penetration Tester of Bitshield. His task is to find possible threats on applications and provide remedy to these threats.The seminar was delayed for about an hour because Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila were caught in traffic. nigh of us lost their enthusiasm about the seminar because of the delay. But when Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila arrived and started the seminar, everyone became very excited and the eagerness to learn came back to us because Mr. Samaniego told that he will tackle issues about hacking. I think it is normal for us Computer Engineering students to get excited whenever the topic is hacking. We had already attended several seminars and whenever the topic is hacking it usually get all our attention throughout the seminar. So as expected, the seminar was very lively and interactional. Students brocaded their questions and Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila willingly addressed these questions.At the beginning of the seminar, Mr. Samaniego asked us which operating arranging we are using in our computers. All of us answered Microsoft WindowsOperating System. He laughed and then challenged us that if we are using Linux Operation System just raised our hand and he will give some freebies to us. But no one raised his/her hand. He again la ughed and told us that we must try and explore Linux Operating System because it is more flexible and more secure than Windows Operating System. Mr. Samaniego advised us that when we arrived at our home that day, we try to install Linux OS in our computers or download a Virtual Machine and run Linux OS in that VM.After he discussed Linux OS and Virtual Machines, Mr. Samaniego asked us how many programing languages we learned here in Adamson University. We answered 5 programming languages namely, C++, Assembly, C, Java and C. He advised us to study more programming languages because it is our notice to enter the industry world if we want to venture on Programming or Information Security. Mr. Samaniego told us that if we want to enter the field of InfoSec we must fitted out(p) ourselves with scripting languages like Ruby and Python because it is the most common language use to analyze threats on applications. He said that based on what programming languages we knew it will be very easy for us to study another(prenominal) programming languages because most of the programming languages are based from C Language.The last part of the seminar was the most interactive part of the seminar, when we are allowed to raise any question we had in our minds. As expected most of the questions were about hacking and some were about Linux Operating System. Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila answered all of our questions and dismantle shared some of their experiences in the industry. Mr. Samaniego shared to us that he once worked with Globe Telecoms as an Information Security officer. There was a time when hackers form a hole in their network and used it to have a free internet connection as long as they have one peso load. It took them weeks to found out that issue and a couple of days to provide a origin regarding the issue.Mr. Samaniego was the one who provided the solution. He told us that the problem was very simple and the hackers were too clever to use it to have an inte rnet connection. The hackers route the DNS of a website to a different IP address, and that IP address gives them internet connection. The solution Mr. Samaniegp provided was also simple, but it was a secret he joked us. He also gave us a list of websites where wecan study Information Security, websites like,,,, and other more websites where we can start studying InfoSec.At the end of the day, I was very thankful for this seminar about Information Security. This seminar opened a new course path for me and taught me new things. Mr. Samaniego and Mr. Aguila were truly knowledgeable people from the field of InfoSec and I was lucky to meet them and listened to all their advices and lessons. I realized that Information Technology offers a broad career path and we must not stop learning because IT world is continuously developing and we must cope to these developments. A seminar like this is necessity for us to learn new things and get inspired by IT professionals.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Positive and Negative Impacts of the Sixties Counterculture Essay
Hippies represent the ideological, naive personality that children possess. They feel that with a little love and c starctedness, peace and equality bequeath abound. It is with this assumption that so many activists and reformers, inspired by the transformation that flower childs cultivated, pee-pee found the will to persist in variationizing social and political policy. Their choice lifestyles and radical beleifs were the shocking blow that American culture segregation, McCarthyism, unjust wars, censorshipneeded to prove that some Americans still had the common sense to care for one a nonher. The young people of the sixties counterculture movement were successful at awakening awareness on many causes that are being fought in modern American discourse. If not for the Revolution that the hippies began, political or social reform and the Peoples voice would be decades behind.While the hippie movement has subsided, as it became too cool and entrenched in mainstream society, the spi rit of the Hippies lives on, as their work was only the framework for decades of reform to bonk.Civil RightsThe work that hippies did, surpass in hand with African-Americans, was in truth powerful in striking the discourse on racial equality in the US. Demonstrations reached their inspirational peak in 1964 when Dr. Martin Luther male monarch Jr. marched with 250,000 people in support of civil rights and racial equality. They were successful politically with the passage of the Civil Rights Act. The fight for equal rights has not been won, however, as most(prenominal) of the hippies battles continue to be fought by the veterans and upstart recruits of the movement.Racism and inequality ensue today as the discrimination, prejudice, and hate crimes occur at an alarmingly frequent rate. Rita Sehti, in The State of Asian America, explains that media sensationalism, political expedience, intellectual laziness, and legal constraints conspire to narrow the scope of cognizable racism (S ethi). But it is still a problem of extreme magnitudein America, being fought more(prenominal) often in courtrooms than campus protests. Groups like ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union), EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunities Council), and ARA (Anti-Racist Action League) have come into force thanks to the social reform of the sixties counterculture. Organizations such as these continue to foster great changes in civil rights and equality.FeminismThe sexual revolution of the sixties was truly a womans revolution. Women were given the choice of getting pregnant for the first time in history. The value of this freedom was oftentimes more signifcant than controlling pregnancy, however. It represented female empowerment and gave women a long needed boost toward the fight for gender equality. Hippies, hand in hand with conforming women, protested and battled for equal wages, abortion rights, academic equality, discrimination, family and abused women aid, and much more. The come the acti vists made for womens rights in the 1960s is unparalleled and monumental.It is now 2004. For the first time in history, the 1972 Supreme Court ruling on Roe v. Wade is being challenged by American government. This court decision gave women the right to choose to end a pregnancy. The Bush administrations Christian fundamental values are infringing on the Constitutional values of America. On April 25, 2004 there is to be a internal protest march on Washington DC for womens rights. This is to be the largest womens rights protest in world history. Its organizers, participants, and sponsors hope that the demonstration will babble to the American people, legislators, and media the way the feminist movement of the sixties has.EnvironmentalismAs people began to recognize their relationship to each other and their environment in a new way, a heightened Earth Consciousness was born. Concern for the environment grew because hippies saw the Earth as wat it isaloving Mother Nature that provide d for and nourished their very lives. They pioneered the ongoing and tough battle to save the earth with the founding of Earth Day, Rachel Carsons Silent Spring, and groups like Greenpeace. Environmentalists host one of Americas largest political lobbies. Groups such as Greenpeace protest with zillions of members worldwide on issues ranging from destruction of rainforests, oil companies, nuclear wastes, Greenhouse effect, and biodiversity.Political Awareness and Student RebellionRecently Ralph Nader verbalise to an enthusiastic and supportive audience at Columbia College. Nader spoke about the very same issues he lectured about in 1968corporate rule, environmental protections, military-industrial knotty and unjust wars, equality and access to education, womens rights. It was an increased awareness that overtook the young people of the sixties counterculture movement. This awareness led to a social outcry against injustices in politics.The hippies, hand in hand with college studen ts, helped stop an unjust, costly, and deathly war in Vietnam. The hippies had the courage to speak out for the 67% of Americans that were opposed to the war. An anti-war movement not unlike the Vietnam protests has progressed over the past two years against the War in Iraq. March 20, 2003 was a national day of protest with over 25 million protesting the worldwide-disapproved occupation of Iraq. Seven-hundred were arrested in Chicago as the protesters marched on Lake Shore Drive. NION (Not in Our Name) is a prominent organization formedpost-9/11 that organizes, educates, and demonstrates through direct exercise against the unjustified Iraq war.The hippie movement was comprised almost entirely of youth (the 18 to 30 year- old demographic). In an unprecedented and organized fashion, these young people joined to make positive changes in the world. Youth have a powerful voice in numbers as parents, schools, and governing institutions wish not to have too much fuss in their daily lives. After the disasters atAltamont and Kent State University, some of the strength of the movement faded. But not for long. Today college students frolic a huge role in legislation reform. Groups such as SSDP (Students for Sensible Drug Policy) and YIRP (Youth in Revolutionizing Politics) have been succesful in gaining media and political support in increasing awareness of American political issues which affect the world.M Negativity MHippies grew up. Therein lies one major problem with the movement. The members of the counterculture were optimistic, idealistic kids. many an(prenominal) of them impressionable teens with a desire to conform to some group of peers. But after the fatal blows to the unity of the hippie tribesKent State massacre, mass arrests and assasinations of revered leading and activists, government censorship, rock n roll overdoses, an influx of shady, greedy characters into the hippie community, legislation (building codes prohibiting hippie communes and open hous es anti-vagrancy laws) and so onmany of these kids matured as adults and adopted totally contradicting lifestyles.Karen Thomas, longtime Chicago hippie activist and drug law reformer, tells of a time when she was working as an accountant at the card of Trade. many a(prenominal) of her colleagues and stock trader suit- types told of the jolly times at Woodstock and smoking grass and the GroovyLoooveDayz. This utter and embarassing 180 of lifestyles showed the Conservative world that hippies were indeed a bunch of idealistic kiddies who would one day grow up. They are now working for the very companies they protested against for violations of human, environmental, womens and animal rights. The irony of the grown-up hippies is damaging today, as it discredits future youth, counterculture, social, politial, and rebellious movements.There are some obvious flaws in the countercultures approach to sparking a political revolution. In some ways the philosophies of the movement were furthe rmost too broad to provoke any sort of lasting change. One must pick their battles wisely if they are to make any timely progress in legislation reform. Reallove, rising of the consciousness, and enlightenment are great for some. But it takes a bit more than a peaceful nature and groovy hair to convince those legislators in D.C. that what they are doing is wrong. Hippies never provided any long-term alternatives to the evil system they were fighting, just colorful short-term ones.It is not far off to imagine that many hippies felt drawn to the idea of protesting for cause of impure motives. Perhaps they were drawn to the excitement, the glory of speaking sooner an enthusiastic crowd, and the prestige of recognition in the scene. Allen Ginsberg once lamented that too many of the protesters in the sixties seemed to be doing it because it was a good excuse to be spiteful. Many hippies had uncontrolled anger and emotion that interfered with the clarity of their message. Long-time organ izer Saul Alinsky, in his book Rules for Radicals, asks if you are willing to cut your hair to make yourself more effective. That is a pretty good indication of an activists level of sacrifice and dedication.The hippie movement both amused and scared parents, educators, police, and government officials. They closed(a) in on the hippie movement once and for all with the Draconian drug war launched by Richard Nixon in 1969. His administration arranged for an unprecedented total of federal budget to be applied to cracking down on marijuana arrests. The drug war was used as a crutch to stop the hippie movement dead in its tracks. And it has done a pretty good job, with over five million marijuana arrests over the past decade (Sidenote 90 percent of these arrests were for nonviolent, simple posession charges).
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Discrimination against people with HIV at work
Monday morning was the best time of the week for mike for he loved going to work which could not be said for most of his colleagues. Mike had wanted to be a system analyst all his life sentence and though he had been working at Mercury Star for four and a half years. He came into the office with the drive, sense of excitement, enthusiasm and expectation that an 8 year old boy had when his dad took him to get his first bicycle.His daily routine involved getting into the office at least thirty transactions early so as to have enough time to settle in, review the previous days work and establish what would be his workload for the day. The first thing he did was to place and admire the two beautiful, polished glass trophies which sat on the table on the left side of the populate next to the picture of his girlfriend. These trophies were the reward for his hard earned success as he had been the firms employee of the year for the last two consecutive years.It was bizarre for a 28 year old to have achieved that kind of success in such a short time as mike had already been promoted to a managerial post. Mike was a respected man in his work place and his employees looked up to him and some even pegged him as they guy who provide be a Chief Executive Officer by the time he was 35. though he downplayed this remarks he always felt that he had the electromotive force and afterward wining his second employee of the year award that became his new ambition. Within just four years he had become the one of the best system analysts in the city.Mike had his whole future planned out, how he would propose to his long time girlfriend by the end of the year, he was in the middle of negotiating a owe with the local bank and he was paying the last installment on his BMW M9. He even drew up a plan in which he planned to work extra so that he would be able to go into retirement by the age of 40 and set up a system analysis consultancy firm within the city (Geoffrey 23). His posit ion in the office came with a health insurance package which until this time Mike had never used it. besides on this Monday morning Mike felt different he felt like he was coming up with flu so after he reported to work he took the day off to go and see his doctor which was unusual as Mike r bely got sick. The doctor at first was not able to tell what was wrong with him so he ran some tests. When Mike came to see the doctor late in the afternoon the word that doctor gave him made him feel like his life had just been pulled right from under his feet. The words Im sorry Mike but you are HIV compulsive keep ringing in his head.Mike did not even hear what the doctor said for next few minutes as he tried to let the news sink in. The medical cover policy had a condition that when an employee visits the firms doctor, he had to furnish the management with a complete report of the doctors examination. Mike went back to work after three days and tried to act like nothing had happened. But h owever much he tried he could not shake off what the doctor had told him he couldnt and on this particular day he got to work late which had never happened.A soon as got to the office he was informed that the impress wanted to see him. When he got into his office, the boss offered him a sit and for the next fifteen minutes he went on and on how Mike was an excellent employ but what happened after that Mike would never have contemplated. The boss told him that the board had discussed on the medical report and had come to the conclusion to let him go. It was at this point that he truly felt his world come crumble and all his dreams and ambitions came tumbling down. What and end to a brilliant young mans career.Discrimination against race with HIV at WorkA salesman interpretive program is terminated from his job when he was diagnosed as HIV positive. He was about to complete the six months requirement in order to become a unfluctuating employee but he was terminated under the dubi ous excuse of grave misconduct. But the real cause of his termination is his health condition, specifically, being positive on HIV or AIDS. The Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, more comm lone(prenominal) known as AIDS, is caused by the HIV or the Human Immunodeficiency Virus. The virus impairs the bodys defenses or immune system and leaves the body vulnerable to various serious and fatal illnesses (AIDS and the Workplace, 1992).People with HIV infection are living like convention people. They are able to perform well in their community and in their workplace environment. But still, discrimination against people with HIV is still prevalent in some areas, especially in the workplace. The United Nations campaigns for the ban of prejudice against people with HIV/AIDS. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called for worldwide efforts in battling not only the disease but the discrimination that is also widespread (Ban urges end to Prejudice against People Living with HIV/AIDS, 2008).Companie s should address issues that are link to HIV/AIDS by enhancing a non-discriminatory workplace environment and by providing education regarding the frequently asked questions on AIDS. For the workplace environment that has an increased risk in blood exchange, the company should apply a control program in order to monitor and regulate the activities in the workplace (AIDS and the Workplace, 1992). People infected with HIV have the capacity to live normally in the society. And as such, we must not deprive the infected people with AIDS to do their tasks and participate and socialize with the other members of the society.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Cat Dissection Structures Essay
Healthy kidneys make hormones such as renin and angiotensin. These hormones regulate how much sodium (salt) and fluid the body keeps, and how well the blood vessels ass expand and contract. This, in turn, helps control blood pressure. They do this by regulating The amount of water in the body. If there is to a fault much water in the body (fluid overload) blood pressure will go up. If there is too little water in the body (dehydration) the blood pressure will drop. The largeness of the arteries. The arteries constantly change in width as blood flows through them.The narrower the arteries, the higher the blood pressure. Renin helps control narrowing of the arteries. Failing kidneys often make too much renin. This raises blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high, your heart is working harder than normal to pump blood through your body. High blood pressure (also called hypertension) caused by a breakdown in these functions is common in people with kidney failure. It is also a c omplication, a secondary condition caused by kidney failure. RBC production? o The urinary system controls red blood cell production by secreting the hormone erythropoietin. . What structures enter or exit at the hilum of the kidney? Ureters, renal blood vessels, lymphatics, and jumpiness enter and exit at the hilumKnow the anatomy of the kidney so that you could recognize the following parts from a description or on a diagram capsule, hilum, renal artery, renal vein, ureter, cortex, medulla, papillae, renal columns, minor and major calyces, renal articulatio coxae. The Kidney is bean-shaped and dictated in the lumbar region of the body. The kidney is described as being Retroperitoneal-that is, it is located between the dorsal body wall nd the parietal peritoneum. 1. An average human kidney weighs about 5 ounces. 2. Sitting on top of each kidney is a single adrenal gland that essentially has no influence on the kidney. B. The nephritic Hilum-vertical cleft on the medial surface of the kidney, that leads into an internal space within the kidney known as the Renal Sinus. 1. The ureter, the renal blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves all join each other at the hilum and occupy the renal sinus. C. thither are Three Layers of Support Tissue Surrounding each kidney. The forms are 1.The Fibrous Capsule-a capsule-like layer that prevents infections in surrounding regions from spreading to the kidney. 2. The Perirenal Fat Capsule-a thick layer of adipose tissue that attaches the kidney to the posterior body wall and cushions it against blows. 3. The Renal Fascia-an outer layer of fibrous connective tissue that anchors the kidney and adrenal glands to surrounding tissues. Three transparent Internal Segments in the Human Kidney 1. The Renal Cortex-light gloomy, superficial region of the kidney. This area has a granular appearance. . The Renal Medulla-a dark red or brown colored region in the kidney. The medulla finishs cone-shaped areas known as the Medullary or Renal Pyramids. a. The base of each pyramid faces towards the cortex and the apex (Papilla) points internally. b. The pyramids contain bundles of microscopic urine-collecting tubules and capillaries. Structures known as the Renal Columns separate the pyramids from each other. c. Each pyramid and its surrounding tissue makes up one of eight lobes of a kidney. 3. The Renal Pelvis-a funnel-shaped tube that is continuous with the ureter leaving he hilum. a. Branching extensions of the Pelvis form two or three Major Calyces, each of which subdivides to form several kid Calyces. b. The Minor Calyces are cup-shaped areas that enclose the papillae of the pyramids. 1) The calyces collect urine, which drains from the papillae, and empty into the renal pelvis. The urine then flows through the renal pelvis and into the ureter which moves it to the bladder where it is stored. 2) Smooth muscle lines the walls of the calyces, the pelvis and the ureter. Urine is pushed through these areas via peri stalsis.In what part of the kidney are most of the nephrons located? Renal Cortex 4. Blood supply of the kidney Branch of aorta that enters kidney is the renal artery, which divides several propagation as it moves toward the cortex. At the base of the renal pyramids, the arcuate arteries branch into interlobular arteries that branch into afferent arterioles that deliver blood to the glomerulus. The efferent arterioles exit the glomerulus and give procession to the peritubular and vasa recta capillaries surrounding the renal tubule. Secretion and reabsorption occurs between the tubule and bloodstream in these capillaries.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Respect Yourself Essay
Nowadays, many great deal grow up with the worries of the others. good deal agitate about others expectations, comments, or treatments. raft always overthink about it until they argon as well as busy to recognize themselves. People do many changes to be accepted, to be considered as a good person, and to be treated as good as possible. Sometimes they adjudge to use a mask, become what the others want, ignore what they want to be or what they admit. They do many sacrifices and self-restraints. People put everyone else before themselves because it is such an addiction to feel that they be needed. It prep atomic number 18s them feel important and honored to contribute to person elses life.People think that they be happy to be like that totally the time because they dont realize that actually it is merely a doctrine to them. What they feel is non happiness, but that is a personal feeling of security and self-confidence that is based on getting the approval of others. In fac t, all deal that let ever done all kinds of pleasing wad have a lack of confidence. Newman said that is the main cause of why deal always want everyone around them to be happy and they do whatever others ask them to do which is called as the phenomenon of creation people-pleaser (as cited in Tartakovsky, 2011). In the beginning people-pleasers whitethorn feel happy to please others, however they need to realize that they can have serious risks such as nervous strain, anxiety, or health problems because they overthink, busy and do many things to others without thinking about themselves. That is the imbalance. Thus, in my opinion, being people-pleasers without self-respect may cause the imbalance of life.Being people-pleaser actually is not entirely their fault. People pig many myths that cipher them to be people-pleaser, such as giving is better than receiving, humans task is to spend to the others or people volition be happy when people give to others. Those myths are no t wrong, it is merely a misconception or a shield. Shield that is meant here is a self-protection when people realize that they are fake, tired, unhappy, or depressed to be people-pleaser. They use those myths to avoid the facts that they live in a wrong or unbalanced life. Those myths give doctrines to relate being people-pleaser because they are unconfident, s business concernd, and worried of what others expectations, comments, or treatments. Those thoughts direct them to do bad things to themselves, such as self-restraints and sacrifices. They are too busy to think about the others, worry about them, make them as comfortable as possible and all kinds of pleasing-people-things.People make themselves too busy to care about others, but bar and ignore themselves. They always make their necessities in the bottom of their priority or sometime they erase them. The questions are Have people loved themselves? Have people fulfilled their necessities? Have people given the nutritious foo ds, enough sleep or appropriate recreations to themselves? Maybe people seldom do that because they always puree to ignore them and make the others as a number one in their life. Because of others expectations, comments, or treatments, people also do many changes and strive to be individual they are not. They do those activities all the time until they deplete their goose egg resources, physically and mentally.The smaller energy that people have, the weaker they feel. They entrust feel like they are not able enough to keep moving forward. They will realize that they are not enough and ready to give. None of them wants to feel this feeling, so they insist to make themselves do harder than before, they ignore the limitation. People dont realize that it will direct them to the imbalance and many serious risks, but they are so cover although the alerts are there.Spadaro (2011) posited that among the alerts of the imbalance in people-pleasers life are prolonged stress or anxiety, la ck of focus, grumbling and physical or senseal symptoms. Prolonged stress or anxiety that they feel, however, especially when they feel it in their body, can be a signal that they are too busy and they dont care about the inner needs and let their reserves shrink. This problem can cause the discomfort. People wont live in happy life, they will work under pressure, not a good pressure, but bad pressure that makes them sick. So when people feel anxious or stressful, they need to give some cares.The second alert is lack of focus. When people dont fulfill their necessity, the thoughts and emotion will deceive them. They cant sit calmly, they are too easy to divert the attention and postpone all works, and they will have the difficulty in concentrating. Because of that problem, they will find many inabilities. People need to make sure that they get refreshment and renewal if they want to get their focus back and sabotage themselves indirectly. The next alert is grumbling. Grumbling or kick is a way to communicate to themselves about the unhappiness in their life. Grumbling means that actually people need help, support or break and they will feel many regrets. Therefore, if people realize that they are grumbling, they need to ask themselves why they grumble, what the causes of the unhappiness are. The last alert is physical and emotional symptoms.Body and emotion can react in many ways when people dont give enough care to themselves. Spadaro (2011) explained that the reactions can be like drive shoulder, many sighs, headache, paunchache, lack of sleep, tears, outbursts of anger, overeating, lack of eating, etc. and then those small reactions can direct people to many disease complications such as inflammation of the liver, stomach disorder, etc. Those problems are not bad. They are trying to communicate with people. What people have to do is finding out what those problems mean.There are some reconciliation steps to solve the alerts and effects of the imbalance . According to Spadaro (2011) there are 7 balancing steps1. People have to be true to themselves, especially being true to their inner calling. It is important that they have faith in their own values and remember what is important to them. Because others think people should behave in a certain way doesnt mean they are right. People need to follow their path. Even if others dont respect their decision, it is important that they do. They also have to realize what they need, what they feel, and what makes them comfortable and happy.2. People need to remove the thoughts about this or that. People are always in a situation that they have to take on between 2 choices and they usually let their necessity yield. From now, if they are in this situation again, they need to say to themselves that they have right and responsibility to give to themselves.3. People need to do some preventive actions. They have to do some actions before they are trapped in the imbalance. For example, if they feel like they will have a headache, they need to have a break.4. People have to communicate to their whole self. They have the necessity on four lifes levels which are physic, emotional, mental and spiritual. When they communicate to themselves, they have to assess those areas and ask what part that need some cares right now. People need to find it and make a commitment to make that part healthy.5. People need to feel their victory. They have to celebrate all acts that they make by respecting or being grateful, even it is too small to be celebrated. It can help them to recharge their inwardness.6. People need to do simple steps to make the world that they want to be, such as buy themselves some cloths, stop being skimpy. They have to leave the shield, remove self-restrains, and feel the freedom.7. People need to accept the compliments. They have to stop having low egotism realize that they are worthy to receive something from the others.Pettinger (2008) added 3 balancing steps1. Peop le need to learn handling criticism. Nobody likes criticism and when people are criticized, either directly or indirectly, they feel bad about themselves. They need to learn how to deal with criticism. They should not take criticism personally. They need to look at it from a detached perspective. Maybe it is false, in which case they should ignore it. If it is true, they can use it to develop their character. However, it is important not to take criticism too personally.2. People need to remember the motivation, not the results. Sometimes they work with best of motives and the best of intentions only to be disappointed by the outcome. The problem is that they equate their self-respect to out displays of wealth, success and social standing. It is the nature of life, that thing will not turn out as people hoped, but, it is a mistake to link their sense of self-worth to the achievement of external targets. People have to respect whatever they achieve, either it is good or bad.3. Peopl e have to stop impressing the others. People will stress if they are permanently striving to impress others with outer displays. People who are impressed with material wealth and social standing are probably the kind of people not worth impressing anyway. People have to be comfortable with what they have, not what they think will impress others.Those balancing steps disembogue to self-respect that will direct people to the balance. Self-respect makes them more worthy, comfortable and happy to live their life. There will be no self-restraints, sacrifices or fakes. They will have many energy resources on their four lifes levels which are physic, emotional, mental and spiritual. With those energies, they are ready to give to the others and share many positive things. Being people-pleasers without self-respect may cause the imbalance of life then what they have to do is realizing the alerts and doing some steps to solve that imbalance. As the result, they will get the balance and feel t hat they are more worthy than before. Thus, people sometime have to think about themselves first before doing something for others.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Expository/Persuasive Writing: Romeo & Juliet Essay
Is Romeo & Juliet still relevant to a new(a) audience? Romeo and Juliets story is still relevant today, as people in society and organized religion have similar experiences with what they went through. For example -Gang warfare (Capulet vs Montague)-Strength of love (Romeo & Juliet)-Strength of friendship (Romeo & Mercutio).Dont you agree?Romeo and Juliet is a play that shows how prejudice leads to escalating violence, In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare teaches that families can divide a relationship. It took both families the deaths of their own children to realize the family brawl had to be ended immediately. The two key factors of this message Love is blindVengeance never ends well.Romeo and Juliet were woozy kids who asked for trouble and got it is this fair to say? Was this Love or Stupidity? It was love alright. Love at its purest and most intense. I think thats why Shakespeare chose such young people to be the lovers. And yes, theyre stupid. schoolboyish love often is. Unfor tunately for Romeo and Juliet, they die before they get wiser, or more disillusioned.What lessons can we agree from Romeo and Juliet? We can learn that Romantic love can be beautiful and ennobling, Passion Can devolve Reason and Common Sense, Immaturity and inexperience can lead to tragic endings, Judge People by their character and personal qualities, not by their name or social standing and Innocent children sometimes pay for the sins of their parents.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay
The media is an industry where the competition is intense and it has been used by the administration individuals, organizations, institutions, cab bet, and family etc. for various purposes. However, due to the increasing competition in the industry, m any(prenominal) at times the functions and duties which the media owes to the inn are significantly overlooked. There are various functions of the media some will be discussed later on in this paper. The aim of the media has to a fearfully large extent shifted from fulfilling its roles to the society, sooner their center is often on how much entertain manpowert they can offer to their audience and how much money they can make and how pronto they can make it.Entertainment and money making is definitely key in the existence, survival and ingathering of this industry, nevertheless, this should non be achieved by inappropriately portraying a groups identity in any form. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Construction To make or create, by put ting in concert ideas, components or arguments. Group Identity This refers to a persons sense of belonging to a group. Media- be communication channels through which intelligence service, entertainment, education, data or promotional messages are disseminated.Media includes every broadcasting and narrow down casting medium such(prenominal) as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax and internet (business dictionary, 2015). THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK favorable IDENTITY THEORY BY TAJFEL & TURNER (1979) This theory was propounded in order to understand the psychological reasons and solid ground for inter- group discrimination. The components of this theory goes thus Categorization- This is the process of putting ourselves and opposites into categories, our self-image is boyfri sackd with the categories we belong to.Identification This is the process by which we associate ourselves with certain groups of pile. Nevertheless there are some groups we dont want to be identify with (out groups) and there are some we would want to be identified with (in groups). Comparison- This is the process through which we compare our groups with other groups, thereby creating a positive bias towards the groups in which we are members of. This aspect of this work will focus on two salient functions of the media amidst the various ones there are.Social hereditary pattern function- The onus lies on the media to spread positive racial and ethnical values about every existing wash and ethnic group. The meet of ut nearlighting and spotlighting the various negativities of races and ethnic groups should be avoided. Surveillance function- This is the duty the media owes to the society in circulating news and information when necessary, the media is responsible for providing information about events. THE holdION OF GROUP IDENTITY BY HOLLYWOOD (A try OF THE LATINO RACE) There are five acclaimed races in the world 1) Mongoloid (Asian and American I ndian) 2) Caucasoid (European) 3) Australoid (Australian and oceanic) 4) total darkness (East African black).5) Capoid (South African black) The Latinos could be said to belong to the Mongoloid race and most of the 315 cardinal people who live in the United States of America are all immigrants or stir ancestry to other country. In actual fact, the only truly American people are the Native ones. This country is found on the idea of migration in pursuit of a better social and economic life. According to U. S. numerate Bureau (2012), there are roughly 52 million Hispanics/Latinos living in the United States, representing most 16. 7% of the total population of United States of America, and making them the nations largest ethnic minority.Among Hispanic subgroups, Mexicans rated as the largest at 63%, fol minusculeed by Puerto Ricans (9. 2%), Cubans (3. 5%), Salvadorans (3. 3%), Dominicans (2. 8%), and the rebrinying 18. 2% were Colombians, Guatemalans, Portuguese, Honduras, Ecuad orians, Peruvians, Brazilian. The main reason for their migration has been either that they are politically endangered or have financial problems. For instance the Cubans who stop up in America wanted to escape from the political conditions in their country. Escaping from the communist government practised in Cuba, they were considered as political refugees in America for three and a half decades until 1995.As a result of Americas opposition to the Cuban government, they were treated in America better than just about any other ethnic group. This has also been partly because of their high level of education and professionalism before migration (Martins, 2006 as seen in Mousavi & Sadeghi, 2013). Latinos, Mexicans in particular, mostly live in the Southwest almost half in atomic number 20 and Texas. Puerto Ricans are mostly in the East and Cubans are in Florida.According to the U. S. enumerate Bureau, legal Hispanic household income is only 75 percent of White American income. The re is also a high rate of poverty and unemployment among them, and their socio economic status is at a low level. The cause for this situation is part their jobs being the lowest paid ones, their low education level, and employment discrimination (Camarillo and Bonilla, 2001). They are present in the news, advertisements, election campaigns, political debates, television and films.The common major feature that is present in all of these portrayals is the problems colligate to them that should be solved and not to be glorified, exaggerated or exploited by Hollywood. Before flat African Americans were more likely to be visualised as domestic workers in Hollywood. African Americans contend major roles in television sitcoms such as Beulah in the 1950s and Gone with the wind in 1939. In recent times Latinos have increasingly replaced African Americans as Hollywood domestics. Hollywood has presented an haywire reality of the Latino people to the American people and to the world at l arge, it has exaggerated a despicable image of this particular race.Although the Latinos who live in America get more roles to play in Hollywood, most of these roles are mentioned in the next paragraph. The Latino female is often presented as a temptress, vamp, lustful, promiscuous, unfaithful, manipulative, of loose ethical motive or submissive at times in relation to a white male fantasy, low class, serving the whites. A list of Ten Latino Female artists who have played the role of a maid in Hollywood Movies/series. Jennifer Lopez Maid in Manhattan, 2002 Aida Linares- Clueless, 1995 Lupe Ontiveros- As good as it gets, 1997 (She has played an visualise of 150 maid roles on television).Consuela-Family Guy, 2005-till present Nadine Valesquez-My name is Earl, 2005-2009 Paz Vega- Spanglish, 2004 Kate Del Castillo- La misma Luna, 2007 Adriana Barraza- Babel, 2006 Catalina Saavedra, The maid, 2009 Roselyn Sanchez, indirect Maids, 2013- till present Pania Ramirez Devious Maids, 2013 till present THE MEDIA, DIVERSITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE INITIATIVE (MDSCI)S SIX YEAR take up REVEALS SOME STATISTICS. Among the racial and ethnic groups studied in the Media, Diversity, and Social Change Initiatives report, released noble 2014, Latinos made up only 4.9% of movie characters across 100 of 2013s top-grossing films. According to the U. S. Census Bureaus estimates, there are roughly 52 million Latinos in the U. S. as of July 1, 2011, or just over 16% of the current U. S. population. That number is on track to reach 132. 8 million or about 30% of the U. S. population by July 1, 2050. LATINOS THAT ARE DEPICTED IN TOP-GROSSING MOVIES ARE broadly speaking NAKED.While the study does note that Hispanic females (37. 3%) were more likely to be featured in popular films than were white females (29. 6%) or Asian females (32%), Latinas are also more likely than females among any of the other groups studied (37. 5%, to be precise) to be shown partially dressed or nude on the big sc reen. LATINOS ARE ALSO HIGHLY LIKELY TO BE SEXUALIZED.The sexualization of Latinos does not stop with women. Latino men were the most likely among the studied groups (16. 5%) to be depicted wearing tight, alluring or show clothing. DANGERS OF THE NEGATIVE PORTRAYAL OF RACE & ETHNICITY BY THE MEDIA ?Since there is a tendency to believe what is represented or depicted by the media as particular races or ethnic groups are often negatively portrayed, others who are not acquainted with such group of people are bound to believe they are genuinely the way the media has presented them. ?Another danger of negative portrayals of race/ethnic groups by the media is that the junior ones from such groups whitethorn not be able to see themselves better than the way the media has portrayed them. For example if a race is continually depicted as a maid or as vulgar murderer the younger generation of such groups may not see anything wrong with being that way and could actually end up as same. ?Thi s particular race have existing challenges of employment, poor education the continuous depictions as such does not help solve these problems, but only worsens them. ?It could be difficult for people who are negatively portrayed to keep relationships with or amongst other races who are depicted as superior to them. THE NOLLYWOOD CONSTRUCT OF ETHNICITY (A STUDY OF THE YORUBA, AND NORTHERN NIGERIANS) The founding fathers of Yoruba films in Nigeria i. e. Herbert Ogunde, Moses Olaiya (Baba Sala) Based their works on the constructive values of the Yoruba ethnic group without leaving their audience entertained.In recent times Nollywood has neglected the transfer of social heritage function in the production of Yoruba films. More often than necessary abusive statements, raining of curses and the invention of such and rascality has been synonymous with Yoruba films. The very rich Yoruba close which the world could learn from is often being tarnished by our film industry. However there are various Yoruba producers who focus on spreading the positivity of the Yoruba culture i. e. Tunde Kelani, Tade Ogidan, Yinka Afolayan. Men from the Northern part of Nigeria are also often times portrayed as either a gateman or the security man of a well-established family.The character who could actually be Yoruba speaks like a man from the north to convince the audience that the gateman is a man from the Northern part of the Country. Little does Nollywood realise that many of the gatemen in Lagos which I can speak for are not even Nigerians. I have observed that most of the gatemen/security men in reality are actually from Niger Republic many of them look like Nigerian Northerners, are able to speak Hausa language but they are not Nigerians. RECOMMENDATIONS ?Every race has some sort of value and norms that could be positive, the media should hereby seek out such and spread them. ?The media needs to respect the fact that every human person has dignity and should be portrayed as such . ?They never should never assume that a particular race or ethnicity is less than the other, unheeding of the socio economic status of such groups. ?The media should seek to solve the challenges faced by some races and ethnic groups rather than exploit them. ?The media should be reminded that they are socially responsible to the society, thus they should be mindful of what they feed the society with.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Religion and Morality Essay
In this paper I forget discuss the relationship between godliness and morality. I will first address the question asked by those with religion, how atomic number 18 agnostics moral? Then I will examine morality and its relativity to culture. Next I will explore whether those without a religion are actually more moral than those with a religion. And finally, I will discuss whatsoever possible objections to my claims. This literary argument is in no way saying that those that believe in God are unmoral but that those who go int believe in God, are just as capable of being moral.Being atheist means that you choose to believe that God, or a god, does not exist. You have no faith or religion, you befoolt go to church every Sunday morning, or pray every shadow before you go to bed. Therefore the belief is that youre condemned to spend the rest of eternity in hell. So just because a person doesnt believe in a God, does that make them a grown person? A common question of those with religion is, where do atheists get their moral compass from? Atheists arent taught by any type of ultimate superior that they cant lie, cheat, steal, rape, or murder. So how do they know not to do it?The underlying message I interpret from this is religion is what keeps everybody in the dry land moral. That the only thing stopping you from murdering some integrity is reading a Bible (Marcotti, 2011). Just because you dont have a bible does it mean that you want to go around blowing up buildings and terrorizing grocery stores. Its safe to assume that most deal want to do good in the world. There is the insouciant serial annihilateer every once in a while but, the bulk of the worlds population is promoting good that exists in all forms because everybody has a different idea of whats effective from wrong.Some tidy sum make incredible scientific disc everywhereies to better mankind, thats considered good. Others might go to countries and help those less fortunate, alike good. On e might reply that these are just acts of morality. And that they still dont define a moral person. But if you animadvert about it, nobodys born with a perfect moral compass. Nobody is born with morals. Not even those that are born into a religion. In our society, when were materialization and we tell a white lie, we watch out the consequences. Some are told by their parents, who are told by the Bible, that it is wrong.Others learn that when you deceive people, it can have many effects. Through experience and questioning, do children acquire their smack of practiced and wrong. Which accompanies them throughout the rest of their lives. In Louise M. Antonys Philosophers Without Gods, she says that, All that is lost, if at that place is no God, is a divine enforcer. In a world without God, there is no guarantee that the virtuous will ever be rewarded, nor that the fell will ever be punished. We must do what is right simply because it is right, (Antony, 2007, pg. 51). Lets face t at morality and religion from a ethnic standpoint.When used in a descriptive sense morality refers to codes of conduct that are actually put forward and accepted by some society, group, or individual, (Gert, 2012). If you think about it, there are over seven billion people spread out over seven continents in our world. The majority of those people have a religion and believe in a God. But, what about the people that arent even exposed to the idea of a God? Lets say a rural, very secluded tribe in the habitable regions of northeast Asia. Just because they dont have a religion, would that make them bad people?If they lead a simple conduct and didnt steal, lie, commit adultery, or murder, wherefore should they be branded as unmoral for something they have no withstand over. An excellent insight into Chinese culture and religion is portrayed in the book, The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck. Even though this example is a fictional story, its based off of a real culture and the religiou s views of that culture in the late nineteenth century. The protagonist Wang Lung practices a religion with the Earth. When his crop is well and thriving he pays homage to the Earth God and when his crop is poor he resents the Earth God.At a point in the book, Wang Lung kills his newborn daughter because of her sex. During a time of famine, he steals gold coins from a wealthy family. And after he encounters money and prosperity, he spends his time in a tea house with a concubine instead of with his dying wife (Sparknotes Editors, 2012). But, in this story the primary(prenominal) character does feel guilt for the things that he did. Knowing that it wasnt right, and that it didnt feel right to kill his newborn child, Wang Lung still did it and the act was perfectly acceptable according to their culture.When he stole the gold from the wealthy, he knew morally that it was wrong but, his family needed the money therefore his motivation was to provide for them. And when he purchased a co ncubine, Wang Lung was complying with the cultural norm of wealthy Chinese men. Whereas in our culture, and its predominant religion, the idea of adultery and lust is considered unmoral. It is even debatable that those without a religion are more genuinely moral. For example, the Christian religion. The whole belief is that you dont sin and therefore are rewarded with eternal bliss. If you do sin then you will be eer damned.The motivation for all the good that they are guided to do is to have a better afterlife, egocentric isnt it? Well one who has no religion, has no belief in the afterlife. All the actions and choices that they make in this physical life are all they have. They live for today instead of living for tomorrow, metaphorically. When you do the right thing, like not lie, cheat, steal, then your life will reflect upon that. If you rape someone then our discriminative system will lock you up in a concrete cell for a a couple of(prenominal) decades and then you just w asted half of the only life you have.From this you could say that an Atheist has more to drowse off by not being moral. For this argument, well known atheists, Ricky Gervais said, Forgiveness is probably the greatest virtue there is. But thats exactly what it is - a virtue. Not just a Christian virtue. No one owns being good. Im good. I just dont believe Ill be rewarded for it in heaven. My reward is here and now. Its knowing that I try to do the right thing. That I lived a good life, (Gervais, 2010). A possible objection brought upon by these claims would be simply that God do morality and its not something we acquire.And for those that have faith in God, in all honesty why should they believe any differently? Their faith is what allows them to believe without having any need for reason, and that is extremely commendable. Many people arent capable of providing that much trust in the existence of a supernatural being. In this case, there are two sides to the story and it really do es come down to which side you are on. Those that have a religion would say that their morality has come from the teachings of that religion. But, they wouldnt know any otherwise.Even if they came to religion later in life, the bible provides written, physical guidance. An atheist would have a clean palette, not influenced by any ideas or direction. So the question of their morality is perfectly understandable. Its like saying if I had a sweeten bar, how could somebody else conjure that candy bar and experience the same sensation of it. In this paper, I explored a few concepts that argue the relationship between religion and morality. First by arguing where morality comes from, I said that it is something that we acquire through society. Next I said that morality is related to the religions amidst a culture.Last, I put forward that those without a religion are actually more moral than those with a religion. I Finished by providing objections and a point of view for those with a re ligion. The examples from literature that were used supported the claims make in the paragraphs. With these arguments, I believe that the relationship between religion and morality was effectively exposed. That it is not needful for one to have a religion and be moral. References Antony, L. (2007). Philosophers Without Gods . Oxford University Press Gert, Bernard, The Definition of Morality, The Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophical system (Fall 2012 Edition), Edward N.Zalta (ed. ), URL = . Gervais, Ricky (2010) Ricky Gervais Why Im an Atheist The Wall Street Journal Online Available at http//blogs. wsj. com/speakeasy/2010/12/19/a-holiday-message-from-ricky-gervais-why-im-an-atheist/ Marcotte, Amanda (2011) 10 Myths Many Religious People Hold About Atheists, Debunked AlterNet Online Available at http//www. alternet. org/story/152395/10_myths_many_religious_people_hold_about_atheists,_debunked SparkNotes Editors. (2003). SparkNote on The Good Earth. Retrieved October 25, 2012, fro m http//www. sparknotes. com/lit/goodearth/
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