Tuesday, April 30, 2019
International accountancy standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International accountancy footstallards - look for ExamplePolicies and frameworks have been developed in efforts to accommodate the entire human race into a to a greater extent domesticated environment even while in a separate geographical orientation. Such shipway with with(predicate) which the world has become integrated is with economic unions and integrations, through these, the world trade has been compress onto a more unified unit in matters of trade, commerce, politics and social cultural divide among many a(prenominal) others. Moreover, the emerging trends in financial operations are pointing out towards the same direction of planetaryization. More efforts by individual persons or nations are exerted towards harnessing global trade and relations in one global perspective. though variations are persistent within the structures of governments and individual companies, there have persistently risen the needs to coalesce the systems through which the global players ope rate. International explanation standards stand to provide avenues through which trading organizations and the nations would converge through application of more unifying methods. This paper therefore is intended to analyze the arguments by many proponents of a more unified world through the use of honey oil language and a standard financial inform system. These are the main hindrances that have in the past been seen to water down the efforts of global protagonism for a unified globe. Language barrier in financial matters and accounting field has all through stood a block to these efforts. Accounting platforms vary by the common measuring unit and thus the efforts to map financial records have always been troublesome by the fact that different organizations or states use change currencies. However, this has not been so hard for the economic blocks such as the European Union who uses a common currency, the euro. People are divided along language inclinations and people are found to identify themselves through cultural lines, language affiliation and the geographical identity. However, in the advent of the current global advancement in technology, these barriers are easily getting eroded and more unification result from the common use of technology. Nevertheless, countries and regions stand distinct on, matters of financial reporting as well as financial language. Technology has done relatively little to address unification of languages. This is the reason for the proponents of a common language in financial reporting to advance the proposition. Common international financial reporting standards are meant to drive the world to uniform global standards of accounting (Centre for Audit Quality, 2009, 1-7). IASB (International Accounting and Standard Board) is the overall body that is mandated to oversee the accounting policies and implementations thereof. Constituted in 2001, the body designs policy frameworks that run the accounting field as pertains to fina ncial reporting in the world. match to the report by Centre for Audit Quality (2009), IRFS has been adopted and accepted in many countries since 2001. This is seen to be a positive step towards realization of a more unified system of accounting in the world. However, close analysis requires thorough scrutiny on feasibility of the adoption of this common standard of accounting among organization in different countries. Nations ascribed to the standards operate the different sectors of their economies by the international standards of ac
Monday, April 29, 2019
Regulation of Free Speech on Social Media Research Paper
dominion of Free Speech on Social Media - Research Paper ExampleAs the report declares independence on one hand should non violate the rights of others on the other hand and be termed as democracy. This implies that there should be regulation of free speech on internet. However, this should not deny people the granting immunity of speech. This forms this documents base of argument that social media need to be treated as another public assembly hence to be regulated accordingly. According to the research findings balancing between the freedom of expression and promoting peer rights for the entire internet users is the key issue here. Democracy should bring equity to all people. This implies that people go through their rights of freedom while at the same time they are restricted from violating the rights of others through what they post on internet. This raise a question on how can this equity be realized in the society. The better way to approach this whole issue is amending t he existing law so as to define obnoxious content. To begin with for the freedom of expression to be criminalized, it might not necessary be that the content is obnoxious in the publics perception. Precisely, it entails strong disagreements on dearly-held practices, habits, values and beliefs that fortification of the freedom of expression play to matter most. The right to offend, shock and disturb is integral to freedom of expressions right and not contradictory to it. All the attempts to define objectionable contentshould incorporate the fact that there is a critical oddment between what the society consider objectionable, and what is objectionable from a legal perspective.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
What are the strengths and limitations of the methods of 'political Essay
What are the strengths and limitations of the methods of political economic system in offering us insights into the operation of t - Essay ExampleStudies depict that the media units reach the reader through catchy education that propels the purchases and drives out competition. However, the act is often a tricky affair as the media may employ propaganda to amend the information and reach the reader with the desired degree of perception (Skinner, 2005, p. 2). The context documents the theories and theorists on the limitations and strengths of the media in relevance to the political economy method and the general environment. The Political parsimoniousness Method Media carry release news program to the environment meant to convey information on the actual outcome of events that affect the lives of individuals. In the competitive media industry, the channels shift concerns towards profitability rather than practice the right approaches to the environment through abiding by the r egulation of conduct. For example, the readers do not expect that the information conveyed to them could be ill yet interesting, only on the different hand, it is a criterion approach that only catchy information would sale to the readers profitably (Mcchesney, 2008, p. 45). The practice implies a conflicting situation to the ethical code of conduct and the prevailing cultural values and the extent upon which the media practices foster contrast with the will to deliver information and that of amassing profits (Plappert, 2010, p. 3). The media practices of the political economy method meant to derive the adjacent set of views. The media industry depicted a continuous overflow in the market that threatened concentration, as this would normally implicate negative returns on revenues. The media depicted that globalization pursued the industry and based on the decreased diversity, come acrosss were that the international audience would tend to react towards information in a similar modal value (Wasko, Murdock and Sousa, 2011, p. 24). Prospects were that the method would hinder any negative influence from the opposition and other groups that would perceive a chance to indict charges towards the media practices. According to the team on political economy, Raymond established that the media and the public established different interests, that the extent to which the public would affect the media, was dependent on private interests of the media stakeholders (Winseck and Jin, 2011, p. 76). The Problem Approach of the Political Economy Method in Relation to the Media The method of political economy in relation to the actual cognizance of the society through media communication raised a heated debate in the 1970s. The theorists of the political economy approach outlined the importance of the method and that it enhanced the welfare of the individual society members negatively. In a way, the media would articulate communicative programs to monetary related objectives and ensure that the public felt the salient role of the information in the society (Wasko, Murdock and Sousa, 2011, p. 28). The media would evolve accordingly through the processes and programs that related inversely to the economic propulsion but ethnically contrasted with societal beliefs and norms. The theory of political economy, as initially indicated by Marx and Engels, targeted to realize ethics alongside economic values. This would further imply the aspect of consciousness towards the society. The contrast is that towards the end of implementation of the theory, the result was a positive economic approach to the business culture with less relation to the societal welfare, thus
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Decision Making - Assignment ExampleIn this step, one should be weary of confirmation bias, which stupefys one ignore incoming information because they have already decided what is best.The fibber states that dilemmas might make it hard to make decisions, as one might find themselves stuck in orbitual indecisiveness. External and internal pressure might cause one to resort to the following make hotheaded decision or delay or avoid decision-making process. The narrator outlines the following decision making skills, which dish ease the decision making processNeuromodulators such as serotonin play a all important(p) role in influencing the decisions we make. Therefore, the narrator suggests that it is best to make decisions in the morning compared to making them in the afternoon, as serotonin levels are higher in the morning. Decisions made later in the day are more than risk-averse, as one tends to gravitate towards the status-quo bias. This leads to indecision, as many opt to p ostpone making the decisions.Decisions trigger fretfulness within the individual tasked with the decision-making responsibility, as one is constantly evaluating whether they considered all the relevant factors prior to making the decision.It is easier to make a decision solely compared to making a decision after considering other peoples different perspectives. The narrator uses the example of dictatorship and democratic regimes whereby, he claims the latter are plagued with decision-making
Friday, April 26, 2019
Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Short Tandem absorb (STR) - Essay ExampleBecause of their varying repeat lengths, STRs are characterized with large number of alleles, which in turn start them being highly variable between populations (Lee et al, 1994). In addition, these microsatellite sequences account approximately for 3 percent of the compassionate genome and occur on average every 10,000 nucleotides (Collins et al, 2003). Finally, among other types of biological material, STRs are characterized with consistency and stability, which practically center that any cell contains the very same profile of SRTs. From the forensic perspective, it means that regardless of type of biological material obtained in the crime scene, appropriate STR profile proving source attribution can be conducted use any type of cell without compromising the result.From the practical perspective, STR profile constitutes simply a panel of numeric designations of each STR allele repeat number based on their electrophoretic sizing informa tion. The electrophoretic mobility of deoxyribonucleic acid is inversely proportional to the length of the fragment the longer allele with more repeats migrates slower than the shorter alleles containing fewer repeats. If a snapshot (electropherogram) is taken at a time point when two alleles of different lengths are electrophoretically migrating through and through a gel, the shorter allele will appear further from the origin than the longer allele. When looking at multiple alleles simultaneously, the STR electropherogram pattern (profile) of an individual is different from that of another individual whose alleles may be longer or shorter and indeed assigned with different allele numbers. The variation in STR allele sizes results in distinctive DNA profiles with a drollness of 1 in a trillion using the 13 core STR loci in the FBIs national database known as COmbined DNA Index System (CODIS). These 13 loci were chosen for their unique characteristics, such as number of alleles an d repeat sequence, present in each one of them. Their adoption in the
Tax Year End Procedure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Tax Year End Procedure - Essay ExampleInland Revenue and HM Revenue and Customs legislation.The lodge paysheet is unrivaled of the largest expenses a company may have and as such it is important that accurate and complete records should be kept on a daily background to ensure that the form-end procedures can be carried out with the minimum of stress or inconvenience to payroll staff. This report addresses quint different areas where payroll procedures need to be explained so that during the end of year cut-off and rollover procedures at that place is a minimum of adjustment that might need to be made to existing daily records. The five areas contained in this report include the reconciliation process, the clear-down process, submission requirements and deadlines, a general checklist and a review of procedures.The roughly helpful source of breeding on day-to-day payroll procedures is an Employers Help Book (E13, 2005) that is published by the Inland Revenue Department. This b ooklet explains how to work out and record PAYE and NICs (form P11) The procedures necessary when a parvenu soul is employed what procedures should run place when an employee leaves the company the correct procedure for changing an employees revenue enhancement principle within a tax year as well as information on former(a) different changes that might occur within a tax year such as changes in employees circumstances (reaching the age of 16, pension schemes, what to do if an employee dies and changes to insurance schemes) as well as comprehensive information on how to apply the Working Tax Credit to wages and how a company can take out Student Loan Deductions from an employees periodical wage entitlement. One of the most important payroll procedures is the allocation of a new employees tax code, as this code will determine how much tax this person should be paying in accordance with his or her personal circumstances. There are a salmagundi of codes that can be used which are generally noted with a letter (L, P, T, or Y) and one or more numbers. The Inland Revenue Department has more detailed information on how these codes should be allocated and they advise that a tax code for an employee should never be changed within a financial year without approval from the department. There are a number of different wage figures that have to be stack away end-to-end any financial year. These include individual PAYE and gross earning figures for each employee, plus the center of money that has been added to or deducted from individual pay entitlements for insurance and pension schemes, clothing allowances, travel allowances, working tax credit and other benefits and allowances. It is the companys responsibility to ensure that the calculations of weekly pay amounts and the recording of accumulative pay figures throughout the year are accurate especially in terms of PAYE as it is this amount that the company will need to pay to the Inland Revenue department at the end of the financial year. about payrolls are now completed using a payroll software program. These programs have inbuilt processes in them that ensure that the necessary total figures are accumulated on a monthly and yearly basis. supervisory checks at this stage of payroll processing should include checking weekly wage totals on a weekly basis before payments are made to employees, reconciling the weekly pay figure totals with those
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Knowledge and knowledge management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Knowledge and knowledge management - turn up ExampleKnowledge management practitioners and scholars acknowledge that thither exist knowledge that is weighty to articulate and grasp. nearly of these scholars to approach the issue by a taking the opposeational point of view and trying to represent that which is not representable, that is, trying to make hard the soft knowledge. However, knowledge as a soft or hard quality brings out a clear perception that this is not the right understanding in knowledge management. Wenger (1999), in his understanding of knowledge management, uses shared artefacts and social processes as his case study to justify individuals reification and participation in understanding KMIf we concur that experience and fundamental interaction with individuals milieu necessitate the learning process, then it is also easier to concur that learning involves translucent and tactic knowledge. Argote and Ingram (2000) emphasizes that the main key attribute to knowle dge is that it exists in the head of individuals, and it only becomes information when it is on paper or any other medium. The original knowledge, however, remains in the authors idea and an ideal world it is only transmitted to the readers mind through this medium.According to Grover and Davenport (2001), progresses today has seen to it that knowledge is put in on record inform of stories. The above sentiments created sparks among the knowledge practitioners who questions the form that the knowledge takes in the story. With other such(prenominal) as Woods and Prusak (1999) wondering on whether the soft knowledge is transforming to be harder. During articulation and understanding there is always some levels of abstraction. In order to retrieve something back, the soft knowledge is necessary. Kidd (1999) explains that an individual who concentrates on the hard aspects of knowledge, mostly newcomers, can only comprehend a story at its superficial level. He gain illustrates that the interpretation
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Engineering ethic Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
plan ethic - Case Study ExampleThe audit in alleges unnecessary costs for material loading, storage and transportation, the installation of short-lived roofing, insurance paid prior to work cancellation and excessive construction management costs, totaling more than $1.4 million (Klasfeld).In this case, the misdemeanor is primarily bribery. Such cases happen when several influential and dominant members in the contractor and the consultant firms ply bribery for the entertainment of mutual interests. Current and new engineers should beware of the way the contractor-consultant bond can gestate negative implications for the client. Moreover, Turner Construction Company has conventionally maintained a very good conjure in the American construction industry. Such allegations from the city comptroller can cause a grant of harm to the companys image. New engineers should abstain from such unethical construction practices not totally because they are wrong but also they tarnish the image of a company, which is the most fundamental asset of any company. In order to prevent such a situation from repeating itself, auditing should be do an essential component of every stage of the project. Particularly, there should be pre-payment auditing. In addition to that, proper documentation, reimbursement and suitable use of allowance are compulsory for avoiding such ethical misconducts in the construction practices.I start out lived in hostel during my undergraduate studies. Hostel life is completely different from the life at home. You forever remain among friends and foes. In my hostel, there is a culture of calling one another by mucilaginous call forths. One of my hostel mates had gynecomastia, because of which, boys started to call him Booby. Coincidently, his name was Bob. Bob got so irritated with his hostel name Booby that he made a cut into his chest with a blade. The matter was taken to the adjutant, who called all hostel boys and said that if Bob reports him about anybody calling
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Addressing Nursing Shortages Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Addressing Nursing Shortages - Article ExampleA recent survey, conducted by the NurseWeek/AONE research advisory council, was aimed at a large population of existing nurses to guess their cognitions on whether the care for shortage in America was real causing problems with the delivery of health care. The results revealed that an frightful seven out of 10 nurses involved in the survey agreed that staffing shortages at many hospitals had actually caused significant problems in the delivery of quality healthcare (Graham, 2002). With this acknowledgment in place, and with the recognition that long-sufferings were actively pang due to insufficient volumes of nursing care, it is important to identify that an inability to recruit new nurses is dramatically impacting patient (and nurse) perceptions about the troubles associated with low levels of competent care givers across the country.However, why are recruitment levels in the country down from previous age? One particular author , in this case, a registered nurse with many eld of experience in the field, suggests that the main reason is that public perceptions about nursing positions are that todays potential nursing students do not realize the important role they play in delivering patient care (Begeny, 2004). jibe to this author, teaching existing nurses as well as incoming nursing students the reality of the connection amongst care and the patient is a bridge which can be gapped by changing the public perception of the field from one in which people believe nursing is less rewarding today than it was years ago (Begeny). Further, a national funding program known as the Nurse Reinvestment Act is cited as being grossly under-funded, causing individuals who are considering nursing to be worried about potential impart repayment increases as wellas not being able to receive the appropriate funding needed to secure a nursing degree.
Monday, April 22, 2019
Interpretation of Financial Statements Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Interpretation of Financial Statements - Essay ExampleWith the do of this information one can compute fiscal ratios relating to liquidity, profitability, gearing and efficiency that help in assessing the financial performance of the company. ... 8594 33607 Acid-test ratio 0.97 1.13 1.19 0.82 Cash and short term deposits 107 47.8 13698 4660 Current Liabilities 758.1 713.5 28594 33607 Cash ratio 0.14 0.07 0.48 0.14 GEARING summarize equity 133.4 140.5 66230 62166 Long term debt 802 906.4 1316 575 Long-term debt to equity 6.01 6.45 0.02 0.01 EBIT 529.8 478.3 19782 17161 Interest expense 25.3 50.8 374 307 Interest cover 20.94 9.42 52.89 55.90 coronation Price 2,053.00 1,177.00 652.5 25.8 EPS 188.50 156.00 32.6 29.6 P/E ratio 10.89 7.54 20.02 0.87 DPS 66 55 16.65 17.15 EPS 188.5 156 32.6 29.6 Dividend payout 0.35 0.35 0.51 0.58 EPS 188.5 156 32.6 29.6 DPS 66 55 16.65 17.15 Dividend cover 2.86 2.84 1.96 1.73 DPS 66 5 5 16.65 17.15 Price 2,053.00 1,177.00 652.5 25.8 Dividend yield 3.21% 4.67% 2.55% 66.47% ( adjoining Plc, 2010 Ted baker, 2010). Financial analysis of Next Plc (NXT) & Ted Baker Plc (TED) Profitability- For the financial year 2010 the taxation profit margin of both the companies has increased as compared to the last year. Ted Baker reported a revenue profit margin of 58% in 2009 and this increased to 61% in the following year whereas Next Plc reported a margin of 27% in 2009 and it increased to 29% in the immediate year. The taxation profit margin of the former is more than double that of latter this implies that the management of Ted Baker has exercised efficient take for over the operating costs. However the operating profit margin of Next Plc is marginally higher than Ted Baker Plc. For 2010 the former reported an operating profit margin of 15% as compared to12% by Ted Baker Plc. This suggests that
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Enhancing Dementia Practice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Enhancing mania Practice - Essay Examplew of the most important strategies in Northern Ireland include educating peck about the possible signs and symptoms of dementia, creating a friendly community for tribe with dementia, creating public awareness about the greatness of early diagnosis, integrating a wide-range of services that will support the specific needs of people with dementia, and extending necessity trainings and support of carers of people with dementia.Dementia is often characterised by having memory impairment and increased risk of having aphasia delivery deficit, agnosia perceptual disorder, and apraxia motor functioning disorder (Mendez and Cummings, 2003, p. 6). Aside from having progressive memory loss, people with dementia dirty dog be very much disoriented (Gilmour and Brannelly, 2010). Likewise, there are cases wherein people with dementia experience cognitive deficit when it comes to comprehension and reasoning (Gilmour and Brannelly, 2010).Among the co mmon types of dementia include Alzheimers disease (62%) followed by vascular dementia (17%), mixed dementia (10%), lewy-body dementia (4%), fronto-temporal dementia (2%), Parkinsons dementia (2%), and others (3%) (Alzheimers Society, 2015a). As of 2015, roughly 20,966 people in Northern Ireland were diagnosed with dementia (Alzheimers Society, 2015a). By 2051, the number of people with dementia in Northern Ireland is expect to increase between 60,000 (Department of health, Social Services and usual Safety, 2011) to 61,000 (DSDC, 2015). (See Figure I Types of Dementia below)Almost one-half the number of people with dementia is receiving care and support in care homes (Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety, 2011). To help improve the quality of health and social care services given to people with dementia, the Health Minister of Northern Ireland received a funding of 6 million from the state government stand September 2014 (Northern Ireland Executive, 2014).Throu gh state funding, it is
Saturday, April 20, 2019
UK MEDICAL LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
UK MEDICAL LAW - see Examplethe fact that health check professionals are deemed ready, get outing and able to provide medical treatment and advice and by implication are bound to have the necessary skill and knowledge of a reasonable medical professional.3 A registered medical professional offering his or her service is held to this measurement.4 In addition, Lord Brown Wilkinson held in Wilsher v Essex Area Health Authority 1987 Q.B 730, CA 1998 AC 1074 that health authorities owe a province of care to patients in their care.5The question then turns on whether or not there was a breach of the standard and duty of care assigned to the medical profession on the part of adulterate Greene and/or Wilington hospital.. In determining whether or not there was a breach of the duty and standard of care, the Bolam foot race is applied. In Bolam v Friem Hospital Management Committee 1957 1 WLR 582 the court devised a two-tier tribulation to determine whether or not the medical professio nal or institution breached the applicable standard and duty of care.6 The first leg of the test inquires into whether or not the defendant professional acted in a agency that corresponds with the reasonable skilled person or vocation of the profession at issue.7 The second leg of the test inquires into whether or not the treatment or advice administered was consisted with a body of opinion in the profession.8In ascertaining whether or not Doctor Greene, acting on behalf of and on the authority of the hospital complied with the Bolam standard of care, the court will look to the circumstances in which the treatment was administered and the attending physicians post or position.9 On the facts of the case for discussion there is no specific evidence of Dr. Greens position or post within the hospital, except that he is from the casualty department.The question then turns on whether or not a doctor in the emergency room who specializes in the treatment of children would have taken the do that Dr. Green took. Dr. Green
Globalization Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Globalization - Assignment ExampleIn this paper, I will provide the ten most expensive items I own, their place of manufacture and also write a brief review of my findings and the impact globalization has had on my life and purchasing habits.Of the 10 items on the list, precisely 1 (Seiko watch) is produced in its manufacturers country of origin. 4 items ar produced in China, while 2 are manufactured in Germany. This shows that a majority of multinational corporations favor producing goods in other countries where it is cheaper to do so. By doing this, they avoid paying high or extra taxes levied upon them and hence make the final products cheaper. They are also able to incur minimal expenses in terms of production labor, since human resources are very(prenominal) expensive in their countries of origin.Globalization has had a massive impact on consumers all over the world. Actually, it does not matter how much one earns it is now possible to purchase items that were previously dee med too expensive by some consumers. Personally, globalization has affected me in a number of ways, both positively and negatively. The positive set up include the fact that I am now able to afford certain products that I could not fathom purchasing because they were costly for me. I can say that my purchasing power has augmentd significantly over the last two years, hence allowing me to enjoy the benefits of owning some products. Despite this, my financial capability has not improved much, so I am convinced that products have become cheaper. There has also been an increase in the availability of foreign products. I now have a wider variety of brands to choose from when buying items, and this is because the goods are produced cheaply and therefore can be made available to just about everybody. prohibit impacts include an increase in the number of counterfeits being produced. I have been a victim of counterfeiting before, so I know the pain and disappointment of buying something only to discover (later)
Friday, April 19, 2019
Leadership Styles of Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem Essay
Leadership Styles of Ho qi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem - Essay ExampleHo Chi Minh stood to be more powerful in a symbolic context, a standing symbol of the resistor to American efforts, a foe that was elusive and almost impossible to reach by the modern-day warfare machinery at the disposal of America, a foe that evolved into a mythical personification of the Communist resistance (Duiker, 1996, p. 360). In fact, Ho Chi Minh stood to be the real driving force, sans whom, it would have been impossible to think of a joined Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was a truly charismatic leader who appealed to the expectations and cultural affiliations of a race that had remained slavish for a long time (Duiker, 1994, p. 212). There is no denying the fact that Ho Chi Minhs scheme to project oneself as a humble and motivated, old man, with a sense of vision and a bent for down to earth wisdom commanded a great emotional appeal and sway amongst the Vietnamese citizenry (Duiker, 1994). He was decisively alway s in touch with the popular aspirations and sentiments.In contrast, Diem happened to be a modern Nationalist, an authoritarian leader who intended to pursue his own agenda (Jacobs, 2005, p. 11). Yet, Diem was always perceptible of popular aspirations and hygienic understood that his leanings towards an American agenda will project him as a puppet nationalist, subservient to the will of the Americans. So, to achieve his purpose, he devised the strategy of rousing the South Vietnamese peasantry for support, while steadily reducing the nations dependence on America (Jacobs, 2005). Though being a competent leader, eventually he ended up being a scapegoat of the American disappointment. Though Diem pursued an authoritarian glide slope towards leadership, this commence on his part was necessary in the sense that a Western style approach towards leadership would not have gone well in a society that was given to a
Thursday, April 18, 2019
The Geopolitics of Oil Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Geopolitics of Oil - Assignment ExampleHence, it got imperative for the West to dominate the politics and economy in the Middle East, a resolve that only strengthened with time.As the creation began to reap the benefits of industrialization sentience by mechanization and automation of most of the salient aspects of social, industrial and economic existence, oil and natural flatulency emerged to be the primary drivers of industrial growth, economic progress and social mobility in the developed world. The developing nations were withal marred by colonial suppression, conventional economies, poverty, political marginalization and scientific backwardness. Thereby, the expected outcome of this scenario was that if on the one side the industrialized West became the primary consumer of the world oil and gas resources, the concentration of the world petroleum reserves in the Middle East made it a strategic imperative to alter the Western grip over the region. The following decades o nly saw a continuation and expansion of this think Western hegemony. The meddlesome mentality adopted by the political class in Europe and the US was conveniently followed by the Western corporations, once they realized that petro resources surpassed any other sector, when it came to maximizing returns on investment.In a post World War II scenario, the victorious powers that are the UK, France, and the US did assure that the nations they had unnaturally carved out of their erstwhile fiefdoms were governed by autocratic rulers, who relied on their military and political backing to breastfeed on to power. In contrast, the common populace in the region deeply resented these West backed dictators. hence in many Middle Eastern nations, this popular aversion for the meddlesome, oil hungry West light-emitting diode to the rise of nationalist, Islamic or socialist political forces, the most salient examples being Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Egypt. This didnt change the Western mentalit y or the urge to control petroleum wealth in the
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Connecting assets and choosing your community Research Paper
Connecting assets and choosing your community - Research wallpaper ExampleFirstly, research findings indicate that sedentary lifestyles predispose children to obesity (Ogden et al., 2014). As such, open spaces and play argonas are critical to increasing physical activity. Secondly, effective obesity prevention initiatives conduct a multidisciplinary approach by various healthcare professions (Saxe, 2011). Therefore, healthcare expertise testament bring together physicians, psychologists, dieticians and other support staff.Thirdly, high-calorie foods pass largely to the risks of childhood obesity. High-calorie foods are more appealing to low-income houses because they are less expensive (Ogden et al., 2014). Consequently, holistic and sustainable food policies will increase access to both affordable and well foods. In the same vein, the policies will also increase opportunities for physical activity. For example, the city planning department can formulate policies that will requi re residential developers to provide playgrounds and gym facilities.Fourthly, childhood obesity predisposes children to the risk of chronic diseases, which include Type 2 diabetes and blood pressure (Ogden et al., 2014). Diagnostic tools for blood pressure and Type 2 diabetes will ensure other(a) diagnosis and management. Furthermore, Body Mass Index (BMI) charts will be necessary to identify the risk aim among children. Finally, health education is a critical nursing intervention in the sense that it gives individuals greater dominance over their health and well-being (Saxe, 2011). Conference facilities are thus required to educate parents and family members about healthy lifestyles.One partner does not own the identified assets. Accordingly, the nursing plan will incorporate assets from variant partners. Potential partners will include the mayor of the city, health providers within the community, community-based organizations, religious leaders, and parents. All theses
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
The Role of Engineer in Nation Building Essay Example for Free
The Role of Engineer in domain Building Es expressWhy should a privileged individual help an underprivileged person? As the definition suggests that the privileged person is some oneness who is having the special unspoileds, advantages or immunities or having the r are opportunity to do something that brings particular pleasure. On the some other hand the unprivileged person is someone who is not enjoying the same standard of funding or rights as the majority of the people in the fellowship. So in a socio economic allude of view the presence of both the class kindlenot be ignored solely with proper ratio. A society cant only have one of the two to improve or else we can say the wheel of the society cant be moved freely without the presence of the two but of course there should be a proper balance between these two. The law of the nature says that the bourgeon flows from the top to bottom likewise the privileged person should come and hold the hand of the underprivileged person to move the society in a proper pace.Now its the time to think of the merciful values and morality of a human being if he/she is gifted with some advantages or right then its the duty of them to come and help the people who are deprived of. On the other hand the underprivileged person should be thankful and have sense of gratitude for the person whom he/she is welcome in any sense be it money, values or spiritualism. stock-still Mahatma Gandhi told this in another shot such as I want to write many new things but they all moldiness be written on Indian state. I would gladly borrow from the west when I can return the amount with decent interest. So borrowing things from others is not a crime but one should not forget about to return with something greater to the person whom he/she is grateful to. This is a cycle of civilization and one cant break the chain.The society is mixed with people and cultures, one should be aware of the fact that everybody is equally important an d they should help each other to form a nimble and healthy atmosphere to live for the next generations to come. Even the Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen in his book The Idea of justice (2009) explained that ideal democracy demands to take from the rich and use honestly and wisely for the people. Moreover, Sen notes that in famines only a very small proportion of the population is affectedmuch less than 10%. Political air blackjack from this group alone would not be enough to force a democratic government to respond. It is the pressure from the non-suffering members of society that makes the difference.But if government officials in democracies dont dread about the starving unless they are threatened with a loss of power, why do members of the population who are not starving care about the starving? It seems that if compassion or solidarity moves non-starving citizens to advocate for famine victims, it would move government officials to respond to the famine. Even Bentham and Mill ex plained that west democracy instills an idea for the superior good of the largest number. M.K.Gandhi denies the principle and said that it should be greatest good for all. So on a nutshell we can conclude that for maintaining a true democracy it is the hold of an hour to help unprivileged people for the greatest good of the civilization.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Coca Cola Essay Example for Free
Coca Cola EssayHistoric al angiotensin-converting enzymey, many companies and corporations birth received recognition for their growth and success over time. However, although praised, discoveries of controversial issues lead consumers to question various companies ethics and operations. Coca-Cola, or simple coke, has existed for over a century, originating in Atlanta, Georgia in 1892, and eventually runing and providing make happys internationally. To daytime, the partnership produces concentrate, which wherefore sells to gust licensed bottlers internationally and ultimately ending up sold to retail stores and vending machines for consumers to purchase. on with the regular coke, the play along has also been able to produce other cola branded drinks including piss, nothing drinks and coffee. The most parkland of all, Diet setback others include Caffeine-Free Cola, Diet snowfall Caffeine-Free, change state Cherry, one C zero and light speed Vanilla. All of which could be institute in over 200 countries within the year 2013, with consumers swal scummy at the least 1.8 million servings each day, according to the book, Citizen carbon An Environmental and Political History of the reversal Company (El much p. 717).However, while extremely popular and high in demand, the ascorbic acid Company has faced overmuch controversial issues from the public in India through egress its years of growth. Out of every country that reversal operates in, India has the speedy growing market ( killer whale vitamin C). From the start of production in 1999 to present day, nose candy has spent $2 meg and exit play along to spend an addition $5 billion in India. harmonise to the article Coke rejigs bottling arm forethought, Coke has a plan to pursue expansion for the following a couple of(prenominal) years (until 2020) in India with the plan to double up their revenues to $200 billion (TOI). India is among the top seven markets globally for Coke, the C EO of Hindustan Coke utter we choose made signifi ceaset investments in the marketplace and as we get ready to push belt along growth, it is very important to develop a high quality talent pipelines. This team will action closely with Coke India to achieve our 2020 vision. Part of their expansion was foc uptaked on a prep atomic number 18 in Mehdiganj, India.The emerging markets with Coke like India and China will result in about 60% of the incremental sales volume growth (TOI). According to the book Business and its Environment, 80 pct of the worlds population lives in emerging markets countries, and 90 percent of the worlds population growth will be in these countries over the next 30 years (Baron p.477) The start of production for a few of their bottlers in India has raised issues because ofCokes use of the peeing provide of nearby villages. Amit Srivastaba, of the India mental imagery Center, a center that works to support movements against corporate globalization in In dia said, Three communities in India Plachimada in Kerala, Wada in Maharashtra and Mehdiganj in Uttar Pradesh atomic number 18 experiencing severe water supply shortfalls as a result of Cokes mining of the majority of the common groundwater resources around its facilities (KillerCoke). mavin of their issues comes from its production in Mehdiganj, near Varanasi, India, that has been in operation since 1999, and has been the center of attention in many surrounding villages since 2003 and especially after Coke announced that they are planning to expand by $25 million. In August of 2012, according to the article Coke Abandons Expansion Plans in India Because of pee, the company halted their plans to expand in Mehdiganj because of a delay in a no-objection certificate and topical anesthetics becoming concerned about environmental dangers (The Wire). Organizations such as the India pick Center and others who organize protests increase the awareness of issues, and in that locationf ore private code have been made an alternative to government regulations. As a result, the dodge Coke had all along failed to see through when the locals did not approve of their actions.If Coke does not have an affective nonmarket strategy in place for their activities in other countries, major opportunities drive out close when issues of any kind arise. A nonmarket strategy is important to avoid government regulations and to keeping the companys opportunities open. A gradient from the government, the companys opportunities can also be controlled by private politics such as protests, public criticism, absorb groups as well as public sentiment towards the company. (Baron p.31). The other factor that can affect opportunities is moral concerns, which Coke seems to be going through this issue right now. Coke should formulate a policy that oversees the use of water in India, which is the major concern of groups in private politics. Interest groups that are in consort from the surrou nding villages in India include anti-coke nongovernmental activist groups, Varanasi-based activist, environmentalist, politicians, farmers and the villagers that have created lives in surrounding worlds.Leading from within these interest groups is The Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board a statutory governing entrusted to implement Environmental Laws and rules within the jurisdiction of the stateof Uttar Pradesh, India (UPPCB). The Control Board had found that Coke violated a number of conditions of its license that had to do with the use of water. The company had not yet obtained clearance for the extraction of groundwater from the fundamental Ground Water endorsement (CGWA), a government agency that monitors and regulates the process in water-stressed areas (The economic Times). still Coke had some objections to these accusations. According to Coke, a Central Ground Water Authority report from 2012 stated that the reduction of groundwater in the area was not due to their co mpany.According to the article UP pollution board shuts down Cokes Varanasi unit, the maker of fairyland said in a statement that the plant in Mehdiganj has complied with regulatory approvals and applicable laws in India (The frugal Times). Despite these statements, according to the Central Ground Water Authority, the groundwater in Mehdiganj has gone from safe back in 1999 when Coke got back into operating in India to critical in 2009. The closure order by the Central Ground Water Authority stated that Coke increased its production capacity from 20,000 cases to 36,000 cases a day without the boards licence. Similar to this problem was one in 2004, when one of the 68 Coke plant in Plachimada, Kerala was shut down over accusations that the operation led to the reduction of groundwater (see Exhibit 1).The company faces statute holding it liable for $47 million in ill-treats (The Economic Times). Initially, Coke had founted beneficial for the local economy, but then the regulatio ns and protesters hit the company as a result from the critically low levels of water. Although this may have halted the companys expansion plan of $25 million into Varanasi, Coke is seeking permission from the Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board to expand into Mehdiganj. With authorization, they will increase productivity by opening a second bottling line. However, the struggle continues as the recent closure has already inspired other protest to start, outset problems down the companys future operations in their bottling factories.Over 10 years ago, a protest by farmers and anti-globalization activist successfully launched a Quit India campaign in order to divulge Cokes expansion into Varanasi. Many villages are verbal expression big companies like Coke are coming into India and using their drinking water, even when levels are critically low for basic living manipulation (see Exhibit 2). According tothe article Coke has a bottler of a headache in India the level of water for the villagers became even lower as Coke proceeds to operate in India. Amar Signh Rathor, a farmer in the village Mehdiganj, has noticed the continuous decline of water levels by simply observing his own well. at bottom three years, the water level below his water table has fallen by over 18 meters. Most of the population of Mehdiganj (approximately 10,000 large number) blamed Coke for the shocking decrease in their water supply (Sydney stop of the day Herald P.13).The plant that is to blame is at the edge of the village. A villager named Shakuntala Devi said, If the Coke plant isnt shut it will be impossible to live here (Sydney morn Herald P.13). Coke violates human rights for the people of India by taking their water and in the process they damage the environment. According to the article Cokes Crimes in India, they are draining a vast majority of groundwater from farms and turning farming communities into virtual desserts. These farmers support that have been destroyed have resulted in a increase of suicide, and everyday for many years now, there are protests of some sort, big or small, against Cokes abuse in India (KillerCoke).On November 24, 2004, a protest outside of the Mehdiganj plant broke out and quickly turned violent. Multiple villagers had attempted to break the barrier of the police in order to reach Coke property, resulting in a defensive besiege in return from the police. Organizers stated that there were approximately 2,000 people mainly woman and youth who took percent in the protest, although Coke reported a much smaller number. This was the first of many protests to start, even though they were at a smaller scale. In this protest alone, two hundred villagers were reportedly arrested during the brawl (Sydney Morning Herald P.13).According to the article Indian villagers want Coke plant shut amid water fears, later on in June of 2007, four hundred people marched and rallied at the Varanasi district magistrates (DM) office, demandin g that the Coke bottling plant in Mehdiganj be shut down effective immediately. Within the four hundred, included people from twenty different villages, all of who submitted a letter to the district magistrate, Vina Kumari Meena, drawing attention to the water shortage and pollution of groundwater and land causedby Cokes operation. The letter demanded that the operation be shut down (Monitoring South Asia).Due to the adversity of the situation, the director of The District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) declared the water issues in India as iniquity zoned. A dark zone category infers that ground water resources are over-exploited, and more than 85 percent of the total recharging of ground water resources is being extracted, which resulted in all new underground installations being clear by the government (BBC Monitoring South Asia). Accusations of unethical acts against the environment can lead to nongovernmental geological formations forming, which affect the organization in q uestion by mobilizing people to work for causes.These groups have been instrumental in advancing the causes of environmental protection, health and safety protection for consumers, and civil and human rights (Baron p.75). The lead of the campaign Lok Semiti (Peoples Committee), a nongovernmental organization that is against Coke, Nandlal Master, said When people themselves do not have enough water to meet their basic water needs, why should Coke be allowed to siphon hundreds of thousands of liters of water every day (BBC Monitoring South Asia)? But the issues with Coke go beyond the use of water and its reduction impacting a majority of the villages.Coke provides bollocks product from their operation to farmers as fertilizers for their crops. A BBC study found that the fertilizer contains virulent chemicals, stating, Dangerous levels of the cognize carcinogen cadmium have been found in the sludge produced from the plant in the southern state of Kerala (BBC news). governance the Facts, an investigative journalism for BBC, sent presenter, potty Waite, to further investigate the allegations. Part of the investigation consisted of sending a sludge sample to the University of Exeter in the UK, and the results were very alarming. The test revealed that the sludge was a useless fertilizer that contained the toxic metals cadmium and lead.David Santillo, a senior scientist at the universitys lab, affirmed that the levels of cadmium and lead have not only contaminated that sludge provided to the farmers, but the entire water supply as well. The levels aremodal value above those approved by the World Health Organization. Britains leading poison expert, professor John Henry, said, The results have devastating consequences for those living near the areas where this waste has been dumped and for the thousands who depend on crops produced in these fields (BBC News).The professor is correct to assume these consequences because cadmium is a poison that can accumulate in the kidneys and with repeat mental picture it can cause kidney failure. Lead is also dangerous, and more to children than to anyone else. Even at low levels, lead can cause mental retardation and even anemia, a blood deficiency (BBC News). The professor also explains that with the levels of chemicals in the water, pregnant women in the villages in India consuming from the farms goods can fall vulnerable to miscarriages, stillbirths and premature births. After these alarming results, more test where conducted on the diffused drinks.In the year 2003, the tenderness of accomplishment and Environment (CSE), a non-for-profit and nongovernmental organization based in New Delhi, India, well-tried 12 cold soft drinks (Pepsi, Mountain Dew, Diet Pepsi, Mirinda Orang, Mirinda Lemon, Blue Pepsi, 7-Up, Fanta, Limca, Sprite, Thumbs Up and of course Coke). The article, Pepsi, Coke contain pesticides CSE, based in India was the one to write about the cold drinks, which included 2 big companie s, Pepsi and Coke. Both companies failed health standards when both drinks tested positive for pesticides. The tests from three samples of each of these Pepsi and Coke brand drinks that was conducted by the Pollution Monitoring Laboratory (PML) of the Centre of Science and Environment showed that the samples contained residues of four very toxic pesticides and insecticides lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos. These four pesticides are known to cause cancer, damage the nervous and reproductive system, and severely damage the immune system (Rediff).These tests were conducted in the year 2003 from April to August with samples from cross way of lifes the city. The samples from Coke were found to contain pesticides that exceeded global standards by 30 times the limit at 0.0150 mg/l, with the EEC limit of total pesticides being at 0.0005 mg/l. Coke defended its position by saying their plants use a multiple barrier system to remove potential contaminants and unwanted natural substan ces includingiron, sulfur, flagitious metals as well as pesticides, Our products in India are safe and are tested regularly to learn that they meet the same rigorous standards we maintain across the world (Rediff). But despite these statements the citizens of India seem to intend the Centre of Science and Environment, as sales have been impacted in the so-called safe and high-quality drink and investors from the company in India have lost confidence (Coke India).Looking at the nonmarket issue cycle, Coke is way past the issue identification, interest group formation, legislation, and has now reached the Administration phase in India (see Exhibit 3). The issues were identify soon after they got back into India in 1999. Villagers, farmers and environmentalist noticed the problem, starting many groups interested in the closure of these factories, sparking the many protests stated above. Legislations already started within the Indian Parliament banning Coke drinks from its cafeterias . Amit Srivastaba, of the India option Center, stated that the ban came as a result of tests by the Indian government and private laboratories, which found high concentrations of pesticides and insecticides in the cola drinks (Indian Resource Center).If Coke wants to prevent their company from becoming the next Enron in the ethical sense, they need to take the right action now before they sink too low in unethical actions and laws of the government that are way out of their control start to enforce legislations. Enron was a energy company that was found out to be engaging in unethical marketing malpractices including refutation of reports regarding the financial position of the organization in order to continue from benefiting from the investments provided by the stakeholders, a false energy crisis to gain more money from investors and finally, executives of the company embezzled money from unsuspecting investors which led to the bankruptcy of the company. Cokes name is a global brand that can definitely work its way out of the unethical characteristics in the communities of the countries it operates in by simply providing the same quality of goods around the world.So far, Cokes way of handling the issues in India has been very questionable. Their strategy thus far is to globalize their company nomatter the cost, ethically and environmentally. Protesters from many interest groups have eliminated many opportunities for Coke and have been assail the company for over exploitation and pollution of water that is already dangerously low. Interestingly, Coke responds with public relations scams, deceptive statements and points out awards of how they are corporate societally responsible (KillerCoke).The article Cokes crimes in India further expands by saying that Coke stated, For four consecutive years, Coke plants in India have won the prestigious Golden Peacock Environment Management Award for environmental practices from the Institute of Directors, which grant s the award in association with the World Environment Foundation. Similar remarks were made in late 2005 when the company claimed to be acknowledge for being a Water Efficient Unit by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) (KillerCoke).Coke continued on with their misleading information in 2007 at two Canadian college campuses about their activities in India and Colombia. Coke bragged that The Energy and Resource Institute (TERI), described as an Indian-based nonprofit research organization, had begun an assessment of our companys water resource management practices in India (KillerCoke). TERI is a respected Dehli-based nongovernmental organization with deep experience in sustainability issues, and Coke falsely stated they were working closely with them on their water management. However, Coke already began to make social responsibility a top priority by drop in new innovations and plant processes to wait on make more improvement moving forward. The Coke webpage of the UK ind icates that outside of their plants they attempt to replenish more than vitamin C percent of the water that they use by creating rainwater harvesting structures, restoring ponds, and leading interventions that focus on up(a) water efficiency, among other things. And by 2012 they met their goal and exceeded it to 110 percent of water replenished throughout India (Coke UK).From the article Villagers to Coke Go away In India, foes claim company is depleting water supply, a Coke spokesman stated the shortage of monsoons in India from June to October is to blame for water depletion affecting Indias agriculture. Harry Ott, the director of Cokes Global Center for Water Excellence said, If the monsoons are good, these problems dont come up. Today in mehdiganj the land aroundCokes plant looks lush. Fields edge with mustard plants, potatoes, peppers, wheat and rice (The Atlanta Journal-Constitution). But the struggle continues as people focus more on the bad rather than the good. Coke like many other businesses focuses on the profitable side of their operation, without realizing the environmental damages it can cause to surrounding communities.When Coke is looking into the future of the company, it is looking to double their revenues more than working on a nonmarket strategy that will prevent interest groups from the communities they operate in to question the companys morals. Doubling their revenues further proves that Coke, being the number one beverage company in the world, has some money to play with. In Kala Dera, protests are starting because of the lack in Cokes corporate social responsibility, leading back to the use of water and the damage being do to the communities around it. In 2010, shareholders at a meeting taking place in Duluth, Georgia, were told by Amit Srivastaba of the India Resource center, It is only a matter of time before the Coke company will be held financially and criminally liable for their operations in water-stressed areas in India. He continued by stating The company management is being seriously derelict in its duties by not acknowledging the real extent of the liabilities Coke has fixred and continues to incur in India (KillerCoke).By investing a few million dollars a year of the billions of earnings they have reached ever since the late nineteenth century when the company first got started, they will be showing the shareholders that Coke is doing something to get on the right track. Coke could start with compensation of the crops that farmers lost when they initially started to operate in India, and also assure the farmers that Coke is investing in new innovations to solve the water issue so it will not be a problem in the long-run. Also, Coke could invest into the education in India by opening new schools increase awareness of diseases through nongovernmental programs, as well as investing in the communities in which their bottling factories reside. With the issues out for the public to read about, it should be an incentive for the company to not continue down this horrific path in developing countries.Other things Coke should considering doing for the sake of their image is stepping up in community service, donations focused to suspensor clean up the streets that their distributors travel in, donations to nongovernment organization, show the public thatthey are actually working to stop the shortage and contamination of water without spreading lies of what they are actually doing. One way to do is by continuing their activities so far to stop the shortage of water and further help the environment by planting trees. The article Trees Reduce Air Pollution mentions that trees can help with the gas pollutants from the factories by absorbing them through the pours in the leaf surface (DNR). Furthermore, the company can look to work with the nongovernmental organization TERI in efforts to better sustainability of water resources, instead of just talking about doing it because in the end act ions speak louder than words.BibliographyCoke rejigs bottling arm management. The Times of India (TOI). (September 24, 2013 Tuesday ) 425 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. bodyguard Accessed 2014/12/15.Uttar Pradesh Pollution Control Board. June 5, 2014 UP pollution board shuts down Cokes Varanasi unit. The Economic Times. (June 19, 2014 Thursday ) 430 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. Date Accessed 2014/12/15. Coke has a bottler of a headache in India. Sydney Morning Herald (Australia). (February 17, 2005 Thursday ) 1181 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. Date Accessed 2014/12/15. Indian villagers want Coke plant shut amid water fears. BBC Monitoring South Asia Political Supplied by BBC Worldwide Monitoring. (June 7, 2007 Thursday ) 622 words. LexisNexis Academic. Web. Date Accessed 2014/12/15. June 7, 2007 Thursday Villagers to Coke Go away In India, foes claim company is depleting water supply . The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. (May 29, 2005 Sunday ) 1908 words. LexisNexis Academi c. Web. Date Accessed 2014/12/15. UP Pollution Control Board, Lucknow (UP Pollution Control Board, Lucknow). Was Accessedhttp//www.uppcb.com/ Indian Resource Center. PRESS Groundwater Levels Continue Downward Spiral Around Coke Plant. March 11, 2010. Was Accessed http//www.indiaresource.org/news/2010/1001.html India Resource Center. Coke Mehdiganj The Issues. March 7, 2013. http//www.indiaresource.org/campaigns/coke/2013/mehdiganjfact.html Ray Rogers. Cokes Crimes in India. Campaign to Stop Killer Coke Cokes Crimes in India. Killer Coke. Was Accessed http//killercoke.org/crimes_india.php Was Accessed http//www.cseindia.org/Pepsi, Coke contain pesticides CSE. Was Accessed. http//www.rediff.com/money/2003/aug/05pepsicoke.htm Coke India. Was Accessed http//www.Cokeindia.com/factsmyths/varanasi.html Coke India. Was Accessed http//www.Cokeindia.comEasy need to Understanding ENRON Scandal Summary. (Enron Scandal Summary). 2013 Was Accessed http//finance.laws.com/enron-scandal-summary CocaColas water is used responsibly in its operations in India FAQ (Coke GB). 2010. Was Accessed http//www.Coke.co.uk/faq/community/responsible-Coke-water-use-in-operations-in-india.html Trees Reduce Air Pollution. Was Accessed http//www.dnr.state.md.us/forests/publications/urban2.html Mosendz, Polly. Coke Abandons Expansion Plans in India Because of Water. August 26, 2014. Was Accessed http//www.thewire.com/business/2014/08/Coke-abandons-india-production-expansion/379128/ Elmore, J Bartow. 2013, Citizen Coke An Environmental and Political History of the Coke Company. P. 717 Baron, David P. Business and Its Environment. 7th ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J. Pearson Education, 2012. 784. Print.
How Personal Experiences Shape the Way We Are Essay Example for Free
How Personal Experiences Shape the Way We Are EssayE very(prenominal)body has their own share of make outs in life. just about have throws that affect their lives. However, there are also some community who do think that their experience is just non-consequential. Well, in my point of view, I think experiences are very important for every individual. It shapes up the expression community view things and sometimes it does c fall downe the attitude of the person. I have two events that I would like to share. I consider these experiences as very important and life changing. My first important experience was when I was seventeen.In our country, kids are required to take a public examination in the beginning graduating high up school. The teacher gave the class two months to prepare for the examinations. Most of my classmates got serious during that time. I consider myself a halcyon go lucky person before. I will never forget what I did. I acted very irresponsibly. As the say ing goes, Time is gold. Well, I didnt genuinely know what that means then. I hang out with my friends almost every day. My parents scolded me for being so negligent of my studies. They actually forced me to study some(prenominal) times and asked me to concentrate on it.I never did listen screening then. It was a big misunderstanding on my part. When the results of the exam came out, it was really disappointing. I remembered I was already working in my parents company. I could not even face my parents. After getting the results it is now time to go to college. My first cousin and I went together for an interview. I felt so ashamed because my cousin has higher marks. When I got back home that day, I came to my mom and I cried. I apologized to her for not giving my best effort in the exams. I got into Santa Monica College.Ive worked hard on each subject that I took. This experience had make me enlighten that nothing is for free in this world. If a person wants a good compensation , a good movement or a good standing, one must make efforts to achieve what they want to have. I go for this experience would give other people a lesson on prioritizing important things in life before having fun. Another experience that I would like to share was the time when I was in my ninth grade in school. I have joined an organization called YMCA. This organization supplies lots of community services to people.It takes perplexity of the elderly, half-wit people and children. I get emotional when I see elderly people. The old people in the organization live by themselves in old broken apartments. Most of them are really lonely and are ignored. No one listens to them. In all that time, I saw myself in their space when I get older. I would not like to be treated in the same way by young people. I started to care for them by piffleing to them and cleaning up their apartments. Some talk to me happily and are really excited that someone is listening to them. However, some of th em cry when you touch them.These reactions tho show that most of the elderly needs more love and care from the younger people. This had shown me that lots of people need the help and love of others. It changed my views and made me care for my parents more. These experiences had given me a lot to think about. It made me a better person and I am proud to have experienced this in life. non everything can be studied and read in the book. A person must go with these experiences in order to realize what they are taking for granted. Precious experiences such as these must be treasured.
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Capstone Project Essay Example for Free
Capstone Project EssayThere is no more need to fight crowds, find a parking spot, and deal with traffic. The high street and trip order systems still have a place in the mix of purchase routes however it is no longer the only method of do purchases. The Internet revolution has seen a massive increase in the long distance purchases made by consumers, as geographical barriers are no longer as important as they were.The lack of geographical importance has influenced the strategy of Internet companies. One of the first companies that took vantage of this was the online bookshop Amazon. om. Amazon. com is an organization that offers a broad range of services to consumers and is considered an online leader of pure-plays pure online merchants. Amazon. com was founded in July of 1995 with a armorial bearing to fully utilize the Internet to make book buying fast, easy, and all in all, a very enjoyable experience. They currently have 29 million customers in 160 different countries, ma king Amazon. com one of the leading online merchants. It is rated third in backup-to-consumer online revenue as of June 20, 2000. Amazon. com represents the ideal e-Commerce companionship.It was one of the first to dispute the potential for virtual upstarts and turned the commercialise on end even leading the bricks and mortar companies. dismantle the caller-outs mission and vision statements against the performance of the organization. Then, evaluate how well the association lives out its mission and vision statement. Provide support from the organizations performance in your evaluation. Amazons telephoner mission and vision statement is to continue to offer quality products and services using the best engineering available and at a reasonable price.This results in highly loyal customers, while brinytaining shareholders interest and company profits in mind. We also want to expand geographically, change magnitude the number of customers and to keep improving our main compe titive advantage infrastructure. By functional hard and having fun we seek to offer the best working environment to our employees, promoting career opportunities, and to increase our responsibility towards environment and the society. (www. amazon. com). In basing that off of the performance of the company it suffer be concluded that they are living out their mission statement.As more retail categories deliver added, the opportunity allow for only expand Assess how the organizations strategic goals link to the companys mission and vision. The strategic goals of Amazon. com are very simple they work off of six radical principles which are the freely proffers products and services, the use a customer friendly interface, the company scales easily from small to large, they overwork its affiliates products and resources, the use existing communication systems, and finally Amazon utilizes universal behaviors and mentalities (www. arketingplan. com). Most of the merchandising the Am azon does is indirect marketing where you probably will not see allot of ads for the company on billboards or during the commercial breaks of televisions shows, the company uses allot of online ploys and has very good relations with other partners they use these strengths to market themselves to a great amount of people.This goes hand in hand with their mission statement and vision which is increasing the number of customers and to keep improving our main competitive advantage, since the majority of society uses the internet for all of the personal line of credit needs, this will work to the advantage of Amazon as they can link up with several of their business partners and even provide links on those pages that will take a potential customer forthwith to the website. Amazon rarely uses the offline marketing process they use the motto Since most people shop online that is where they will be. (www. arketingplan. com).Also Amazon has a convenient way for customers to make their purc hase more in effect and efficiently which is part of the marketing strategy of them focusing on being customer friendly. Amazon uses a streamlined ordering process that applies the most advanced technology to allow the customers to better navigate and research online. Amazon uses a one click option once you have everything that you need, you place them in your hoop and you pay for everything all at once without having to do multiple orders which make it convenient for the customers.Analyze the companys financial performance to determine the link between the companys strategic goals, strategy, and its financial performance. Detail your findings. One of the main strategic goals that Amazon has set with the company is offer quality products that shoot down in profits that sen cadencent is identified in the mission and vision statement and over time this company has been able to maximize their profits and minimize their expenses by means of the North the Statesn market as well as t he international market as well.The earnings statement shows that Amazon has found a way to have increased sales performance through both of their selling markets. The North America segment consists of amounts earned from retail sales of consumer products (including from sellers) and subscriptions through North America-focused websites such as www. amazon. com and www. amazon. ca and implicate amounts earned from AWS. This segment includes export sales from www. amazon. com and www. amazon. ca. The International segment consists of amounts earned from retail sales of consumer products (including from sellers) and subscriptions through internationally focused locations.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Women in the Renaissance Essay Example for Free
Wo manpower in the Renaissance EssayWhat was life like for Renaissance wo manpower? If you were a woman in that time, would you have desire it? and How was the treatment towards women? Questions like these keep pestering my mind as I research about the Renaissance. It is senseless at how little exemption women were given compared to this day and term. Not all that, it is clear and obvious that men in the 14th to 16th century in England were given special privileges, while females were non. This is absurd.Women should have been tough as equals with men and without inferiority. The English Renaissance was a period of time filled with great injustice, jumpy treatment, and unfair consequences. The life that most women live currently is a luxury compared to the Renaissance since females may major(ip) in whatever career she wants, choose who she wants to bond, and in general, make her own decisions. Yet, it has non al dashs been this way. In the Renaissance, females were d eemed inferior to males and there were laws that restricted womens rights.For example, Protestantism underscored womens wifely and maternal roles and simultaneously closing run through religious orders that had heretofore offered women a realm for their exercise of spiritual and social power (Smith 25). Men could not even give females any power, even if was just religious powers. Any authority for females was looked down upon, for men believed women would misuse it since as inheritors of eves sinfulness, women were pronounced disobedient, lustful, and physically foul (Smith 25). Females were assumed that way so thus were the inferior gender and treated differently.As males were superior, it was accepted that they had the higher authority so their wives and daughters followed his orders. The daughters had no say to who her father conjoin her to. The main purpose of daughters was as a bride. If they could not marry or lacked the dowry to become nuns, they had to find work (Women 324). Almost all girls were not allowed to patch up who they could wed. Their father primarily chose the groom and marriages were often a matter of business. It did not matter whether or not his daughter love the guy.In addition, the fathers expected certain values for girls chastity, obedience, and hush up These were thought to prepare daughters for their second stage of life, as a wife (Women 324). Chastity was needed because girls could not be married without it, obedience for listening to the betrothed, and silence to not argue with the preserve. Sometimes, young girls married men twice or three times their age (Women 324). Imagine having a spouse as old as ones father, or worse, grandfather In nobles, the girls had their husbands chosen already at the age of ten or eleven.After five or six age, on the actual wedding, they would meet each other for their first time (Women 324). They were usually married to men with power and wealth the main reason of the wedding meant shar ing a lords property or a noble name and continued success. Many women married men they just knew, or never met. After following her fathers orders, she then had to obey the demands of her new husband (Women 324). Women in the family had different roles depending on what social class they were. The roles of mostly upper class women consisted of different struggles than that of demean class women.For example, upper class women were, placed with crippling limitations on developing artistic or intellectual skills a woman might possess (Women in the Renaissance). If a woman had sophisticated abilities and wealth, there were much marital offers that came from other nobles. Also, the girls, from a young age, were taught needlework, etiquette, and other talents. In the lower classes, women tended to have less freedom of movement in lower classes they were always handicapped by the physical strains and dangers of constant childbearing and by endless hard labor to provide for the family (W omen in the Renaissance).Most of the lower class had to do all their work themselves instead of hiring helping hands or servants since the majority could not afford it. only the cooking, shopping, and cleaning were usually done by the females. They had no time for etiquette and needlework scarce for other labors in the household. Marriage in households was not the best either. Man ruled, women was his property, and he was free to humiliate, strike, and even murder her (Gail 40). That sounds biting but it happened.The husbands were even able to murder their wives if their wives were caught in adultery. adultery was consistently viewed as a wifes crime punished by execution and viewed as treason (Women 317). It was not unheard of for the husband to kill her since divorce did not exist. It seemed that it was always the wifes fault for seducing other men (Adultery). Regularly, men engaged in sexual relations outside marriage without having to be killed. Women were often married as a matter of business and not by love so of course they would be unhappy and unsettled in their relationships with their husbands. Most tended to simply submit their lives and deal with the marriage.Others refused to accept their fate and looked to encounter their own desires elsewhere. Yet, for a woman who gives into her desires is thought to be deviant however, the male supremacy in ahead of time modern England only perpetuates the female desire to be unbound by societal expectations (Adultery). Would it not be frustrating to have to be with a man one did not love? Since males controlled females, it was only predictable that women would want to rebel. There were women who wanted to express their opinions but in other ways.The only way women could rise was through education and struggle (Gail 42). It was only reasonable that women could finally be noticed through their intellectual abilities. However, most men of the day, including churchmen, scholars and educators, stood together against women, and constantly spoke of them with contempt (Gail 42). Males believed it ridiculous for women to be able to have a formal education instead of learning how to be a proper wife. In spite of all this, the Renaissance was known as the time of the rise of women.It was Spain that was known as the field of learned women due to the Saracen influence (Gail 42). The Saracen women were granted spiritual equality to men and women because of the Prophet Muhammad, whose followers invaded Spain in 711 (Gail 42). Juan Luis Vives, a tutor in Spain, educated Queen Isabellas four daughters and then traveled to England, where he stirred interest for educating girls (Gail 43). He published books that supported schooling for girls. He began this idea and others took it up. The notion of having virtually all females literate was a new thing.Not everyone agreed but there was a polished change. During the Renaissance women lost economic power, but, at least briefly, gained status and oppo rtunities for education (Did women have a conversion? ). The women would finally have literacy instead of lighter, more informal material. Not only that, the time of questioning of womens inferiority was the beginning of Querelles des Femmes, or the disputes about women (Women 325). The educated daughters of humanists, businessmen, and clergy wrote to counter arguments for female inferiority and mastery to men (Nym Mayhall 45).The women were finally taking actions for their treatment. No more would they keep waiting on men. One such woman was Christine de Pisan who wrote Livre de la cite des dames, or Book of the City of Ladies (Nym Mayhall 45). This was the first important intrusion of a woman to this discussion. Pisan argued about the schooling and training of women and how it was what made them inferior to men. Not only that, she challenge that womens subordination resulted not from womens natural inferiority but from mens resent of womens virtue (Nym Mayhall 46).Men know wha t females can achieve and feel threatened by the opposition That is why there is subordination between the genders. Other European women elaborated upon these opinions. Some include the cut author Marie de Gournay, British playwright Aphra Behn, and Venetian poet Lucrezia Marinella (Nym Mayhall 46). Many early feminists wrote texts that contradicted notions of womens inferiority inherited from absolute authors and Christina texts and arguing that women were fully human, not restricted by their natures or biology (Nym Mayhall 46).This led more females and males to move in this heated discussion. The idea of equality between genders was beginning to change for the better bit by bit. There were famous females who began to defy men and act upon their beliefs. Some wrote and published their views, others simply followed their dreams that men had taken away, and a few noblewomen used their wealth and status to influence things. The females showed that women were as good as men, whet her they wish it or not. For instance, Isabelle dEste was a noblewoman who was the Marchesa of Mantua. She was not only a patron of the arts, but also an rapture to great artists like Titian and Da Vinci (Isabelle dEste). To name a few other women, there was the French writer Marie de Gournay, Venetian poet Lucrezia Marinella, and British playwright Aphra Behn (Nym Mayhall 46). These people tried to defend the reputation of women and show the excellence in females by creating literal works. Further women such as Italian Gaspara Stampa and French Louise Labes wrote poetry, romances, stories, novels, and plays (Women 326).Many other females wrote but compared to males, the published works were little. Yet, its the thought that counts. Women writers published their thoughts and opinions. Life in the English Renaissance was comparably challenging to that of our current life. There were more limitations and expectations for females. It would terrify most girls in this day and age to mar ry at such young ages and not even know who the groom is What if he was twenty years older?Such things were one of the many worries of girls in the Renaissance, alongside with household chores and duties. It was all because of the chance of creation born female. Four hundred years from the Renaissance, there is finally equality between both genders. though there may sometimes be evidence of inferiority, overall females have the freedom to choose and decide what they want and never have to be restricted by rules. There is no need to solicitude the consequences of reading a book in public or disobeying ones father in a matter of marriage.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Too Far Ahead of the IT Curve Essay Example for Free
Too far-off Ahead of the IT Curve EssayOver the eld Peachtree had gr bear from a single hospital to a regional network of 11 institutions. With over 4,000 employees and a million patient ofs Peachtrees IT infrastructure has non kept up with their growth. The on-going IT system is not reliable, efficient and secure. The company bursting charge is to give quality, consistency and tenacity cover across the entire network delivered with efficacy, economy and respect for patients and staff. In addition, unlike the health care exertion which go to mensurationized care, Peachtree believes its contract should be on the selective standardization. In hostelry to achieve its objectives, Peachtree needs to keep down its failing IT infrastructure. This could be attained by slaying of SOA establish system since it top hat aligns with the companys business model, mission and goals. Another recommended step is that Peachtree turns toward an incremental execution of SOA. Peach tree should retain what still works and adds value to the company and exchange hardly the almost inefficient split of the current system. Finally, standardizing only certain areas of clinical treatment could impart efficiency and follow savings and at the same time would forgo doctors to make the final call, so the quality of care and patient sentry duty wouldnt be compromised.Current SituationDuring the last 12 years Peachtree had grown from a single teaching hospital to a regional network of 11 healthcare institutions with excess encourage facilities. All 11 healthcare institutions have different size, purpose, history and culture. Each hospital has its own IT system and is doing things differently. As a result, Peachtree is encountering a problem with its incompatible technology that creates many another(prenominal) problems and brusk performance. The consistency and continuity of care across entire network is compromised which is not consistent with Peachtrees goals. In addition, Peachtree current system is not reliable. Reliability is crucial for the company, since the doctors and patient depend on it, and the system is very chief(prenominal) for carrying out the companys mission. Another related issue is that a lot of time and budget goes into maintaining the current system. Thesupport and control of the current system is very difficult, and its not cost efficient.The more Peachtree grows, the bigger that problem allow become. This is not consistent with companys goal to deliver care with the highest level of efficiency and economy. While the healthcare industry has moved towards standardization, Peachtree has resisted. One advantage of the current system is that it doesnt enforce blanked standardization, but provides flexibleness. It gives the physicians freedom to form their own judgments about which treatment to use for which patient. This ensures quality care and respect for patients and stuff which is part of Peachtrees mission statemen t. Yet, many areas of clinical treatment could safely be standardised around best practises without compromise patient condom and quality of care. Moreover, in some operational areas, standard based system could create efficiency, cost savings and higher quality productions.CriteriaIn order to ensure that Peachtrees IT system is aligned with companys strategy to provide quality, consistency, and continuity of care across the entire network delivered with efficacy, economy, and respect for patient and staff, Peachtree needs to consider the following criteria when selecting its parvenu IT system.1. IT system runs smoothly and reliably.2. IT system provides high level of security.3. corpse is cost efficient.4. System is user friendly.5. System allows for selective standardization.6. Clinical information could be completely computerized.7. System allows for tracking of care performance and patient outcomes. 8. IT infrastructure is consolidated.9. System is flexible and allows doct ors to make the final call. 10. System allows for continues improvement.Alternatives and Recommendations1. Implement Monolithic IT System.Pros Allows implementation of standard procedures across all hospitals.Little risk of system failure since costs, challenges and benefits are known.Allows doctors to work together.Provides single come in of systems and applications.Cons Requires more time to implement.More expensive $500 mill +Redesign acquired facilities.Limit doctors independence.2. Move to SOA based system.Pros Allows for continues improvement.Provide opportunities to access, localise, redesign reprioritize along the focus.Quick.Flexible in $ ability to integrate new facilities.Allows replacement only of certain inefficient parts of the existing system.Provides a range of standardization choices.Cons Technology is untested in health care environment.Cost is undetermined.Benefits are uncertain. happen is higher.3. Make a full scale implementation of the new IT infrastructure. Pros If the project is successful it could help the company to achieve its business goals.Cons Cost could be substantial.Risk is high.Project is hard to manage and control.4. Make an incremental implementation and replace only certain parts of the senile system.Pros Minimizes risk.Makes project more flexible.Makes project easy to control.Allows the IT to shift priorities and be more efficient.System dependableness is not compromised.Allows replacement only of the most inefficient parts of the existing system.Cheaper than replacing the whole system.Cons decision devising which peace of the infrastructure should be replaced may be challenging.5. Implement fully standardized care.Pros Easier to support and control. break integration of applications.Lower cost.Cons Could smother the quality of care.Physicians may resist standardization.6. Implement selective standardized care.Pros Allows to standardized certain areas of clinical treatment safely around the best practises and at the same time provides the physicians with flexibility to decide on the treatment which is best suited for the patient.Increases efficiency, provides for cost savings and higher quality products without compromising patient safety and the quality of the service.Cons Could increase cost.Could make difficult infrastructure improvements and coordination.Could lead to very interlacing system.Its recommended that Peachtree implements the SOA based system since it best aligns with the companys business model, mission and goals. SOA based system provides a range of standardization choices, reliableness, flexibility and cost efficiency. It alike allows replacement of only certain inefficient parts of the existing system. It is also recommended that Peachtree turns toward an incremental implementation of SOA. Peachtree should retain what still works and adds value to the company and replace only the most inefficient parts of the current system. This would be more cost efficient approach and w ould provide opportunities to adjust and redesign along the way. Also, by gradually installing the SOA, Peachtree and its doctors would learn about how the systems worked and master it in a sense as the infrastructure moved further. Furthermore, it is recommended that a selective standardized care is implemented. In that way certain areas of clinical treatment could be standardized in order to achieve efficiency and cost savings. At the same time, doctors would be allowed to make the final call, so the quality of care and patient safety wouldnt be compromised.Risk Management PlanSince the SOA technology is untested in the health care environment, its implementation might be risky, but with a proper planning the probability for success is greatly increased.In order to ensure success with the implementation of the SOA based system, an oversight committee must be formed. The committees place will be to ensure that the new system aligns with the business goals and that the implementati on schedule is followed. This will decrease the risk from project failures.Since the cost for the implementation of the new system is undetermined, Peachtree should be strong enough to douse the hit if the technology project goes overbudget. Series of mild, but independent projects could be run which will reduce not only the financial risk, but the risk of businessand technology change. This also will provide opportunities to adjust, redesign and reprioritize along the way. The oversight committee will also play an important role in preventing budget overruns. Yet, if the new system is total failure, Peachtree needs to be prepared to terminate the project.In order to ensure success of the SOA based system, Peachtree must carefully consider how the new system could be best aligned with companys current business practices. The management needs to determine what the system needs to do, which parts from the old system still add value and should be retained, which parts need to be rep laced and which standardized. Again, series of small but independent projects will allow for project flexibility and adjustments along the way. Peachtree could use pre-fabricated SOA module conjugate with customized modules to achieve the most basic and critical functions first. Since SOA allows for outsourcing, Peachtree could purchase a custom built service and focus on modules that best help the company to achieve its strategy. However, Peachtree is in an unique position since there is not pre-built SOA for the health care field. This may result in unexpected cost, but should allow for more customized modules making the achievement of the business goals easer.The health care industry is not competing on price, but its competing on product features, quality of service, delivery time etc. Thus, the quality care is very important for the success of the company. In order to maintain a quality care, the new SOA system must excel at reliability and security. Reliability is crucial for the company since the doctors and patient depend on it. Even a short downtime could be disastrous for Peachtree. In order to ensure reliability the new system should be well intend with respect to force out failures hackers and hardware failures, and based on a single transferable platform to allow for efficient data sharing. By using pre-built modules, when possible, the system could be both reliable and secure. Furthermore, if outsourcing is used additional people would need access to confidential data in order to implement the process. Peachtree needs to look the outsourcing company to ensure the confidentiality of the patients.While the threat of new entrants, substitutes and bargaining power of the patients is low for Peachtree, the bargaining power of the doctors is high. Its possible that the doctors resist the change. Its very important that the capabilities of the new system allow for user friendly interfaces in order to appear to doctors. Peachtree could use inputs fro m the doctors and implement them in the new system to meet their needs.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Outsourcing Plan Essay Example for Free
Outsourcing Plan Essay1. Outsourcing has plump a way to increase an organizations flexibility to meet rapidly changing securities industry conditions, focus on core competencies and develop competitive advantage. As a result, the need for SM has intensify and positioned Supply Managers as agents of strategic change critical to supply chain success.A. True2. Outsourcing decreases an organizations flexibility to meet rapidly changing market conditions, but it can usually reduce meat costs in the long-termB. False3. Early supply management involvement is an approach in supply management to bring the expertise and collaborative synergy of suppliers into the design process. A. True4. The strategic sourcing envision should be developed in a collaborative environment that includes all relevant functional field of study representatives and supply chain members.A. True5. Foreign governments never impose countertrade requirements.B. False6. Statutory rates atomic number 18 full rate s for tariffs.A. True7. Which of the following is not a strategic issue in reservation the outsourcing decision?A. The issue of short-term vulnerabilities.8. Which of the following is a consideration that favors buying a product?B. quintuple source policy9. Which of the following is not one of the conditions demanding negotiation?C. Market must consist of qualified number of sellers.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Tyson’s Marketing Move Essay Example for Free
Tysons Marketing coin EssayAn article in the Australian (31 January 2007) entitled Ethanol boom fuels food prices Tyson talks near the Tysons view on boosting ethanol proceedsion. Tyson, the leading producer of meat and poultry products calls the attention of the US government as to the increasing cost of corn feeds due to booming production of ethanol. This article illustrates how an emerge can affect the marketing activities of companies. The marketing plans of a smart set are affected by a dynamic marketing environment. The marketing environment of a company is composed of several forces. This includes competitive, economic, political, legal and regulatory, technological and socio-cultural forces (Pride Ferrell, 2006, p.8). These forces affect both the customers and the marketing mix of the company. Marketing mix is referred to as elements of marketing that will make full the customers. These elements are product, distribution, price and promotion. Product refers to a good, a service or an idea. Distribution deals with making the product conveniently available to the customers. The price variable relates to decisions and actions that will lead to determining product prices.Promotion refers to activities of the company that will inform customers about the organization and its products(Pride Ferrell, 2006, pp.6-7). A vendor mixes these elements and determines the right combination that will get out to what customers would need and want. The Tyson-Ethanol article shows how the company used the booming ethanol issue as a marketing tool.The company president and chief executive gave the companys stand on the food-vs-fuel debate by recognizing the effect of ethanol produced from corn crops to the global prices of food. By doing so, it is somehow promoting that Tyson wants its products to be affordable to the customers but because of this issue, prices may increase. This illustrates how economic and technological forces of the marketing environme nt can affect the element of pricing and promotion in the marketing mix. According to Pride and Ferrell (2006) the effect of the forces of the marketing environment on both the company and the customer can be dramatic and unpredictable. It can either be a problem for the marketers or a great opportunity to generate new products or new ways of getting the customers attention. Companies who are alert to changes in the marketing environment can capitalize on these issues. Marketers can pronto adapt to these changes and use them as opportunities that will be beneficial to the company.As Borden (1984, p.9) said the skillful marketer is one who is a perceptive and practical psychologist and sociologist, who has keen insight into individual and group behavior, who can see changes in behavior that develop in a dynamic world, who has creative ability for building well-knot programs because he has the capacity to visualize the probable response of consumers, trade and competitors to his move s. The marketing team of Tyson, through this article, shows that they are assured of an issue that they foresee would affect their business. That then shows how they adapt and plan accordingly their next move.ReferencesBORDEN, N H. 1984. The model of Marketing Mix. Journal of Advertising Research, vol. 2, p. 9.CAMERON, D. Ethanol boom fuels food prices Tyson. 2007. The Australian, 31 January.PRIDE, W M, and O C. FERRELL. 2006. Foundations of Marketing. capital of Massachusetts Houghton Mifflin College Division
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